

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

Brassinosteroid sensing and signaling in barley mutants

Igenkänning och signalering av växthormonet brassinosteroid i korn Under svåra väderförhållanden som starka vindar, hagel eller hårt regn kan grödor som korn pressas mot marken – man får liggsäd. Dessa löper större risk att drabbas av svampinfektioner, de börjar gro och de blir svårare att tröska vilket minskar skörden. Sädesslag som korn, vete och råg är extra utsatta, vilket skapar ett behov av

Targeting International Customers in Japanese E-commerce: A Web Content Analysis of the Marketing Mix in Rakuten and Amazon.co.jp

The thesis examines the marketing strategies implemented by the two biggest e-commerce companies in Japan, namely Rakuten and Amazon.co.jp, in order to address their international customers. Specifically, the study is conducted by means of a multiple-case study design, an interpretivist approach and a qualitative Web Content Analysis on the two firms’ websites in English language. The theoretical

The Nexus of FDI - Absorptive Capacity and GDP growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

Within 10 years the outlook on Africa has shifted from a continent of destitute to the potential next new emerging market. This study is relevant in this regard to investigate to what extent SSA countries are reaping the benefits of foreign investment inflows and the absorptive capacities necessary to benefit from FDI. A cross sectional analysis was done on 34 countries in Sub-Sahara Africa for th

Asyl och rätten till bostad

Antalet nyanlända personer i Sverige har ökat dramatiskt de senaste åren. Ansvaret för dessa människors boende är både en statlig och en kommunal angelägenhet. Denna uppsats undersöker ansvarsfördelningen och hur långt rätten till bostad sträcker sig i svensk lagstiftning. Uppsatsen undersöker om rätten till bostad åtnjuts på lika villkor av alla människor som lagligen uppehåller sig i Sverige. DeIn the last years, there has been a largely increased number of refugees in Sweden. The responsibility for these peoples’ living situation are both a responsibility for the state and for the municipalities. Thus, this paper will examine the distribution of responsibility and how far the right to housing extends in Swedish national law. This paper focus on the subject if the right to housing is enj

Kriget i Afghanistan- Varför förändrades den amerikanska opinionen?

This thesis focuses on public opinion. Specifically it examines public opinion in the US regarding the war in Afghanistan. In the last months of the Bush administration was the US still at war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The newly elected president Obama inherited the wars and by 2009 had the US waged war in the region for approximately eight years. The aim of the thesis is to reach a conclusion rega

”Who in the world am I? Ah, that’s the great puzzle” – Synen på barn och barndom i filmbearbetningar av Lewis Carrolls böcker om Alice

En undersökning av synen på barn och barndom i filmbearbetningar av Lewis Carrolls böcker om Alice. Utvecklingen av gestaltningarna av protagonisten och antagonisten i Aliceberättelserna jämförs med utvecklingen av synen på barn och barndom sedan "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" publicerades 1865. Studien syftar till att bredda och fördjupa kunskapsområdet kring utvecklingen av syn

National Culture and Management Control Systems

Seminar date: 29th May, 2017 Course: BUSN79, Business Administration Degree Project in Accounting and Finance, 15 ECTS Authors: Gareth Wright and Nikolaos Lappas Supervisor: Anders Anell Keywords: Management control systems, National culture, Levers of control Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify how multinational companies set their central management control systems and how are

The hierarchy of Chinese grammar: A cross-sectional study of L2 Chinese within Processability Theory

Processability Theory (PT) is a well-established theoretical framework within the field of Second Language Acquisition, which describes the development of acquiring language as a process of acquiring procedural skills. The procedural skills are necessary for the learner being able to process different grammatical structures of the target language, and these are obtained by the learner through avai

En flödesanalys för Kävlingeån - HEC-RAS modellering med fokus på dämmens inverkan

Det finns åtta dämmen och tre aktiva vattenkraftverk i Kävlingeån, som är ett av Skånes största samt fiskrikaste vattendrag. Då dämmena segmenterar ån skapar detta miljöproblem; organismer förhindras migration för bland annat fortplantning och födosök. Arter såsom öring och den akut hotade ålen lever i Kävlingeån och är beroende av framkomliga vandringsvägar samt lekplatser. Syftet med denna studiKävlinge River is one of the largest, and most heavily fish-populated, watercourses in Scania. Eight dams and three active hydroelectric plants are located here, which cause environmental problems; organisms are prevented migration, reproduction and feeding being the biggest issues. Trout and eel, which depend on river accessibility and spawning areas, inhabits the river. This study aims to create

New geochronological constraints on the Klipriviersberg Group: defining a new Neoarchean large igneous province on the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Åldersdatering innebär att man åldersbestämmer geologiska enheter och processer. Detta görs genom att mäta förhållandet mellan moder- och dotterisotop för radioaktiva grundämnen. Geokronologin är viktig för att kunna återskapa den geologiska historien för en kontinent. Man kan t.ex. erhålla tidsinformation kring när större landmassor bröts upp, genom att t.ex. identifiera och studera stora vulkaniIn recent years, there has been a significant improvement in our ability to determine the ages of extensive short-lived magmatic events (large igneous provinces) dominated by rocks of mafic (silica-poor) compositions. This has been aided by targeting the magmatic feeders to these large igneous provinces (e.g., dykes and sills), which often host trace amounts of datable zirconium minerals such as b

Asymmetric Wealth Effects on Consumption: A Threshold Cointegration Approach on Swedish Households

Recognising the macroeconomic importance of private consumption, this thesis aims at examining possible forces that drive changes the level of households’ consumption. I do so by analysing the relationship of housing wealth, financial wealth, and consumption of households in Sweden in the short and long run. Using an M-TAR approach I find evidence for cointegration of these variables. Housing weal

Compassion Fatigue och Compassion Satisfaction bland psykologer - Betydelsen av handledning, motöverföring och negativ perfektionism

Psykologyrket kan vara berikande och skapa en känsla av meningsfullhet och därigenom ge upphov till Compassion Satisfaction. Men det kan också bidra till negativa effekter som utbrändhet och sekundär traumatisering, vilket beskrivs med termen Compassion Fatigue. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om handledning och medvetenhet kring motöverföring är associerat med mindre Compassion Fatigue

A Grieving Nation: Exploring Thainess in the Space of Emotion

The passing of Thailand’s King Bhumibol Adulyadej on October 13, 2016 marked a significant turning point in modern Thai history. As the world’s longest-reigning monarch, King Bhumibol had been much loved and revered as the country’s father figure for 70 years. In the wake of his demise, it seemed to be that every corner of Thailand was packed with emotions that also came with an array of cultural

Att leva som man lär? En kvalitativ fallstudie om intern demokrati i Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa

Uppsatsen utgörs av en fallstudie som syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för fenomenet intern demokrati inom internationella organisationer. Studien fokuserar på Organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa och genom det teoretiska ramverk som utarbetats ämnar vi kartlägga den interna demokratin i nämnda organisation. Kartläggningen sker genom att applicera fem olika teoretiska dime

Ideologiska skillnader mellan nationella och transnationella partier: En kvalitativ studie över hur Moderaterna och Kristdemokraterna skiljer sig från Europeiska folkpartiet

This study concerns the ways the two Swedish national parties the Moderates and the Christian Democrats differ from the European People’s Party, which is the transnational party they belong to in the European Union. The parties’ election manifestos from the European Parliament election of 2014 are compared using a qualitative text analysis and related to earlier research and theories within the fi

Fire Extinguishing in Complex Facilities – A Study of Large Fire Extinguishing

This report analyzes fire extinguishing solutions that might cut time between fire alarm and fire extinguishing at the European Spallation Source. A special design fire with a very high peak heat release rate is used. The method used includes a literature study, meetings with supervisors and ESS representatives and participation in workshops and study visits. Some fire protection measures are alre

Trade Effects of Immigration

This paper investigates whether immigration promotes bilateral trade within the European Union between 2008 and 2015. Results from an augmented gravity model indicate a positive linkage between bilateral migration and trade, results which are in line with prior findings in the field research. Notably, the pro-trade effect is slightly larger for the import sector and immigrants seem to facilitate t

Does capital dream of chronic depression?

The study asks what role Karl Marx’s theory of the law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall has in explaining transformation, crises and secular stagnation in Sweden. Support is presented for the “law”, with Sweden exhibiting a long-term secular decline in the rate of profit throughout the late 19th and 20th century. For the period 1950-2016, there is a strong tendency towards “Marx-biase

Hållbara Hem - ett nytt miljömärkningssystem för småhus

To form a building adapted to the environment and at the same time preserve land, water and other resources in a long term it has to fulfill some requirements. Requirements are set by international and national governing authorities. In order for a regular consumer, property owner or entrepreneur to be guided towards sustainable construction, there are also several environmental certification syst

Antibodies : Expression, Purification and Application

En människa exponeras och angrips varje dag av virus och bakterier och immunförsvaret skyddar oss från dessa angrepp. Immunförsvaret utgörs av vita blodkroppar som bildas i benmärgen och sprids vidare ut i kroppen. De vita blodkropparna finns i många olika varianter och varje variant har en specifik uppgift. Lymfocyter är en typ av vita blodkroppar och kan dela in i två huvudgrupper: Blymfocyter oToday antibodies are an important part in the treatment of diseases such as cancer and Guillain–Barré syndrome. It is of course important to be able to regulate the levels of the antibodies in the treatment. In this study a general method for antibody production were investigated. The antibody construct was made for transportation out of the cell. Four different tagged variants of an antibody wer