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Rabbinic Commentaries
Software Configuration Management in Agile Development
Software Configuration Management (SCM) is an essential part of any software project and its importance is even greater on Agile projects because of the frequency of changes. In this chapter, we argue that SCM needs to be done differently and also cover more aspects on Agile projects. We also explain how SCM processes and tools contribute both directly and indirectly to quality assurance. We give
Från parodi till modernism. Om Birger Sjöbergs väg till Kriser och kransar
Vägar genom sjuksköterskeutbildningen - Studenters berättelser
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet är att utifrån studenters livsberättelser, få kunskap om och förståelse för hur de upplever och hanterar sjuksköterskeutbildningens olika delar med särskilt fokus på spänningsfälten mellan: yrkesexamen ? akademisk examen, högskoleförlagd utbildning ? verksamhetsförlagd utbildning samt huvudämnet omvårdnad ? stödämnet medicinsk vetenskap. Syftet är vidare att få kThe aim of this study is to gain knowledge and understanding of how nursing students experience and manage the different parts of the education. A particular focus is set on the tension between a professional degree and an academic degree, between theoretical and clinical studies, and between the subjects nursing and medical science. Furthermore, the aim is to gain knowledge and understanding of a
Three types of decision theory
, ed. by M. C. Galavotti and R. Scazzieri, CSLI Publications, Stanford 2007.
Abstract is not available
Transcriptional analysis of mantle cell lymphoma - a global search for cellular origin and therapeutic targets
This thesis is based upon four original papers describing the characterisation of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) tumours and cell lines in comparison with different populations of normal B cells. Gene expression profiling, which were used in the studies, has during recent years developed as an important tool in characterisation of different types of malignancies. In this thesis, the technique is used
Solar-based physicochemical-biological processes for the treatment of toxic and recalcitrant effluents
Wastewater treatment is a worldwide necessity that is even more crucial to countries deprived from abundant fresh water sources or unable to afford advanced and costly processes. With this perspective, this thesis was conducted within an Egyptian-Swedish research collaboration that aimed to develop solar-based (as free renewable energy source available locally) process for hazardous wastewater tre
A conceptual study of OFDM-based multiple access schemes: Part 3 - Performance evaluation of a coded system
This paper is part of a conceptual study of a multiuser OFDM system. In previous reports we have examined requirements for the air interface and presented uncoded performance (in terms of bit error rate) for the uplink of such systems. In this report we adopt the user allocation structure from the previous parts of the study and examine the role of channel coding. We present performance simulation
The role of unconscious processes in the evolvement of creativity
The chapter is based on the assumption that processes outside awareness play a prominent role in the evolvement of creative ideas. The assumption is elucidated within the frame of percept-genetic theory implying that our perceptual world is constructed by processes from within our subjective self. The reasoning is supported by empirical data.
The lower Cambrian eodiscoid trilobite Calodiscus lobatus: morphology, ontogeny and distribution
Hyperfine-structure study of the^3d^{10}5p ^{2}P_{3/2} level of neutral copper using pulsed level-crossing spectroscopy at short laser wavelengths
Självständiga bankgarantier: vad innebär de och när kan betalningskrav under dem vägras? / Hans Swolin
Miljöekonomisk värdering av skogsbränsleuttag med näringskompensation
Decision Sciences
Consideration of supply chain environmental impacts during packaging development: theory versus practice
Purpose: The purpose is to provide insight into how companies in practice work during packaging development to reduce negative environmental impacts along supply chains and to compare their practical approaches with the theoretical concepts presented in the literature. Design/methodology/approach: The research approach is explorative and based on nine cases (26 semi-structured interviews) in the f
Irregular Migration in Global Migration Governance
Building People and Organizational Excellence
Determination of uncertainty of different CFD codes by means of comparison with experimental fire scenarios
This article will summarise the evaluation of four CFD software codes (CFX, FDS4, SMAFS and SOFIE). Evaluation was performed by means of comparing the simulation data with experimental scenarios. The scenarios were chosen to represent scenarios frequently assessed using fire safety design based on performance. The greatest difficulty during validation of CFD-codes is to find well documented releva