

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

RISING: Gamma‐ray Spectroscopy with Radioactive Beams at GSI

The Rare Isotope Spectroscopic INvestigation at GSI (RISING) project is a major pan‐European collaboration. Its physics aims are the studies of exotic nuclear matter with abnormal proton‐to‐neutron ratios compared with naturally occurring isotopes. RISING combines the FRagment Separator (FRS) which allows relativistic energies and projectile fragmentation reactions with EUROBALL Ge Cluster detecto

Characterisation and modelling of washover fans

Pre- and post-storm topography and aerial photography, collected in regions where new washover fans were formed, were studied to determine the extent of morphologic, vegetative and anthropogenic control on washover shape and extent. When overwash is funnelled through a gap in a dune ridge and then spreads laterally on the back barrier, decelerating and depositing sediment, it forms washover fans.

β-Mannoside hydrolases from clan A – Structural enzymology, subsite engineering and transglycosylation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Energiförsörjning är essentiellt för alla samhällen världen över, men jordens resurser är inte obegränsade. Växter utgör en stor källa av förnyelsebara råvaror som skulle kunna användas för att ersätta en del fossila energikällor och material. I växters cellväggar finns olika typer socker som sitter ihop i kedjor av så kallade polysackarider. Cellulosa är den mest kändaβ-Mannoside hydrolases are enzymes that are involved in conversion of the major soft-wood hemicellulose O-acetyl-galactoglucomannan, an important renewable biomass resource. They belong to clan A of glycoside hydrolases and share a common (β/α)8-TIM barrel fold. For their catalysis, they use a two-step retaining double displacement mechanism, and may in addition to hydrolysis also perform transgly

Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift 2005

Yearbook of Swedish Society of Church History. Nine articles and many reviews in International and Scandinavian Church History.

Economics of Aging

Population aging is a world wide phenomenon. Demographic structure and aging affects both consumption and production in an economy, which is analysed in a life cycle setting. Special emphasis is given to aging and the welfare state including the organisation of old age pensions.