

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

The Impact of Foreign Trade on the Development of Germany’s Energy Intensity during the Industrialization Phase

The development of Germany’s energy intensity of the 19th and 20th century shows a clear inverted U-shaped trend, which supports the hypothesis of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) of energy intensity. In this article this development will be analyzed from a consumption perspective and investigate the impact of international trade on the upswing phase of Germany’s EKC of energy intensity. It i

Att bedöma krishanteringsförmåga med hjälp av resultatmål

The purpose of this thesis was to contribute to the development of an integrated Swedish national risk and ability assessment. The goal was to develop a method that uses performance indicators for evaluation of crisis management capability, and to analyze whether this is a good tool for that purpose.A method was created using a method development process, and with the aid of literature and intervi

Optimizing and method development for clinical MR imaging near metallic implants

Metallic hip prosthesis is an implant that gets more common and comes with problems like metallosis (inflammation due to metallic debris). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is a superior method when imaging soft tissue (compared to other medical imaging techniques) is affected by metal implants and will result in a distorted image. View Angle Tilting (VAT) and Slice Encoding for Metal Artifac

Självmordstankar på internet - En studie om interaktion i samband med självmordstankar på Flashback

Suicidal thoughts are a serious problem that’s discussed on the internet forum Flashback. The aim with this study was to examine and analyze how thoughts of suicide between members are expressed, treated and handled on Flashback and how the interaction between these members unfolds. The members that participate in the communication on the forum are usually no professionals. Therefore, the members

Dynamic Breaking - FPGA Implementation of DCC

In this thesis a Direct Current Control (DCC) is implemented for controlling a PMSM. The controller should be implemented in an already existing program. This program is used for testing electrical machines. The new testing method is called Dynamic braking, more information about this method can be read in the report "Performance and efficiency evaluation of FPGA controlled IPMSM under dynami

Fri rörlighet för kapital och tredje land -en studie av EU-domstolens skatterättsliga praxis

Ett av målen med den Europeiska Unionen är att skapa en fri inre marknad genom att avskaffa alla hinder för den fria rörligheten för varor, tjänster, personer och kapital. På skatterättens område kan sådana hinder ofta uppstå då medlemsstaternas beskattningssystem inte är harmoniserade. EUD har dock i sin praxis under många år avskaffat en stor del av dessa hinder genom sin tolkning och utvecklingAchieving a free internal market by abolishing obstacles to the free movement of goods, services, persons and capital is one of the fundamental objectives of the European Union. Such obstacles often appear within the field of income taxation, due to the lack of harmonization of the member states' tax systems. The CJEU has during the recent years managed to abolish a large number of restriction

How Can Idea Campaigns Generate Ideas to Trigger Innovation?

Issue of study: The starting point for innovation is ideas, which can be seen as fuel to the innovation process as it supplies the innovation funnel with new or improved concepts that finally may spark innovation. There is a vast literature on the success of a few radical ideation methods and the use of creativity tools, while few have dealt with the use and effects of ideation approaches in pract

The IMF and economic growth: An analysis of lending to developing countries during 1983-2010

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization working for economic cooperation and stability. The IMF’s work is aimed at both temporary credit access and structural reforms to increase economic growth. In theory, the IMF can influence economic growth via several channels. This paper identifies four; provide money through loan disbursements, work as an insurance for investo

När man kommer ut så – vad fan gör jag nu? Så vänder man tillbaka till de gamla mönstren liksom. En kandidatuppsats om betydelsen av sociala band mellan intagna på anstalt och samhället utanför för att förebygga återfall i brott

An individual that is discharged from a penal institution often releases to a controversial social subsistence. The discharged might be subjected to the experience of being excluded in society that can potentially trigger a relapse in crime. The prime purpose of this Bachelor thesis is to examine the significance of social bond between the inmate and society outside the penal institution to genera

A sustainable ”Miljonprogram” Factors behind a successful renovation and energy efficiency of the “Miljonprogram”

Problem: How much does three existing levels of renovation and energy efficiency action packages of the “Miljonprogram” cost? What are the success factors for each of the levels of renovation and energy efficiency action packages of the “Miljonprogram”? Purpose: This study aims to determine the cost and success factors of three action packages. The package consists of existing combinations of sta

Ecology + Design?

How can design be used to minimize negative environmental impact? I strongly believe that we, human beings, are facing an unavoidable paradigm shift. The world we have created for ourselves is a ticking bomb and we need to rethink the fundamental system in order to have a future at all. In this project the goal was to understand what role design can play in the process of reaching a more sustaina

Inclusion of Children of Immigrants from Mexico in the California ECE System

This thesis will critically analyze the extent of inclusion and exclusion among young children of immigrants from Mexico to the the United States in the California Early Childhood Education System (ECE), commonly referred to as preschool. It will analyze inclusion based on the public ECE program, Head Start. Using secondary analysis, it studies how Head Start has been successful in promoting inclu

Geologisk guide till Söderåsen : 17 geologiskt intressanta platser att besöka

En geologisk turistguide över Söderåsen i Skåne har utarbetats i samarbete med Svalövs kommun. Syftet med guiden är att öka kunskapen om Söderåsens unika geologi samt tipsa om geologiskt intressanta besökslokaler inom området. Information om geologi och lokaler har inhämtats via skriftliga publikationer, från Sveriges geologiska undersöknings (SGU:s) kartblad med beskrivningar samt genom dokumentaA geological tourist guide to Söderåsen in the province of Scania, southern Sweden, has been made in collaboration with Svalövs municipality. The purpose of the guide is to increase knowledge about Söderåsen's unique geology and to present geologically interesting sites in the area. Information about geology and sites have been obtained through written publications, from map sheets with descri

Uppföljning av vattenvårdsprojekt - med fokus på övergödning

Få heltäckande uppföljningar har genomförts för vattenvårdsprojekt. Forskning kring miljöförbättrande åtgärder i vattenvårdsprojekt pekar på ett behov av systematiserade och accepterade metoder för uppföljning av vidtagna åtgärder. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla rekommendationer och tillvägagångssätt för uppföljning av åtgärder riktade mot kväve- och fosforreducering i små avrinningsomrFew comprehensive follow-ups have been carried out for water management projects. Research on environmental improvements in water management projects, indicates a need for systematic and accepted methods for follow ups. The purpose of this thesis is to develop recommendations and approaches for follow-ups of measures reducing nitrogen and phosphorus in small watersheds. The methods used were an in

Sambandet mellan lärares upplevelse av organisationsklimatet som kreativt och en kreativitetsfrämjande lärarstil

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers perception of the organizational climate within which they work and their promotion of students’ creativity in Swedish classrooms. The study also aimed to explore the hypothesized positive correlation between a teaching style promoting creativity and the perception of freedom and time to produce and pursuit new ideas in the

Determining Room Rates in Sweden - A Hedonic Prices Approach of the Stockholm Hotel Market

Based on the hedonic pricing method, this paper investigates the way in which room rates are determined. I identify ten significant room rate determinants in the Swedish capital city of Stockholm. Two separate models for double rooms are estimated; one for the business week and one for the weekend. Initially, nineteen variables were considered, but since nine of them were shown to be jointly redun

Identification and Categorization of Order Qualifiers and Order Winners in Knowledge Intensive Business Services

The increased number of companies supplying knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) has caused a highly competitive market during the recent decade, where actors on the market struggle to gain competitive advantage and especially vulnerable are companies that offer engineering services. Underlying factors for the difficulties to provide competitive services on the market for engineering servi