

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

Modeling of Protein Folding and Genetic Networks

Popular Abstract in Swedish Modeller för proteinveckning utvecklas och tillämpas på peptider och små proteiner som har både α-helix- och β-blad-struktur. Energifunktionerna, i vilka effektiva hydrofobicitetskrafter och vätebindningar är de två centrala termerna, är helt sekvensbaserade och har medvetet hållits enkla. Den geometriska representationen av proteinkedjorna är däremot detaljerad och harModels for potein folding are developed and applied to peptides and small proteins with both α-helix and β-sheet structure. The energy functions, in which effective hydrophobicity forces and hydrogen bonds are taken to be the two central terms, are sequence-based and deliberately kept simple. The geometric representations of the protein chains are, by contrast, detailed and have torsion angles as

Development and application of strategies for the analysis of modification patterns in chondroitin and dermatan sulphate

Chondroitin (CS) and dermatan sulphate (DS) are socalled glycosaminoglycans (GAG) that are covalently attached to various type of proteins forming a subgroup within the diverse proteoglycan (PG) family. The PGs studied in this thesis are mostly extracellularly located and include aggrecan, biglycan and decorin. The CS and DS chains both consist of repeating disaccharides of the type (hexuronic aci

Continuous-Time Identification

This chapter considers the problem of estimation of the transfer function of a continuous-time dynamic system in the presence of colored noise. Whereas parameter estimation can be made by means of a discrete-time maximum-likelihood algorithm, an operator transformation permits a continuous-time model parameterization. The method is useful in cases where it is important to estimate the coefficients

Probabilistic Semantics for a Discussive Temporal Logic

The paper introduces a probabilistic semantics for the paraconsistent temporal logic Ab presented by the authors in a previous work on future contingents. Probabilistic concepts help framing two possible interpretations of the logic in question - a `subjective' and an `objective' one - and explaining the rationale behind both of them. We also sketch a proof-method for Ab and address some considera

Immunocytochemical studies of excitatory amino acid neurotransmitters and transporters in the spinal cord and nucleus submedius

Popular Abstract in Swedish Signaler om smärta och känsel löper från receptorer ute i kroppen genom olika typer av nervfibrer in till ryggmärgens bakhorn och till trigeminuskärnorna i hjärnstammen. Där kopplas signalerna via synapser vidare till nervceller som leder signalerna upp till hjärnan, så att vi blir medvetna om vad som händer i kroppen. På sin väg till hjärnbarken kopplas signalerna om yThe amino acid glutamate is today regarded as the main fast excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and a large body of evidence support that glutamate serves as a neurotransmitter in primary afferent terminals in the spinal cord. Previous evidence also suggests that the closely related amino acid aspartate may serve a similar role in some primary afferent terminals. However, the

Women in Swedish Higher Education - A statistical overview

The European Research Training Network ”Women in European Universities” investigates women’s career opportunities in higher education. In seven European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom) women’s position and career perspectives within the systems of higher education are analyzed. Main focus of the project is the ”glass ceiling” that women encounter

Role of cadmium and ultraviolet-B radiation in plants, Influence on photosynthesis and element content in two species of Brassicaceae

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla växter utsätts för någon form av stress i sin dagliga miljö. Till exempel råder det väldigt sällan optimala tillväxtförhållanden på en åker, där ogräsen konkurrerar, insekterna knaprar, svamparna frodas och olika näringsbrister kan råda, för att inte tala om de torra somrarna. Det är alltså troligt att en växt utsätts för ett flertal stressfaktorer samtidigt, vilkePlants are exposed to many different stress factors during their lifetime, often more than one factor at a time, which highlights the importance of research regarding interaction among stress factors. Cadmium and ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-315 nm) are two potential stress factors in the environment, which have gained increased interest due to atmospheric pollution. In this work the intera