

Din sökning på "*" gav 535461 sökträffar

Implementing a critical gender perspective in art history/visual culture

Based on the assumption that female students’ academic careers in particular are disadvantaged by canonical art history teaching, the project’s chief goal was to launch strategies for the implementation of critical gender perspectives in all undergraduate courses in the division of Art History and Visual Studies, Lund University, 2004-2006. These strategies included teaching practices derived from

CLEAR: A novel family of highly cross-linked polymeric supports for solid-phase peptide synthesis

Cross-Linked Ethoxylate Acrylate Resin (CLEAR) supports were prepared by radical copolymerization, either in the bulk or suspension mode, of the branched cross-linker trimethylolpropane ethoxylate (14/3 EO/OH) triacrylate (1) with one or more of allylamine (2), 2-aminoethyl methacrylate·HCl (3), poly(ethylene glycol-400) dimethacrylate (4), poly(ethylene glycol) ethyl ether methacrylate (5), and t

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Este estudio se hace en el marco de un trabajo de tesis doctoral sobre las estrategias de atenuación en conversaciones interculturales entre hablantes nativos de español peninsular y aprendices suecos de español. Como han mostrado múltiples estudios empíricos, la atenuación, así como la cortesía, las actividades de imagen, la argumentación y la interacción en general, está estrechamente vinculada

Methods for the Assessment of Long-Lived Radionuclides in Humans Resulting from Nuclear Activities or Accidents - Fission track analysis of trace-amounts 239Pu and a copper hexacyanoferrate kit for monitoring radiocaesium

Fission track analysis (FTA) was developed to be applied to ultra-low levels of 239Pu in bioassay samples. An analytical protocol was established for the FTA processing. The detection limit was determined to 1.5 µBq and the calibration constant was 24 fission fragments per µBq 239Pu. Naturally occuring nuclides of thorium and uranium, present in biological and environmental samples, did not interf

It's a child's game: Investigating cognitive development with playing robots

To study and simulate cognitive development, it is useful to find a natural domain where many cognitive functions are needed and, but where the complexity of the environment and task is reasonable. We suggest that childrens games constitute a suitable domain. The ability to play is a very fundamental part of children's daily life and it is crucial for the future development of our behaviors in Bek

Load balancing strategies for TINA networks

TINA is an open, object oriented, distributed telecom architecture, with many concepts taken directly from the latest computer research. In TINA, instances of the same object type can be placed on different physical nodes. Therefore, the network performance can be improved by introducing load balancing algorithms. These algorithms should distribute the traffic between the object instances in such

Styrande faktorer och energirelaterade köpbeslut. En kunskapsöversikt.

Den litteraturgenomgång som ligger bakom denna kunskapsöversikt visar att det finns forskningsresultat kring energieffektivisering i hushåll, dvs. framför allt beslut kring beteendeförändringar, både i relation till tillskrivna och i viss mån förvärvade egenskaper, exempelvis via styrmedel. Däremot är kunskap om köpbeslut när det gäller teknisk utrustning som innebär långsiktiga investeringar elle

Identitet och Nationalism i Peru - Quechua-kulturen konfliktens spegel

Spanjorernas erövring "konflikt", Quechuakulturens strategier av motstånd, men också av anpassning. I modern tid; storskalig urbanisering, ekonomisk ruin och inre väpnande konflikter. Med ett Socialantropologiskt synsätt analyserar bokens författare, Johan Cronehed, det peruanska samhället och dess sociala uppbyggnad. Utifrån Quechuaindianernas etniska tillhörighet visar författaren hur det är m

Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP). Functions in collagen binding and assembly.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Målsättningen i denna avhandling är att identifiera funktionen hos COMP (Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein). Detta protein finns framförallt i brosk och sena. Dessa vävnader tillhör bindväven och har till funktion att ta upp och fördela belastning, utgöra ett skydd och förmedla transport av olika ämnen. De är uppbyggda av ett fåtal celler inbäddade i en dominerande exConnective tissues contain a prominent extracellular matrix that provides mechanical and physical properties. This extracellular matrix contains as a major constituent a network of collagen fibres. These are composed of collagen fibrils, which in turn are assembled from many collagen molecules aligned parallel to each other. Several proteins, e.g. collagens, leucine-rich repeat proteins and thromb

Essays on Gender Issues, Food Security, and Technology Adoption in East Africa.

Abstract in UndeterminedThis thesis consists of five self-contained papers: Paper 1: Are there systematic gender differences in the adoption of joint sustainable intensification practices? Evidence from Kenya This paper uses household- and plot-level data to test whether there are systematic gender differences in the adoption of joint sustainable intensification practices in Kenya. Using a multiva

How fast are the two-dimensional gaussian waves?

For a stationary two-dimensional random field evolving in time, we derive the intensity distributions of appropriately defined velocities of crossing contours. The results are based on a generalization of the Rice formula. The theory can be applied to practical problems where evolving random fields are considered to be adequate models. We study dynamical aspects of deep sea waves by applying the d

The Role of Diasporas in peace, Democracy and Development in the Horn of Africa

Introduction: Transnationalism and migration Ulf Johansson Dahre The 5th annual Somalia International Rehabilitation Centre (SIRC) Conference of the Horn of Africa focused on “The Role of Diasporas in Peace, Democracy and Development”. The conference was held in Lund, Sweden, August 19-20, 2006. The content of this volume reflects some of the views and proceedings presented at the conference. I

Antenna matching for capacity maximization in compact MIMO systems

As MIMO technology slowly matures, it is finding its way into more wireless applications. However, some important applications, including mobile communications, require compact implementations. One important challenge in miniaturizing MIMO systems for compact terminals is to overcome capacity performance degradation resulting from mutual coupling among closely separated antennas. In this contribut