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An Integrated System-on-Chip Test Framework
In this paper we propose a framework for the testing of system-on-chip (SOC), which includes a set of design algorithms to deal with test scheduling, test access mechanism design, test sets selection, test parallelization, and test resource placement. The approach minimizes the test application time and the cost of the test access mechanism while considering constraints on tests, power consumption
The State, Egyptian Intellectuals, Intolerance and Religious Discourse
Decorrelation distance characterization of long term fading of CW MIMO channels in urban multicell environment
An analysis of long-term fading properties of 4×4 CW MIMO channels is presented in this paper. The main focus has been on the long-term variability of MIMO channels in urban cellular environments, with emphasis on the decorrelation distance over mid range distances along the mobile trajectory for different base station antenna heights. A model that characterizes the decorrelation distance at diffe
Radiation-hydrodynamics Simulations of Surface Convection in a Late M-dwarf
Based on detailed 2D and 3D numerical radiation hydrodynamicscalculations of time-dependent compressible convection, we have studiedthe dynamics and thermal structure of the convective surface layers of aprototypical late-type M-dwarf at Teff=2800 K, and log g=5.0with solar chemical composition. The thermal structure of the atmosphereis dominated by molecular absorption, the formation of dust grai
Renardus broker technical implementation. Renardus deliverable D2.5
Modeling of Protein Folding and Genetic Networks
Popular Abstract in Swedish Modeller för proteinveckning utvecklas och tillämpas på peptider och små proteiner som har både α-helix- och β-blad-struktur. Energifunktionerna, i vilka effektiva hydrofobicitetskrafter och vätebindningar är de två centrala termerna, är helt sekvensbaserade och har medvetet hållits enkla. Den geometriska representationen av proteinkedjorna är däremot detaljerad och harModels for potein folding are developed and applied to peptides and small proteins with both α-helix and β-sheet structure. The energy functions, in which effective hydrophobicity forces and hydrogen bonds are taken to be the two central terms, are sequence-based and deliberately kept simple. The geometric representations of the protein chains are, by contrast, detailed and have torsion angles as
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Development and application of strategies for the analysis of modification patterns in chondroitin and dermatan sulphate
Chondroitin (CS) and dermatan sulphate (DS) are socalled glycosaminoglycans (GAG) that are covalently attached to various type of proteins forming a subgroup within the diverse proteoglycan (PG) family. The PGs studied in this thesis are mostly extracellularly located and include aggrecan, biglycan and decorin. The CS and DS chains both consist of repeating disaccharides of the type (hexuronic aci
The Nordic Alliance for Open education-State of the art, Challenges and opportunities
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Investment Process of Companies - Effect and Learning from Government Action in some Companies
Evidence of enrichment by individual SN from elemental abundance ratios in the very metal-poor dSph galaxy Boötes I
Continuous-Time Identification
This chapter considers the problem of estimation of the transfer function of a continuous-time dynamic system in the presence of colored noise. Whereas parameter estimation can be made by means of a discrete-time maximum-likelihood algorithm, an operator transformation permits a continuous-time model parameterization. The method is useful in cases where it is important to estimate the coefficients
Utveckling och variation : en tillämpning av processbarhetsteorin på svenskt inlärarspråk.
Probabilistic Semantics for a Discussive Temporal Logic
The paper introduces a probabilistic semantics for the paraconsistent temporal logic Ab presented by the authors in a previous work on future contingents. Probabilistic concepts help framing two possible interpretations of the logic in question - a `subjective' and an `objective' one - and explaining the rationale behind both of them. We also sketch a proof-method for Ab and address some considera