

Din sökning på "*" gav 535574 sökträffar

Postphenomenology vs Postpositivism : Don Ihde vs Bruno Latour

Our presentation will try to clarify the differences between Postphenomenology and Postpositivism. Contemporary studies of technology and its relation to science are very much inspired by the works of Don Ihde and Bruno Latour.Updated February 2016.

A novel soft-input soft-output reduced complexity MIMO trellis detector

In this paper we propose a novel trellis based soft-input soft-output MIMO detector with significantly reduced search space. The performance of the detector is measured by evaluating the ultimate communication rate that is achievable for a system employing the novel detector; this limit corresponds to a mutual information that can be determined by standard methods. We also derive an expression tha

Carl Schmitt’s definition of sovereignty as authorized leadership

Reading Political Theology in light of the later developed concrete-order thinking, this essay draws attention to the understanding of law, which allows Schmitt to present the sovereign as simultaneously standing inside and outside the legal order. In addition, the particular way of ordering the political community, which Schmitt’s notion of sovereignty advances, is also explored. The essay sugges

Radikalare än Hitler? De esoteriska och gröna nazisterna

Boken ger en samlad framställning av en föga uppmärksammad idéströmning under 1900-talet: den esoteriska och gröna fascismen. Mängder av enskilda personer, grupper, organisationer och publikationer som under århundradet bidrog till att forma idéströmningen är avsevärd. Här möter såväl bekanta namn som August Strindber och Mircea Eliade dom numera glömda, som Karl Maria Wiligut eller Johann von Lee

Annual ecosystem respiration budget for a Pinus sylvestris stand in central Siberia.

Using a ground-based and an above-canopy eddy covariance system in addition to stem respiration measurements, the annual respiratory fluxes attributable to soil, stems and foliage were determined for a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest growing in central Siberia. Night-time foliar respiration was estimated on the basis of the difference between fluxes measured below and above the canopy and

Reconstruction of Equivalent Currents Using a Near-Field Data Transformation - with Radome Applications

Knowledge of the current distribution on a radome can be used to improve radome design, detect manufacturing errors, and to verify numerical simulations. In this paper, the transformation from near-field data to its equivalent current distribution on a surface, ie the radome, is analyzed. The transformation is based on the surface integral representation that relates the equivalent currents to the