Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar
Knowledge for Intelligent Industrial Robots
This paper describes an attempt to provide more intelligence to industrial robotics and automation systems. We develop an architecture to integrate disparate knowledge representations used in different places in robotics and automation. This knowledge integration framework, a possibly distributed entity, abstracts the components used in design or production as data sources, and provides a uniform
Evolution of Near and Intermediate Field in A Negatively Buoyant Jet
The purpose of this study is to explore the behavior of a dense jet and bottom plume, composed of brine water of heavier effluent into a quiescent homogeneous ambient, discharged into a receiving body of lighter fresh water (tank). This situation is common in connection with freshwater production from sea water (desalination), which produces a brine waste stream, usually discharged back into sea w
Proceedings of the 5th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium (PGTS)
Using SI to bridge the transition from secondary to tertiary education
No title
Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) in prostate cancer: Clinical and Methodological studies
Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostata cancer är en av de vanligast förekommande cancerformerna hos män i västvärlden och den vanligaste förekommande hos män i Sverige. Årligen diagnosticeras i Sverige ungefär 6000 fall och mer än 2000 avlider. Drygt 70% av alla som drabbas är äldre än 70 år medan endast ett fåtal är yngre än 50 år. Sjukdomen ter sig mycket olika hos olika patienter. En del som drabHuman glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) is a predominantly prostate produced protein with many similarities to prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Just like for PSA elevated levels of hK2 can be found in men with protate cancer. We created an assay where hK2 in serum could reliably and with negligible cross-reactivity with PSA, be measured down to 0.030 ng/mL. The assay measured free hK2 and hK2 complexe
Investigation of Kinetically Labile Supramolecu-lar System Addressing Substrate Selectivity in the Catalytic Epoxidations of Olefins
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inom kemin kan uppbyggnaden av molekylära aggregat styras genom att använda sig av kovalenta bindningar eller genom att utnyttja svaga växelverkningar. Den moderna kemin baseras på många års grundforskning på reaktionsförlopp där bildningen av en kovalent bindning stått i fokus vilket har gjort det möjligt att förutsäga utfallet av en sådan reaktion. Däremot är det betyThis thesis is devoted to the development and investigation of a supramolecular system used to catalyze Jacobsen-Katsuki epoxidations with the aim to attain substrate selectivity without product inhibition. The supramolecular catalyst is composed of two well-defined entities or units: a catalytic and a receptor. The keyword for the design was flexibility. The interactions foming the supramolecula
Socialdemokrater möter invandrare. Arbetarrörelsen, invandrarna och främlingsfientligheten i Landskrona under efterkrigstiden
Ethical Issues in Cardiology Patients' views of information and decision-making
The over-riding aim of this thesis was to obtain a deeper understanding of the way patients with cardiac problems view both information related to their health and medical decisions and their role in decision-making processes. An important objective was to identify reasons why patients do not ask for or assimilate information or why they do not want or feel that they are able to influence medical
A Tale of Two Worlds, on Cotton Plantations, Mansions and Hamlets
"Som en adlig vederlike" duellbrottet i det svenska stormaktssamhället
TV Living
This book presents the findings of a British Film Institute project in which 500 participants completed detailed questionnaire diaries over a five year period. Writing some three and a half million words on their lives, their television watching, and the relationship between the two.
Förord: Nils Krok, Victor Sjöström och Ingeborg Holm
Catalytic Reduction of NOx on Heavy-Duty Trucks
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling beskriver arbetet med att ta fram ett avgasreningssystem för att minska mängderna kväveoxider, NOx, som lastbilstrafik ger upphov till. Kväveoxid (NO) och kvävedioxid (NO2) i en godtycklig blandning brukar betecknas som NOx. NOx bildas vid i stort sett all förbränning, t.ex. i kraftverk eller fordon, och om avgaserna inte renas följer kväveoxiderna med The objective of the work described in this thesis is to identify the principles and parts of an aftertreatment system for the catalytic NOx reduction for heavy-duty diesel vehicles, and to demonstrate such a system in full-scale. The reducing agent is diesel fuel. Many advantageous features of the diesel engine, such as life span, reliability and efficiency, make the engine the most frequent pow
No title
No abstract. Titel i svensk översättning: Översikt av hälsosystem.
Krissituationerna och regelverket
Abstract is not available
Familjer över gränser
X-problematikens lösning och andra x-empel ur rimalfabetenas värld
Historisk genomgång av s k "rimalafabet" i lundensiska studentpublikationer, särskilt "Toddybladet".