Storstarken med folkviseögonen går på bio: Några anteckningar om Vilhelm Moberg och filmen
Om författaren Vilhelm Moberg och hans syn på filmmediet.
Om författaren Vilhelm Moberg och hans syn på filmmediet.
Abstract is not available
The modern consumers live in a transparent world with unlimited information and consumers adopt information strategies around who they trust and this is based on their values and experiences of food. Consumer question the information provided by the authorities and seek other sources of information such as the Internet and fellow consumers. There is a need for this consumer perspective in value ch
Kapitlet fokuserar hjälpmedelstekniken användning i skola och hem samt organiseringen av förskrivningsprocessen för hjälpmedel för barn med synnedsättning.
The thesis aims at creating a large-scale GIS database covering Amazonian prehistory between 2000 BC and AD 1700 in order to be able to test the hypothesis of ethnic circumscription described above. This database will be compiled of geographically positioned material from archaeology (datings, ceramic styles, tempering materials, rock art, anthropogenic soils, and other visual aspects of material
Concerns latest isotopic results of tin metal, tin foils and tin ingots from the Aegean Bronze Age
The subjects of this thesis are (as indicated by the title) truth, grounding and dependence. The thesis consists of an introduction and five free-standing essays. The purpose of the introduction is not merely to summarize the papers, but to provide a general background to the discussions in the essays. The introduction is divided into four chapters, each of which splits into a number of sections a
Authoritative survey of the importance of altered consciousness throughout history and in various disciplines such as philosophy, sociology, the arts and the humanities.
Abstract is not available.
Syftet med denna undersökning var att bestämma en 1 kg isvästs kylverkan på kroppen vid brandmansarbete. Testerna genomfördes i en klimatkammare, i en container med extrem strålningsvärme och i ett rökdykningshus med värme och tungt arbete. Den faktiska kylverkan mättes också med en termisk docka. Fyra erfarna brandmän deltog i försöken. I alla tester bar försökspersonerna standardklädsel för branThe aim of the present study was to examine the effects of wearing a light-weight ice-vest (1kg, water) on physiological and subjective responses in fire fighter’s work. The experiments were carried out in a climatic chamber, in a container under extreme radiant heat, and during simulated smoke-diving. In addition, the physical cooling effect of the ice-vest was measured with a thermal mannequin.
This thesis presents a study of DX center related phenomena in silicon doped AlGaAs and in GaAs/AlGaAs multi-layer structures. A variety of experimental techniques such as capacitance-voltage (C-V), deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS), single shot capacitance, thermally stimulated capacitance (TSCAP), admittance spectroscopy, photocapacitance, and photoconductivity have been used. The main re
2,6-naphthalene-dicarboxylic acid was adsorbed on a Ag(110) surface with an average terrace width of only some tens of a nm. Scanning tunneling microscopy shows that the adsorbates self-assemble into one-dimensional mesoscale length chains. These extend over several hundred nanometers and thus the structure exhibits an unprecedented tolerance to monatomic surface steps. Density functional theory a
The ATLAS Computing Model embraces the Grid paradigm and a high degree of decentralization and sharing of computing resources. The required level of computing resources means that off-site facilities will be vital to the operation of ATLAS in a way that was not the case for previous CERN-based experiments. The primary event processing occurs at CERN in a Tier-0 facility. The RAW data is archived