

Din sökning på "*" gav 531425 sökträffar

Effects of Probiotic Bacteria Lactobacillaceae on the Gut Microbiota in Children With Celiac Disease Autoimmunity : A Placebo-Controlled and Randomized Clinical Trial

Disturbances of the gut microbiota may influence the development of various autoimmune diseases. This study investigated the effects of supplementations with the probiotic bacteria, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum HEAL9 and Lacticaseibacillus paracasei 8700:2, on the microbial community in children with celiac disease autoimmunity (CDA). The study included 78 genetically predisposed children for cel

Outcomes of Primary vs. Delayed Strategy of Implanting a Cardiac Monitor for Unexplained Syncope

Objective: Implantable cardiac monitors (ILR) have an important role in diagnosing unexplained syncope. However, outcomes of primary vs. delayed ILR implantation after initial syncope evaluation have not been explored. Methods: A total of 1705 patients with unexplained syncope were prospectively enrolled in the SYSTEMA (Syncope Study of Unselected Population in Malmö) cohort. Patients who underwen

Characterisation of single-phase fluid-flow heterogeneity due to localised deformation in a porous rock using rapid neutron tomography

The behaviour of subsurface-reservoir porous rocks is a central topic in the resource engineering industry and has relevant applications in hydrocarbon, water production, and CO2 sequestration. One of the key open issues is the effect of deformation on the hydraulic properties of the host rock and, specifically, in saturated environments. This paper presents a novel full-field data set describing

Effect of welding fumes on the cardiovascular system : a six-year longitudinal study

Objective This study investigated whether low-to-moderate exposure to welding fumes is associated with adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.Methods To test this, we performed a longitudinal analysis of 78 mild steel welders and 96 controls; these subjects were examined twice, six years apart (ie, timepoints 1 and 2). All subjects (male and non-smoking at recruitment) completed questionnair

Objective, subjective, and conscious cross-linguistic similarity as predictors of intentionality in lexical transfer

The study tested vocabulary acquisition of a pseudo-language in Swedish–English bilinguals. A computerized paired-associate learning task was used to teach form-meaning mappings. A learning assessment task was administered after each block. The primary research question was whether subjective typology measures predict conscious and unconscious performance in post-learning outcomes.

Hovrättens möbler och andra betydelsefulla saker

På Hovrätten över Skåne och Blekinge finns flera möbler och föremål som funnits och använts sedan 1800-talet. Vi lät docenterna Martin Sunnqvist och Linda Fagerström ta en titt på några saker som de tycker är intressanta att berätta mer om.Filmen är en del av hovrättens 200-årsjubileum som firas från maj 2021 till maj 2022. Mer information finns på hovrättens webbplats: www.domstol.se/jubileumsare

AI i offentlig sektor : Från etiska riktlinjer till lagstiftning

Användningen av artificiell intelligens (AI), det vill säga en rad primärt databeroende metoder och teknologier för bland annat prediktion och automation, tycks bidra till en omvälvande period i den offentliga förvaltningen. Detta skifte föranleder ett styrningsbehov, ofta kopplat till tillitsfrågor, vilket i en internationell kontext inte minst syns i en stor mängd etiska riktlinjer och principie

Climate change and land degradation in Africa : A case study in the Mount Elgon region, Uganda

The aim of this study is to estimate and compare soil erosion, in the Mount Elgon region, eastern Uganda, during the last decade. Possible trends and changes in erosion are linked to precipitation/climate change as well as changes in land cover. Two different versions of the Revised Universal Soil loss Equation RUSLE. are implemented and compared, one using slope length and the other using flow ac

Do Drug Accessibility and OOP Burden Affect Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients With Chronic Diseases? — EQ-5D-5L Evaluation Evidence From Five Districts in China

Purpose: The dependence of patients with chronic diseases on drugs may affect their health-related quality of life (HRQoL). This study aims to assess the relationship between the direct economic burden caused by out-of-pocket (OOP) payments, drug accessibility, sociodemographic characteristics, and health-related quality of life. Methods: 1,055 patients with chronic diseases from Gansu, Hebei, Sic

Fluoroquinolones and Other Antibiotics Redeemed for Cystitis—A Swedish Nationwide Cohort Follow-Up Study (2006–2018)

Background: Antibiotics are commonly prescribed for outpatient management of cystitis. Previous evidence suggests that certain factors likely beyond the infection seem to influence the choice of antimicrobial treatment. However, studies on the specific antibiotic treatments for cystitis are lacking. This study aimed to explore the antibiotic treatments for cystitis using nationwide primary healthc

Auraproduktion och "klassikerfiering" : Om aktivt meningsskapande som gör möbler till klassiker ‒ exemplifierat genom stolar från Sverige och Danmark

Klassiker är ett komplext fenomen. Dynamiskt och svårfångat. Artikeln undersöker hur en modern möbelklassiker skapas Begreppet kan laddas med värden av både immateriell och materiell karaktär. Auraproduktion fyller möbeln med innehåll och stärker den som objekt, vilket gör det till ett operativt och flitigt använt epitet inom både kommersiell och kulturell verksamhet. I artikeln lyfts exempel på p

Systematic analysis of mycobacterial acylation reveals first example of acylation-mediated regulation of enzyme activity of a bacterial phosphatase

Protein lysine acetylation is known to regulate multiple aspects of bacterial metabolism. However, its presence in mycobacterial signal transduction and virulence-associated proteins has not been studied. In this study, analysis of mycobacterial proteins from different cellular fractions indicated dynamic and widespread occurrence of lysine acetylation. Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins regulati

An integrated raster-tin surface flow algorithm

In this chapter, an alternative surface flow algorithm is presented. The basic idea behind the algorithm is the use of the advantages of TIN-based algorithms within a raster based environment. A gridded raster DEM is used to create a ‘regular TIN’, over which surface flow is estimated. Since each facet in the TIN has a constant slope and slope direction, the estimations of, for example, flow veloc

Local Destruction of Tumors and Systemic Immune Effects

Current immune-based therapies signify a major advancement in cancer therapy; yet, they are not effective in the majority of patients. Physically based local destruction techniques have been shown to induce immunologic effects and are increasingly used in order to improve the outcome of immunotherapies. The various local destruction methods have different modes of action and there is considerable