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Teknikbaserat nyföretagande, tillväxt och affärsutveckling
Molecular mechanism of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases
The lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are copper metalloenzymes that can enhance polysaccharide depolymerization through an oxidative mechanism and hence boost generation of biofuel from e.g. cellulose. By employing density functional theory in a combination of quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM), we report a complete description of the molecular mechanism of LPMOs. The QM/
Effects of multiple dimensions of bacterial diversity on functioning, stability and multifunctionality
Bacteria are essential for many ecosystem services but our understanding of factors controlling their functioning is incomplete. While biodiversity has been identified as an important driver of ecosystem processes in macrobiotic communities, we know much less about bacterial communities. Due to the high diversity of bacterial communities, high func-tional redundancy is commonly proposed as explana
Pippi och utopin : En omslagsbild i den västtyska studentrevoltens kölvatten
The cover of the West German collection of Pippi Longstocking stories Pippi Langstrumpf (1967) shows a girl standing upside down. The image was drafted by the renowned illustrator Rolf Rettich. This exclusive edition, featuring an additional 200 illustrations by Rettich inside the book, was released in connection with Astrid Lindgren's 60th birthday. The edition positioned Lindgren as an author ofThe cover of the West German collection of Pippi Longstocking stories Pippi Langstrumpf (1967) shows a girl standing upside down. The image was drafted by the renowned illustrator Rolf Rettich. This exclusive edition, featuring an additional 200 illustrations by Rettich inside the book, was released in connection with Astrid Lindgren's 60th birthday. The edition positioned Lindgren as an author of
Multiple Energy Conservation Bypasses in Oxidative Phosphorylation of Plant Mitochondria
A cyber-physical systems approach for controlling autonomous mobile manipulators
Cognitive robots have started to find their way into manufacturing halls. However, the full potential of these robots can only be exploited through an integration into the automation pyramid so that the system is able to communicate with the manufacturing execution system (MES). Integrating the robot with the MES allows the robot to get access to manufacturing environment and process data so that Cognitive robots have started to find their way into manufacturing halls. However, the full potential of these robots can only be exploited through an integration into the automation pyramid so that the system is able to communicate with the manufacturing execution system (MES). Integrating the robot with the MES allows the robot to get access to manufacturing environment and process data so that
Gesture-Based Extraction of Robot Skill Parameters for Intuitive Robot Programming
Despite a lot of research in the field, only very little experience exists with Teaching by Demonstration (TbD) in actual industrial use cases. In the factory of the future, it is necessary to rapidly reprogram flexible mobile manipulators to perform new tasks, when the need arises, for which a working system capable of TbD would be ideal. Contrary to current TbD approaches, that generally aim to Despite a lot of research in the field, only very little experience exists with Teaching by Demonstration (TbD) in actual industrial use cases. In the factory of the future, it is necessary to rapidly reprogram flexible mobile manipulators to perform new tasks, when the need arises, for which a working system capable of TbD would be ideal. Contrary to current TbD approaches, that generally aim to
The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe
Managing agricultural landscapes to support biodiversity and ecosystem services is a key aim of a sustainable agriculture. However, how the spatial arrangement of crop fields and other habitats in landscapes impacts arthropods and their functions is poorly known. Synthesising data from 49 studies (1515 landscapes) across Europe, we examined effects of landscape composition (% habitats) and configu
Innovationssystem och teknikbaserat entreprenörskap
Internal venturing: Sponsored corporate spin-offs in Sweden
Quite a number of earlier studies have found that the majority of new technology-based firms are spin-offs from existing organizations, usually established in the geographical neighborhood of the parent (Dorfman 1983; Roberts 1991; Saxenian 1994; Sternberg 1996; Keeble 1997; Lindholm Dahlstrand 1997, 2001; Lindholm Dahlstrand and Dahlander 2003). Since established corporations are responsible for
University knowledge transfer and the role of academic spin-offs
Mohammed bin Salman and the “Rational Irrationality” of Saudi Foreign Policy
The Swedish National Incubator Programme
Adolescent problem behaviour : The gender gap in European perspective
This study scrutinizes gender differences in adolescent problem behaviour and its potential determinants, simultaneously taking into account the individual and contextual level, including personality, family and country characteristics. Using the 2010 EU Kids Online Survey, we estimate multilevel models on 18,027 individuals from 24 European countries. In line with earlier research, we find that b
Midsommar i sagolandet : Bildretorik och rörelse
Vår blick på världen är inte neutral, utan medskapande. När vi betraktar ett fotografi i ett vardagligt sammanhang registrerar vår blick inte bara sinnesdata, utan skapar också mening utifrån det vi tror oss veta om världen. Insikten om att blicken inte är neutral får politiska implikationer då det innebär att det betraktades mening inte är given. I maktspelet om blicken blir frågan om vems blick
SkiROS—A skill-based robot control platform on top of ROS
The development of cognitive robots in ROS still lacks the support of some key components: a knowledge integration framework and a framework for autonomous mission execution. In this research chapter, we will discuss our skill-based platform SkiROS, that was developed on top of ROS in order to organize robot knowledge and its behavior. We will show how SkiROS offers the possibility to integrate diThe development of cognitive robots in ROS still lacks the support of some key components: a knowledge integration framework and a framework for autonomous mission execution. In this research chapter, we will discuss our skill-based platform SkiROS, that was developed on top of ROS in order to organize robot knowledge and its behavior. We will show how SkiROS offers the possibility to integrate di
Intuitive Skill-Level Programming of Industrial Handling Tasks on a Mobile Manipulator
In order for manufacturing companies to remain competitive while also offering a high degree of customization for the customers, flexible robots that can be rapidly reprogrammed to new tasks need to be applied in the factories. In this paper we propose a method for the intuitive programming of an industrial mobile robot by combining robot skills, a graphical user interface and human gesture recogn
Fast view-based pose estimation of industrial objects in point clouds using a particle filter with an ICP-based motion model
The registration of an observed point set to a known model to estimate its 3D pose is a common task for the autonomous manipulation of objects. Especially in industrial environments, robotic systems need to accurately estimate the pose of objects in order to successfully perform picking, placing or assembly tasks. However, the characteristics of industrial objects often cause difficulties for clas
Lp(a) is not associated with diabetes but affects fibrinolysis and clot structure ex vivo
Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] is a low density lipoprotein (LDL) with one apolipoprotein (a) molecule bound to the apolipoprotein B-100 of LDL. Lp(a) is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, the relationship of Lp(a) to diabetes and metabolic syndrome, both known for increased CVD risk, is controversial. In a population based study on type two diabetes mellitus (T2DM) dev