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Review of Signums svenska kulturhistoria, vol. 3, Stormaktstiden
A Mapping Function for Variable-Scale Maps in Small-Display Cartography
Nuclear expression of the RNA-binding protein RBM3 is associated with an improved clinical outcome in breast cancer.
Single-strand RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) are involved in many aspects of RNA metabolism and in the regulation of gene transcription. The RBP RBM3 was recently suggested to be a proto-oncogene in colorectal cancer; however, such a role has not been corroborated by previous studies in the colon or other tumor types, and the prognostic implications of tumor-specific RBM3 expression remain unclear. M
Maintenance of lateral stability during standing and walking in the cat.
During free behaviors animals often experience lateral forces, such as collisions with obstacles or interactions with other animals. We studied postural reactions to lateral pulses of force (pushes) in the cat during standing and walking. During standing, a push applied to the hip region caused a lateral deviation of the caudal trunk, followed by a return to the initial position. The corrective hi
Transepithelial exit of leucocytes: inflicting, reflecting or resolving airway inflammation?
The passage of infiltrated tissue granulocytes across airway epithelium into airway lumen is generally considered to be a pathogenic process in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). An alternative hypothesis is proposed here-namely that the transepithelial egression of infiltrated leucocytes acts to rid diseased airway tissues of proinflammatory cells efficiently and non-injurio
Challenges and considerations in diagnosing the kidney disease in deteriorating graft function.
Despite significant reductions in acute-rejection rates with the introduction of calcineurin inhibitor (CNI)-based immunosuppressive therapy, improvements in long-term graft survival in renal transplantation have been mixed. Improving long-term graft survival continues to present a major challenge in the management of kidney-transplant patients. CNIs are a key component of immunosuppressive therap
Satsmelodi och hjärnaktivitet – Enkelt prat under luppen
Vardagligt tal är i all sin enkelhet en mycket komplicerad process. Lyssnandet likaså. Att över huvudtaget hinna höra och förstå ord som forsar ur någons mun, är ett mindre under. Till synes enkla självklarheter i språket är resultatet av avancerade tolkningar, bedömningar och beslut. Här har mätningar av hjärnaktiviteten under lyssnandet visat sig rymma flera förklaringar till hur pratet når fram
Han tar oss med på sista färden i rymden
Kulturartikel om science fiction-författaren Arthur C Clarke med anledning av den aktuella romanen 3001 - The Final Odyssey.
NOD-like receptors in the human upper airways: a potential role in nasal polyposis.
To cite this article: Månsson A, Bogefors J, Cervin A, Uddman R, Cardell LO. NOD-like receptors in the human upper airways: a potential role in nasal polyposis. Allergy 2010; DOI: 10.1111/j.1398-9995.2010.02527.x. ABSTRACT: Background: Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs) are newly discovered cytosolic receptors belonging to the pattern-recognition receptor family.
Problematiska utgångspunkter. Om en svensk vitbok för utredande av övergrepp mot romer.
Jean Greisch: Le buisson ardent et les lumières de la raison. L'invention de la philosophie de la religion. T1: Héritages et héritiers du XIXe siècle
Using Combinations of Points, Lines and Conics to Estimate Structure and Motion
Security industry convergence – bridging the knowledge divide
Convergence in the electronic security industry entails the meeting of two very different business cultures, which is currently manifesting itself in the form a knowledge gap. In view of this, the crucial strategic resources needed to succeed in the converged electronic security market of tomorrow will be a combination of competences, ca- pabilities and skills sets – or knowledge, in short – drawn
X-Ray Techniques for Aerosol Sulfur Baseline Assessment Along an Urban Freeway
Atmospheric aerosol particles have been sampled near a Los Angeles freeway and analyzed by proton-induced X-ray emission, PIXE, as a sulfur baseline study in September 1974 before 1975-model automobiles, equipped with catalytic emission control devices, appeared in large numbers. The sampling plan was optimized according to the requirements of X-ray analysis techniques, fluctuations in air flow ac
Binding animals and weaving conflict. On the meanings of animal ornamentation.
The article is about the symbolic meanings of animal ornamentation in a long term perspective. Special interest is payed to the relation between the images in animal ornamentation and verbal expressions in early medieval skaldic poetry. The article also deals with animal ornamentation in a gender perspective.
Retorikens etik – och progymnasmata
Ambivalens och Vänskap : Mångkulturell utbildning i Jerusalem 1920-1948
Samverkanskonstruktionen - matta - lim - betong
Population-based study of lung function and incidence of heart failure hospitalisations.
BACKGROUND: Reduced forced expiratory volume (FEV(1)) and forced vital capacity (FVC) are risk factors for myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. However, the relationship with incidence of heart failure (HF) is incompletely known. This population-based study explored whether reduced FEV(1) or FVC is associated with the incidence of hospitalisation for HF. METHODS: 20 998 men (mean age 43 years) w