

Din sökning på "*" gav 530556 sökträffar

Input frequency and the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in numner in spoken and written French

The present study focuses on the characteristics of subject-verb agreement in number in spoken and written French, two morphological systems that are very different. In particular, we investigate the impact of frequency of forms and morphological patterns in the input on the acquisition of number agreement in monolingual and bilingual French-speaking children (n=32). Our results demonstrate an alm

Adaptation to Swedish and further development of the 'Consequences of Screening - Breast Cancer' questionnaire: a multimethod study.

Scand J Caring Sci; 2012 Adaptation to Swedish and further development of the 'Consequences of Screening - Breast Cancer' questionnaire: a multimethod study Rationale: Experiencing a false-positive screening mammography can cause considerable psychosocial distress. The Consequences of Screening - Breast Cancer questionnaire (COS-BC parts 1 and 2), recently developed in Denmark, is the only conditi

Contact allergy to common ingredients in hair dyes

Background p-Phenylenediamine (PPD) is the primary patch test screening agent for hair dye contact allergy, and approximately 100 different hair dye chemicals are allowed. Objectives To examine whether PPD is an optimal screening agent for diagnosing hair dye allergy or whether other clinically important sensitizers exist. Methods Two thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine consecutive patients in 1

Phosphatidylethanol: normalization during detoxification, gender aspects and correlation with other biomarkers and self-reports

Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) is a direct ethanol metabolite, and has recently attracted attention as biomarker of ethanol intake. The aims of the current study are: (1) to characterize the normalization time of PEth in larger samples than previously conducted; (2) to elucidate potential gender differences; and (3) to report the correlation of PEth with other biomarkers and self-reported alcohol cons

Opposing actions of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and ryanodine receptors on nuclear factor of activated T-cells regulation in smooth muscle

The nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT), originally identified in T-cells, has since been shown to play a role in mediating Ca(2+)-dependent gene transcription in diverse cell types outside of the immune system. We have previously shown that nuclear accumulation of NFATc3 is induced in ileal smooth muscle by platelet-derived growth factor in a manner that depends on Ca(2+) influx through L-

Interaction between poly(ethylene glycol) and C12E8 investigated by dynamic light scattering, time-resolved fluorescence quenching, and calorimetry

Dynamic light scattering (DLS), time-resolved fluorescence quenching (TRFQ), and isothermal titration microcalorimetry have been used to show that, in dilute solution, low molecular weight poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG, M-w = 12 kDa) interacts with the nonionic surfactant octaethylene glycol n-dodecyl monoether, C12E8, to form a complex. Whereas the relaxation time distributions for the binary C12E8/

Fertility-sparing surgery and outcome in fertile women with ovarian borderline tumors and epithelial invasive ovarian cancer.

Objective: The aim was to evaluate the outcome of fertility-sparing treatment in ovarian borderline tumors and early invasive ovarian cancer. Materials and methods: All women diagnosed with an ovarian borderline tumor or early invasive ovarian cancer who were treated with fertility-sparing surgery at the University Hospital in Lund between 1988 and 2002 were identified and included in the study (n

CGRP(8-37) and CGRP(32-37) contract the iris sphincter in the rabbit eye: antagonism by spantide and GR82334

The effects of intracameral injections of CGRP(8-37) and CGRP(32-37) on pupil diameter and blood-aqueous barrier have been investigated in rabbits. The rabbits, which were pretreated with indomethacin and a muscarinic antagonist (biperiden), responded with miosis to both CGRP fragments. CGRP(8-37) was much more potent than CGRP(32-37) but one order of magnitude less potent than substance P. Nerve

Diffusion and perfusion MRI in patients with ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms treated by endovascular coiling: complications, procedural results, MR findings and clinical outcome.

Our purpose was to evaluate treatment safety as well as complications frequency and management in endovascular coiling of intracerebral aneurysms using MR diffusion and perfusion imaging. In this prospective study, 77 MR examinations were performed in conjunction with 43 procedures in 40 patients, 14 patients presented with ruptured and 26 with unruptured aneurysms. Mean time interval between trea

Colloidal Structures in Media Simulating Intestinal Fed State Conditions with and Without Lipolysis Products

Purpose. To study the ultrastructure of biorelevant media and digestion products of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) at high level BS/PL conditions. Methods. Cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (Cryo-TEM) was employed to visualize the colloid structures in the biorelevant media and lipolytic products generated during hydrolysis of a SNEDDS formulation. Their electrical pro

Unprecedented genomic diversity of AhR1 and AhR2 genes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) genes encode proteins involved in mediating the toxic responses induced by several environmental pollutants. Here, we describe the identification of the first two AhR1 (alpha and beta) genes and two additional AhR2 (alpha and beta) genes in the tetraploid species Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) from a cosmid library screening. Cosmid clones containing genomic salmo

Complex formation of myrosinase isoenzymes in Brassica napus seeds are dependent on the presence of myrosinase binding proteins

The enzyme myrosinase (EC degrades the secondary compounds glucosinolates upon wounding and serves as a defense to generalist pests in Capparales. Certain myrosinases are present in complexes together with other proteins such as myrosinase-binding proteins (MBP) in extracts of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) seeds. Immunhistochemical analysis of wild-type seeds showed that MBPs were present

Guidelines for radioiodine therapy of differentiated thyroid cancer

Introduction The purpose of the present guidelines on the radioiodine therapy (RAIT) of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) formulated by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Therapy Committee is to provide advice to nuclear medicine clinicians and other members of the DTC-treating community on how to ablate thyroid remnant or treat inoperable advanced DTC or both employing large 13

The notion of "phonology' in dyslexia research: Cognitivism - and beyond

Phonology has been a central concept in the scientific study of dyslexia over the past decades. Despite its central position, however, it is a concept with no precise definition or status. The present article investigates the notion of 'phonology' in the tradition of cognitive psychology. An attempt is made to characterize the basic assumptions of the phonological approach to dyslexia and to evalu

Increased thirst and drinking in Huntington's disease and the R6/2 mouse

While Huntington's disease (HD) is a condition that primarily involves the basal ganglia, there is evidence to suggest that the hypothalamus is also affected. Because the osmoreceptors regulating thirst are situated in the circumventricular region of the hypothalamus, we were interested in whether altered thirst is a part of the HD phenotype. We used the LABORAS behavioural monitoring system and w

Fractionation of wheat proteins by counter-current distribution using aqueous two-phase systems containing propionic acid

Wheat proteins, soluble in diluted acid (glutenins), have been fractionated by counter-current distribution (CCD) using an aqueous two-phase system. The phase system is based on poly(ethylene glycol) and dextran but contains also 1% propionic acid and 6 mM magnesium sulfate. Approximately half of the bulk proteins partitioned to the upper phase while starch and other particles were recovered only

Vibronic transitions from coupled-cluster response theory: Theory and application to HSiF and H2O

A scheme for calculating the vibrational structure of electronic spectra using coupled-cluster response theory is proposed. To calculate the vibrational structure of electronic transitions, the optimized geometries of the two electronic states, the molecular Hessians, the dipole transition moment and (for vibrationally induced transitions) the geometrical gradient of the dipole transition moment a