

Din sökning på "*" gav 529723 sökträffar

Productive use of coffee husks - How to make briquettes from coffee husk in Karagwe, Tanzania

In the Tanzanian district of Karagwe the NGO KADERES is working with agricultural development. In relation to this they produce fair trade coffee obtained from local farmers. Coffee husks are created as a waste product from the plant and are currently not used for any purpose. Instead they are left outside the factory. The propose of this project is to find a way to create briquettes from these hu

Implicit attitudes and ambivalent sexism predict appreciation of sexist humour

The present study sought to investigate whether implicit gender attitudes and ambivalent sexism predict the appreciation of sexist humour. A computer-timed Brief Implicit Association Test (BIAT) was used to measure participants’ (N = 83) implicit gender attitudes. Explicit gender attitudes were measured with a Swedish version of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI). Four short stand-up comedic vi

Patterns of repeated hybridization between dewberry, Rubus caesius (Rosaceae), and blackberries within Rubus sect. Corylifolii

Artbildning genom hybridisering mellan blåhallon, Rubus caesius (Rosaceae), och björnbär inom Rubus sect. Corylifolii Jag har undersökt huruvida hybridisering mellan olika arter av krypbjörnbär, Rubus sect. Corylifolii, och blåhallon, R. caesius, kan leda till bildning av nya självständiga arter. För att kunna avgöra detta har jag tagit fram data från nukleära mikrosatelliter och jämfört vilka alWe have studied the genetic relations among blackberries, Rubus sect. Corylifolii, and dewberries, R. caesius, by comparing presumed hybrids with their parental taxa. To be able to determine the status of the hybrids we have observed absence or presence of nuclear microsatellite alleles in electrophoresis, and calculated the different relative genetic distances between the relevant taxa. Interpret

”Men bruset ökar tills du inte längre känner igen ditt jag” – megarunda gestalter, narrativ identitet och omänsklig odödlighet i Lars Jakobsons De odödliga (2015)

Uppsatsen syftar till att studera konstruktionen av odödlighet i De odödliga genom att undersöka skillnaden mellan hur odödliga gestalter med ett evigt livsspann och hur dödliga gestalter med ett begränsat livsspann framställs. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av det grundläggande narratologiska begreppsparet platta och runda gestalter, och utökas därefter med Paul Ricoeurs modell om narrativ idThis thesis aims to study the construction of immortality in Lars Jakobson’s novel The Immortals (De odödliga, 2015) by examining the difference between how immortal and mortal characters are portrayed. Initially the characters of the novel are classified according to E. M. Forster’s narratological division between flat and round characters. It soon becomes evident that the immortal character, wit

En förändrad scen? - Strejk och upplopp i Malmö 1890

Den så kallade Malmö-revolten är en särartad händelse inom svensk historia. Den står i gränslandet mellan 1800- och 1900-talets tidstypiska konflikter. Med drag av båda tider så blir det ett av de viktiga skeendena i Malmös historia. Uppsatsen under strejken och Malmö-revolten 1890, utifrån Tillys teori om konfliktdriven politik. Primärmaterialet är protokoll och tidningsartiklar.

Kyrkoherden, krönikan och kriget - En studie av den skånska åsiktsbilden på Skånska kriget utifrån Den Nordiske Kriigs Krønicke

Denna uppsats har, utifrån kyrkoherden Sthen Jacobsens krönika "Den Nordiske Kriigs Krønicke", undersökt den sydsvenska och skånska åsiktsbilden på det Skånska kriget. Den har undersökt vad Jacobsen skrivit om krigets våldsamheter mot ickestridande, möjligt sidotagande mellan de danska och de svenska sidorna och Jacobsens syn på snapphanarna. Resultatet blev att en allmängiltig åsiktsbil

Efficient IPv6 Neighbor Discovery in Wireless Environment

As the address space of IPv4 is being depleted with the development of IoT (Internet Of Things), there is an increasing need for permanent transition to the IPv6 protocol as soon as possible. Nowadays, many 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) Networks have implemented or will implement IPv6 in the near future for Internet access. These networks will also use NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol)

A Ticket to Ride: The Market Potential for Electric Trucks in Urban Building and Construction.

The purpose of this thesis is to determine how electric vehicle trucks can meet the needs of customers in the urban building and construction sector. This sector contributes significantly to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and also creates noise and other disturbances in urban environments. There are multiple benefits that come with electric trucks, which can address these issues if they are used

The Influence of Carboxylic Acid in Packaging Materials

Inte hur förpackningen påverkar din mat, utan hur din mat påverkar förpackningen. Resultatet av detta arbete kan komma att ligga till grund för miljövänligare förpackningar som ger maten längre hållbarhet och förbättrar möjligheterna för att transportera mat över hela världen. Tetra Pak har länge arbetat med att leverera ett smartare och miljövänligare sätt att förpacka mat med sina pappförpackniTetra Pak delivers food packing services world-wide and uses multilayer packaging materials to protect the food product from being affected by the environment. Loss of adhesion between the polymer and the aluminium layer in Tetra Paks packaging materials has proven to be a serious problem casing the package to lose its integrity and the food product to spoil. The problem is relatively unstudied bu

Sverige och den stridbara demokratin - En undersökning om föreningsförbud i förhållande till den tyska grundlagen, Europakonventionen och regeringsformen.

Den svenska demokratin utmanas av föreningar vilka är motståndare till de demokratiska principerna. Nazister, vänsterextrema och religiösa fundamentalister organiserar sig med mål att skada och på sikt krossa det nuvarande demokratiska styrelseskicket. Idag finns ingen lagstiftning som förbjuder föreningar i Sverige. Istället har lagstiftaren valt att bekämpa dem med öppen politisk debatt. I andThe Swedish democracy is today challenged by some associations whom disrespect the principles of democracy. Nazis, extreme leftwing movements and religious fundamentalists are organizing with the main objective to damage, and in the long term, destroy the democratic governance. Today there is no legislation of association ban in Sweden. Instead, the legislature has chosen to fight them with an o

Ett totalitärt paradigmskifte

This essay explores the paradigm shift in linguistics taking place in the Soviet Union in 1950. Marrism was then the current paradigm which was based on a peculiar interpretation of marxism in lingustics. Unable to explain the new problems of Stalins postwar nationalistic turn it was subject to open discussion in Pravda. Using the theories of Thomas Kuhn the essay deals with the discussion taking

Construction of the Berkeley Innovation Index: A Higher-Order Item Response Theory Model Approach

The Berkeley Innovation Index (BII) is a tool developed for assessment of individual innovation capability. The index is based on responses to a survey that constitutes of questions linked to domain abilities, i.e., sub-traits, that are hypothesized to govern an individual's overall innovation ability. The underlying algorithm for the BII produces a score representing the test-takers' prof

Post-human Intersections - Place-writing, Species & Enabled Landscapes

Post-humanistiska teorier ifrågasätter det med mänskligheten centraliserade perspektiv med vilket vi människor lever och upplever, beskriver och utformar världen. I ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv är natur kultur. Jord och djur är mer än resurser. Alla arter, och alla individer inom alla arter, är aktörer och subjekt. Modern djurhållning är en ofta onaturlig, ibland brutalt oetisk, konstruktion i

Indicator model for benchmarking the transition to a low carbon urban mobility system: Application results from three Scandinavian cities

Cities today consume over 80% of the world’s energy and are responsible for 75% of the total GHG emissions. Over 80% of the population in Europe live in Urban areas. The mobility system, being at the heart of urban activities is responsible for the movement of people, goods and services and is responsible for attracting investments into cities. Playing such a key role in urban development, the sec

Pig Ear Tagger Concept

This thesis consists of the development of a concept for a new product, the primary purpose of which is to quickly and easily attach legally required tags to the ears of livestock pigs. The project was undertaken at Attention, a product development company based in Copenhagen. For reasons of food safety, EU regulation stipulates that all pigs that are moved from their place of birth must be tagged

Implementing a Deposit Refund System for P.E.T bottles in the Maldives: An Ex-ante Analysis of Political Feasability Based on the Models of Kiribati and Palau

PET waste is the most visible environmental threat in the Maldives, a Small Island Developing State (SIDS). The thesis aims to propose the deposit refund system as a policy intervention, and evaluates the feasibility of introducing the system in the Maldives. In order to see how other SIDS have implemented the policy, the research uses policy evaluation framework to analyse the implementation mech

Utvärdering av odränerad skjuvhållfasthet på för lermorän ur hejarsondering

The aim of the study is to find a relation between the tip pressure produced by ram sounding and CPT in order to improve the possibilities of determining the shear strength of clay till. CPT is a pressure probe and mainly used to get a good picture of the statigraphy and the soil condition. CPT has shown to be useful regarding the evaluation of key parameters such as shear strengh and angle of fri

The Portrayal of Religion in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart

In this essay, the portrayal of religion as well as the role that religion plays in Igbo community in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart is examined, as well as the impact that the missionaries and their religion had on Igbo society. Chinua Achebe was well acquainted with Igbo society and portrays it honestly. He openly discusses and criticizes aspects of both Igbo society and the missionaries and

Finding candidate genes underlying early flowering barley mat-e mutants

Barley, Hordeum vulgare, is a commercially important crop plant mostly used as animal feed but also as human food where it serves as an important source of _-glucan and other nutrients. As populations are growing worldwide, early flowering cultivars can play a vital role to increase the production of barley to meet the increasing demand of this crop. We analyzed five early flowering mat-e mutants