

Din sökning på "*" gav 536266 sökträffar

Aiming and Guiding - Navigation with a Non-visual GPS Application

This master's dissertation describes a study that relates to persons with visual impairments, and wayfinding using a smartphone with touchscreen. The study consists of the development of a prototype and an evaluation of its usability while interacting with haptic and auditive feedback. The prototype was developed for the Android platform. It provides a way of scanning for points of interest wh

Miljömärkningsstrategier för att uppnå legitimitet - En studie av miljömärkning i Sverige

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera företags behov av att få en legitimitet i form av en miljöcertifiering. Hantering av att få och behålla en Svanenmärkning kommer att undersökas tillsammans med om incitament för att få denna certifiering samt vilken miljömärkning som är lämpligast för att uppnå legitimitet ur ett miljöperspektiv. Studien har genomförts utifrån en induktiv ansats. Kvalitativa int

Emptying MFA 34 - The European fishing fleet and its impact on West African fish consumption

Fish, seafood and fishery products are important sources of animal protein for people living in coastal states of Western Africa. High levels of activity in the West African water puts heavy pressure on fish stocks that are already on their way to being overexploited. This paper investigates the impact European fishing fleets operating in West African coastal waters has on fish consumption in the

Patent misuse and ‘sham’ - Development of new principles under EU competition law

This thesis takes its stance in the AstraZeneca judgment from the General Court and the latest developments in EU competition law and compares these with the equivalent standards of US antitrust law. Focus is on similarities and divergences between the EU application of competition law and the more developed doctrines of Walker Process and Noerr-Pennington in the US. The analysis is made in respec

Outsourcing: innovation och utveckling

Syftet med denna uppsats är att, med tyngdpunkt på aktiviteter inom innovation och utveckling, belysa ett företags outsourcingstrategi samt analysera eventuella problem som kan uppstå och hur dessa kan förebyggas och hanteras. Ambitionen är att kunna bidra till ökad förståelse för outsourcingstrategier inom innovation och utveckling. En kvalitativ studie med en deduktiv ansats är utgångspunkten i

Alcohol Advertising in Sweden, UK and EU - a comparative study

Vi är utsatta för reklam för olika produkter dagligen. Reklamen lockar, den påverkar och uppmuntarar oss att införskaffa den marknadsförda produkten. Ett speciellt område är reklamen av alkoholhaltiga drycker, vilket varit föremål för stor debatt i samhället. Det har utförts ett antal studier som visar på sambandet mellan alkoholreklam och alkoholkomsumtion. Då alkoholreklamen kan uppmuntra till kWe are exposed to advertising on a daily basis. Advertising attracks, influences and encourages us to purchase the advertised product. Alcohol advertising is a special area of advertising that has been subject to much debate. Numerous studies have been done showing the link between alcohol advertising and the consumption of alcohol. Since alcohol advertising can encourage alcohol consumption there

Den rättfärdiga mutan? En normativ studie kring biståndsarbetares givande av mutor

There is information showing that aid workers in developing countries sometimes are forced to bribe officials in order to fulfil their work. The aim of this study is to clarify different ways of arguing both for and against the fact that aid workers use bribes in some situations. This essay, by using a normative method and the logic of appropriateness, concludes there are arguments that justify th

Kommunal tillsyn enligt lagen om skydd mot olyckor - förslag till strukturerat arbetssätt

The new Civil Protection Act takes a more holistic view at accident prevention and protection than previous fire and safety regulations. The level of detailed regulation has decreased and national performance objectives have been formulated instead. The main purpose of this report is to present proposals for how municipalities, systematically and effectively, can plan and conduct inspection activi

Säsongsvarierande riskbild - En vägledning hur räddningstjänsten kan beakta problematiken

This master ́s thesis investigates how the seasonal varying number of temporary visitors affects the number of emergency rescue efforts in a municipality. According to the Civil Protection Act municipalities should take varying risks into account. Also the result presented in this report indicates that all municipalities, and therefore BeRädd, should take this issue into account. A flow chart is p

Implementering av AFS 2001:1 om systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete, en problematiserande studie

The purpose with this master thesis was to identify which problems that were related to the implementation of AFS 2001:1, examine what they were caused by and to some extent come up with solutions to the problems. In order to do this a feasibility study, a literature study and five interviews with people working with AFS 2001:1 were done. The people who got interviewed work in one large and one li