

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

Foteviken - Kungarike i upplevelsernas tid

This chapter discusses the phenomenon of the so-called Foteviken Viking Reserve, a place in southern Sweden where living history is performed in a re-created town-like structure from the Middle Ages relating to the historical event of the battle at Fotevik 1134. The purpose is to discuss creative forms of use of living history within today's experience-oriented public communication.

Gränsbygd och svenskkrig. Studier i Blekinges, Skånes och Hallands östdanska historia

1500-och 1600-talen var en period av maktkamp om herraväldet i Norden, men också en period av statsbildning, centralisering och stora samhällsförändringar. Dessa händelser hade också stor effekt på gränsbygdens innevånare. Gränsbygdernas politiska betydelse för det tidigmoderna Euorpas stater är ett alltjämt ganska outforskat område. Denna bok tar sin utgångspunkt i den östdanska gräsnbefolkningen

Omvändelseromanen i svensk 1900-talslitteratur : några genrereflexioner

The Novel of Conversion in Swedish Twentieth-Century Literature: Some reflections on genre The point of departure for this article is an ongoing investigation of the novel of conversion in Swedish twentieth-century literature. After discussion of an appropriate definition of the genre, its origin is located to the spiritual autobiography in the tradition of Augustine's Confessions. A number of qui

Health Claims in the EU and their Scientific Substantiation

A new Regulation on nutrition and health claims came into force in 2007 with implementation during a three-year period and will harmonise this area within the European Community. It makes provision for health claims on foods, including reduction of disease risk claims, and thus recognises the importance of food and nutrition for health. Member states have provided suggestions for claims regarding

Studies towards ß-turn mimetics, synthesis of kedarosamine from threonine, and synthesis of glycopeptides from mucins and gp120

The secondary structure of proteins is crucial for proper function of the protein in biological systems. Peptide T, an octapeptide from the envelope glycoprotein gp120 of the HIV virus, has previously been shown to be responsible for binding to the CD4 receptor on T helper/inducer lymphocytes. NMR studies showed that the four C-terminal amino acid residues of peptide T adopted a beta-turn conforma

k-space Models in MRI Using the Concept of Partitions, Applications with special reference to Overhauser-enhanced techniques

A new model describing the image formation in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been developed. The k-space description of MRI pulse sequences is expanded by introducing new dimensions to describe the phase dispersion due to flow, acceleration, jerk, diffusion and magnetic field inhomogeneities. When the multi-dimensional k-space is combined with a partition model it becomes possible to model t

Observer-Based Solution to the Strictly Positive Real Problem

We study the extension of the class of linear time invariant plants that may be transformed into SPR systems introducing an observer. It is shown that for open loop stable systems a cascaded observer achieves the result. For open loop unstable systems an observer-based feedback is required to succeed. In general any stabilizable and observable system may be transformed into an SPR system using cas

Helicobacter pylori Sialic Acid-Specific Surface Lectin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Helicobacter pylori är en Gramnegativ spiralformad human-specifik patogen med förmåga att penetrera magsäckens slemlager och kolonisera i epitelskiktet. H. pylori infektion betraktas som en högriskfaktor för utvecklandet av kronisk gastrit, magsår och ventrikelcancer. H. pylori har en komplex cellyta med ett flertal kolhydratbindande proteiner, sk. lektiner att interageHelicobacter pylori is a gastric pathogen colonising the gastric mucus layer and epithelium of gastric tissue and is associated with chronic type B gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. The attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells involves several structures recognised by specific bacterial surface proteins. Since colonisation is an initial and critical step in the development of a chroni

Carbon metabolism in non-conventional yeasts: biodiversity, origins of aerobic fermentation and industrial applications

Popular Abstract in English Our exploitation of yeasts, dating back to the Neolithic period, in fermented and baked foods remains deeply routed in societies due to their cultural and economic importance. Due to the long intimate relationship with yeasts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the “baker’s yeast” remains the organism of choice. However, there is an enormous biodiversity of other yeasts, termed Abstract: For millennia, the “yeast” Saccharomyces cerevisiae remains by far the most extensively studied and exploited yeast in food and industrial applications. A number of researches and developments have been done since the establishment of the biochemical function of yeast by Louis Pasteur in 1860, however modern lifestyles often connected to food related health trends demand new and innovati