

Din sökning på "*" gav 535489 sökträffar

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Abstract in Danish Kapitlet viser først gennem en historisk analyse, at det er et relativt nyt fænomen, at de pårørende til mennesker, som trænger til hjælp i det danske sundhedssystem, på hospitalet, på plejehjemmet, i eget hjem og alle andre steder, beskrives og tænkes som en del af sundhedsvæsnet. Herefter gøres analytiske nedslag på hospitalet, plejehjemmet og i hjemmeplejen mhp. at se, hvorda

Butchering of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in the Mesolithic

The butchering of wild boar during the Mesolithic in South Scandinavia has been studied through the analysis of cut marks on osteological remains from the sites Ageröd I:HC, Ringsjöholm, Tågerup and Bökeberg III in Scania, Sweden. The study reveals relatively high frequencies of cut marks from dismembering and filleting. The distribution of cut marks indicates a uniformity in the dismembering of w

Nucleic Acids as Drugs and Drug Targets With Focus on Anticancer Active Platinum Complexes and Small Interfering RNAs

Popular Abstract in Swedish Titeln på den här avhandlingen är ”Nukleinsyror som läkemedel och mål för läkemedel, med fokus på anticanceraktiva platinaföreningar och små interferande RNA”. Nukleinsyror är mer kända som sina förkortningar DNA och RNA. Anticanceraktiva platinaföreningar är en typ av läkemedel mot cancer. Små interfererande RNA är en slags reglermekanism för hur mycket av ett visst prTo ensure that patients receive a safe and effective treatment, it is important to understand how drugs interact with and affect molecules within a cell. Here, evaluation of platinum based drugs and their ability to interfere with nucleic acid functions is presented. The main focus of this thesis has been to evaluate whether siRNA efficiency can be modified by two clinically used anticancer active

Time-Domain Theory of Forerunners

The time-domain theory of forerunners (precursors) in temporally dispersive, nonmagnetic, isotropic materials is developed with the propagator technique. Specifically, the impulse response at a (comparatively) large propagation depth is expanded in two different ways: (a) with respect to the wave front and (b) with respect to slowly varying field components. A few numerical examples illustrating t

Critical Systemic Thinking – or The Standard Engineer in Paris

In wanting to pursue critically informed research, we highlight a steppingstone we use in our struggle answering the question ‘How do we recognize what to critically reflect upon?’. When we, as researchers, try to apply critical thinking we may find that our descriptions of our reasoning undermine the purpose for those descriptions. We perceive problems to flow from an entrapment of mind in the ‘f

Early trauma/dysmorphogenesis and adult neurodysfunction in schizophrenia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns alltmer bevis för att både genetiska och tidiga miljömässiga faktorer spelar en väsentlig roll i uppkomsten av schizofreni genom att påverka tidig neuroutveckling. För att kunna analysera betydelsen av tidig neuroutvecklingsavvikelse för uppkomst av schizofreni, har vi studerat tidiga traumata, dvs obstetriska komplikationer (OCs), samt dysmorfogenes, dvs lindTo measure the importance of early neurodevelopmental disturbance for schizophrenia, early trauma and dysmorphogenesis (i.e. obstetric complications (OCs), minor physical anomalies (MPAs), head circumference (HC) and dermatoglyphic characteristics) were studied in relationship to adult neurodysfunction (i.e. neurological abnormality (NA), neurocognitive dysfunction (NCGD), tardive dyskinesia (TD)