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Studenters erfarenheter från en civilingenjörsutbildning i teknisk nanovetenskap - integration inom ett nytt och växande tvärdisciplinärt kunskapsområde
Noncollinear Magnetism
Recently, a great deal of effort has been focused on developing the so called “fully unconstrained” approach to noncollinear magnetism. This approach allows the magnetization density within a material to be calculated as a continuous vector variable of position, as opposed to using the atomic moment approximation (AMA) where a fixed quantization direction is assumed for a volume filling sphere sur
The Useworthiness of Robots for People with Physical Disabilities
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar robotteknik och de nya möjligheter som den kan ge människor med rörelsehinder. Jag fokuserar på teknikanvändaren och teknikanvändningen, speciellt på vad som gör robothjälpmedel värda att använda. Distinktion görs mellan användvärdhet och användbarhet. Erfarenheter från användning av den rullstolsmonterade robotarmen Manus visar att tekniska kravThis thesis deals with robotics and the new possibilities it offers people with physical disabilities. I focus on the user and the use of the technology and, in particular, on what makes robotic aids worth using - useworthiness as distinguished from usability. User experience of the wheelchair-mounted Manus manipulator shows that robotic arms must meet technical requirements in terms of accelerat
Towards a responsive functional material: Modification of porosity and grafting of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in mesoporous silica SBA-15
Popular Abstract in English Figure 1: Electron microscopy image of mesoporous material seen from above. The left image shows a possible shape of a silica particle (scale bar: 1 μm). The right image shows the mesopores in the particle (grey color) with the silicon dioxide walls (black color) (scale bar: 150 nm). Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAM) is a polymer that can provide the active part forMesoporous silica materials, such as SBA-15, have potential as biocompatible carriers for pharmaceutical applications as well as mini-reactors in e.g. catalysis. This potential arises from their well-defined porous structure on the nanometre scale accompanied by a high internal surface area (800 - 1000 m2/g). This work addresses the following issues. i) Surface grafted PNIPAAM was found to be loca
Biogas production from a systems analytical perspective
Anaerobic digestion and the production of biogas can provide an efficient means of meeting several objectives concerning energy, environmental and waste management policy. Interest in biogas is increasing, and new facilities are being built. There is a wide range of potential raw material, and both the biogas and digestates produced can be used in many different applications. The variation in raw
Nanoforskning vinnare på LTH
Musikens förhållande till identitet och makt i det mångkulturella samhället: ett bidrag från det musikpedagogiska fältet
Amerikansk välfärdskapitalism och social ingenjörskonst
Socialtjänstens arbete med migranter - en bakgrund
Absorption through a coupled optical resonance in a horizontal InP nanowire array
We study through electromagnetic modeling the absorption of light of a given wavelength in an array of horizontal InP nanowires of diameter less than 100 nm. Such absorption is performed most efficiently by using polarized light and by exciting a coupled optical resonance in a sparse array. In that case, we excite a resonance in the individual nanowires and couple the resonances in neighboring nan
Dop, tro och pånyttfödelse i den lutherska ortodoxin
Med viss kritisk distans skildras ortodoxins bibelargumentation, då det gäller dopet som medel till pånyttfödelse. Tanken att alla spädbarn som döps undfår tro och pånyttfödelse i dopet sätts i samband med ortodoxins syn på viljefrihet och predestination. Det betonas också att dopet för de ortodoxa ej var något absolut villkor för att en person skulle räknas som medlem i kyrkan.
Differences in the capabilities of sea turtles and blue water fishes – implications for bycatch reduction.
Child Participation in the Decision-Making Process. : Some reflections on a dialogical approach to the recognition of children in the decision-making process
Benchmarking av informatik och systemvetenskap
This paper presents a state-of-the-art analysis of current systems for product identification utilized within the Swedish sector of construction and facility management. The study also discusses the concept of object and class identification in information systems development. The purpose of the study is to identify and define concepts in a common information structure that provides a framework fo