Utbrott och uppbrott i Strindbergs havsband. Föreläsning vid Humanistdagarna i Lund den 28 april 2006
Abstract not available.
Abstract not available.
In human service organisations, evidence-based practice (EBP) implies that practice and decision-making should be guided by empirical evidence in a systematic way. Policy makers and researchers argue that practitioners in many fields do not apply state-of-the-art methods and that they should rely on evidence in a more systematic way. Among the suggested reasons for this state of affairs we note la
This thesis gives a contribution to matching theory. It examines three one-to-one matching models: the roommate problem, the partnership formation problem and the assignment game. In the former two, it is known that stable matchings may not exist. In the latter, stable outcomes do exist; we examine if they still do if we generalize the model. The thesis consists of three separate papers. In the f
Popular Abstract in Swedish POPULÄRVETENSKAPLIG SAMMANFATTNING (Popularized summary in Swedish) Monoaminer Monoaminer såsom serotonin, dopamin, noradrenalin, adrenalin och histamin är alla signalsubstanser syntetiserade från enkla aminosyror. Nervceller som innehåller monoaminer är anatomiskt lokaliserade till hjärnstammen och förlängda märgen. Härifrån försörjer de resten av storhjärnan samt ryIn the present study, the mRNA encoding the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and two isoforms of the vesicular monoamine transporters (VMAT1 and VMAT2) have been mapped in the rat throughout gestation and early postnatal development using in situ hybridization, RT PCR and immunohistochemistry. 5-HTT mRNA was found in serotonergic neurons and VMAT2 mRNA in all monoaminergic neurons from early gestatio
In the conceptual design phase, solutions are reached through an iterative, high-paced and often chaotic manner. Conventional advanced structural analysis software is often too advanced and insufficiently agile to follow this high-paced work pattern. Premature use of advanced structural analysis tools can negatively affect conceptual understanding and the quality of the conceptual design. The mult
In this paper a method for minimizing the total harmonic distortion (THD) is presented for a class-D output stage by optimizing a loop filter. A second-order filter is chosen to create large error suppression through the audio band while keeping the overall system complexity low. The stability of the optimized loop is examined to ensure proper operation. SIMULINK simulations are given to verify th