

Din sökning på "*" gav 535548 sökträffar

Deregulation of the Wilms' tumour gene 1 protein (WT1) by BCR/ABL1 mediates resistance to imatinib in human leukaemia cells

The Wilms' tumour gene 1 (WT1) protein is highly expressed in most leukaemias. Co-expression of WT1 and the fusion protein AML1-ETO in mice rapidly induces acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). Mechanisms behind expression of WT1, as well as consequences thereof, are still unclear. Here, we report that the fusion protein BCR/ABL1 increases expression of WT1 mRNA and protein via the phosphatidylinositol-3

Quasi-resonant Energy-transfer In Collisions - Na2(a(1)sigma(u)(+))+k(4s)

Cross sections for electron energy transfer from the initial rotational state J' of the two lowest vibrational levels upsilon' = 0 and upsilon' = 1 of excited dimers Na2(A) to potassium atoms as described by Na2(A1Sigma(u)+, upsilon'J') + K(4S) --> Na2 (X1Sigma(g)+, upsilon''J'')+K(4P)+DeltaE have been examined by laser-induced fluorescence. A strong increase of the cross section by as much as an

Konsten att öppna för konversation

Konsthistorikern Grant Kester har formulerat en dialogisk estetik som tar fasta på konsten som en öppen, kollektiv sfär. I boken ”Conversation pieces” lyfter han fram konstnärer och filosofer som beskrivit eller förverkligat konsten som en dialog.

Tribute to a great obstetrician: in memory of Ingemar Ingemarsson.

Ingemar Ingemarsson, grew up in a rural area in Småland in the southern part of Sweden. He studied and graduated at the Medical Faculty at Lund University and started his career in obstetrics and gynecology in 1972 at the University Hospital in Lund. He defended his PhD thesis in 1975, was appointed consultant and later became Head of the Department and Professor in Obstetrics at Lund University.

Frequency estimation from crossings of an observed mean level

By counting the number of upcrossings of the mean level by a stationary Gaussian process one can estimate the mean frequency of the process. If the mean level is unknown and estimated from the observed mean level, then this crossing estimator is more or less biased, depending on the length of the observation interval. It is shown that if the interval is at least two mean wavelengths, then the bias

Depersonalization disorder may be related to glutamate receptor activation imbalance.

Low-dose ketamine administration mimics, both clinically and on gross neuroimaging, depersonalization disorder. The perceptual effects of ketamine may be due to secondary stimulation of glutamate release and lamotrigine, possibly by inhibited glutamate release, may reduce some of ketamine's so-called dissociative effects. However, lamotrigine does not seem to be useful in the treatment of deperson

Sperm chromatin structure assay in prediction of in vitro fertilization outcome.

Sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) assessed by sperm chromatin structure assay is a valuable tool for prediction of fertility in vivo. Previous studies on DFI as predictor of in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcome, based on relatively small materials, gave contradictory results. The present study examines, in a large cohort, the association between sperm DFI and the outcome of IVF/ICSI procedure. T

Barriers to adherence to hypertension guidelines among GPs in southern Sweden: A survey.

Objective. To evaluate barriers to adherence to hypertension guidelines among publicly employed general practitioners (GPs). Design. Questionnaire-based survey distributed to GPs in 24 randomly selected primary care centres in the Region of Skåne in southern Sweden. Subjects. A total of 109 GPs received a self-administered questionnaire and 90 of them responded. Main outcome measures. Use of risk

Streptococcal M proteins and their role as virulence determinants.

Group A streptococci (GAS, Streptococcus pyogenes) are exclusive human pathogens that have been extensively studied for many decades. The spectrum of diseases caused by these bacteria ranges from uncomplicated and superficial to severe and invasive infections. In order to give rise to these complications, GAS have evolved a number of surface-bound and secreted virulence factors, of which the M pro

Prognostic value of proliferation in pleomorphic soft tissue sarcomas: a new look at an old measure.

Though proliferation has repeatedly shown a prognostic role in sarcomas, it has not reached clinical application. We performed a comprehensive evaluation of the prognostic role of 5 proliferation measures in a large series of soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities and the trunk wall. One hundred ninety-six primary soft tissue sarcomas of the extremities and the trunk wall were subjected to DNA fl

Cripto Regulates Hematopoietic Stem Cells as a Hypoxic-Niche-Related Factor through Cell Surface Receptor GRP78.

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are maintained in hypoxic niches in endosteal regions of bones. Here we demonstrate that Cripto and its receptor GRP78 are important regulators of HSCs in the niche. Flow cytometry analyses revealed two distinct subpopulations of CD34(-)KSL cells based on the expression of GRP78, and these populations showed different reconstitution potential in transplantation assa

The reconfigured body. Human–animal relations in xenotransplantation.

The article explores issues concerning the reconfiguration of human and animal bodies in modern biotechnology. The examples are based on xenotransplantation: Transplantation of cells, tissue and organs from animals to humans. Three thematic issues that emerged from xenotransplantation research in Sweden in the 1990s and early 2000s are examined in the article. The first issue concerns how the pig

Prediction of disease-related mutations affecting protein localization.

Eukaryotic cells contain numerous compartments, which have different protein constituents. Proteins are typically directed to compartments by short peptide sequences that act as targeting signals. Translocation to the proper compartment allows a protein to form the necessary interactions with its partners and take part in biological networks such as signalling and metabolic pathways. If a protein