Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar
Parental occupation and preterm births: a nationwide epidemiological study in Sweden.
The hypothesis was that some occupations could lead to preterm birth (PTB) because of potential exposures to various agents. The objective in this nationwide follow-up study was to analyse the association between PTB and parental occupational groups, controlling for potential confounders. Data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register, in which all children born in Sweden from 1990 onward are regist
Risk Factors of Rectal Cancer Local Recurrence: Population-based Survey and Validation of the Swedish Rectal Cancer Registry.
Aim Despite advances in rectal cancer treatment local recurrence (LR) remains a significant problem. To select high-risk patients for different treatment options aimed at reducing LR, it is essential to identify LR risk factors. Method LR and survival rates of 4157 patients registered 1995-1997 in the Swedish Rectal Cancer Registry were analysed. LR risk factors were analysed by multivariate metho
Lär skolan ut anarki?
NIRA-modellen: Ett sätt att klassificera investeringar
Vår eldste bok : skrift, miljø og biletbruk i den norske homilieboka
Ren tur att kärnvapen inte råkat fyras av
Systemet lagom : rusdrycker, intresseorganisationer och politisk kultur under förbudsdebattens tidevarv 1900-1922
[abstract missing]
Att skapa historia med armborst och yxa
Mapping landfill gas migration using resistivity monitoring
Abstract in UndeterminedResults of geoelectrical resistivity monitoring at two landfill sites, a bioreactor landfill and a conventional municipal solid waste landfill site over a week are reported. The main objective was to investigate if geoelectrical resistivity can be used for localising paths for landfill gas migration. The resistivity results were also related to local pore pressure measureme
Enterostatin up-regulates the expression of the beta-subunit of F(1)F(o)-ATPase in the plasma membrane of INS-1 cells.
Exposure to high-fat diet easily promotes overeating while at the same time disrupting insulin secretion and islet function. Enterostatin is a peptide which is secreted from the pancreas in response to high-fat feeding and has been shown to inhibit fat intake as well as insulin secretion in experimental animal models. Until recently, there was no known receptor for enterostatin. In 2002, Berger an
Evaluation of Quality Systems for Specialist Contractors
Quality systems are being adopted by the Swedish building industry to an increasing degree. The present paper examines two categories of specialist contractors — electrical contractors, and plumbing, heating and ventilation contractors — and the introduction of quality systems in these environments. The companies were assessed in terms of the ISO 9001 standard and the Crosby Quality Management Mat
Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Comment on the article by Ageberg et al.
A Swedish family with de novo alpha-synuclein A53T mutation: Evidence for early cortical dysfunction.
A de novo alpha-synuclein A53T (p.Ala53 Th; c.209G > A) mutation has been identified in a Swedish family with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease (PD). Two affected individuals had early-onset (before 31 and 40 years), severe levodopa-responsive PD with prominent dysphasia, dysarthria, and cognitive decline. Longitudinal clinical follow-up, EEG, SPECT and CSF biomarker examinations suggested an
New investigations of the \'early streamer emission\' principle
An 'early streamer emission' (ESE) terminal, for lightning protection, stimulates a burst of streamers from its tip before producing streamers induced by the field of a downward leader, approaching from a thundercloud. It has been claimed to enhance the probability of attachment of a lightning channel to a protection system. Experiments are described in which the performance of a simulated 'early
The Fragmentation of Global Governance Architectures: a Framework for Analysis
Most research on global governance has focused either on theoretical accounts of the overall phenomenon or on empirical studies of distinct institutions that serve to solve particular governance challenges. In this article we analyze instead “governance architectures,” defined as the overarching system of public and private institutions, principles, norms, regulations, decision-making procedures a
High throughput sequencing reveals diversity of human papillomaviruses in cutaneous lesions.
There are at least 120 completely characterized human papillomavirus (HPV) types and putative new types are continuously found. Both squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (SCC) and other skin lesions commonly contain multiple cutaneous HPV types. The objective of this study was to achieve an improved resolution of the diversity of HPV types in lesions such as SCCs, actinic keratoses (AKs) and kerato
Interannual variations and trends in surface air temperature in Finland in relation to atmospheric circulation patterns, 1961-2011
Annual and seasonal variations in surface air temperature (SAT) during the period 1961–2011 were analysed using daily mean temperature data sets from regular grid points (10?×?10?km2) throughout Finland. The Mann–Kendall nonparametric test was used to detect significant historical trends in SAT and Spearman's correlation coefficient (?) to test the relationships between SAT patterns and various at