

Din sökning på "*" gav 526291 sökträffar

Effects of Reduced and Altered Use of Social Networking Sites— A Randomized Controlled Study

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to experimentally investigate the effects of changes in both quantity and quality of use of social networking sites (SNS) on measures of anxiety, depression, stress, self-esteem, loneliness, problematic social media use, and present focused awareness. Method: Participants were randomly assigned to three different conditions: reducing SNS time to 30 minut

Excellent MSc Dissertations 2023

In this eighth edition of the Excellent MSc Dissertation series, five students present condensed versions of their Master’s theses, completed for the MSc degree in Media and Communication Studies at Lund University. These students presented their dissertations in May 2023 and earned the highest mark. During the Fall of 2023, the dissertations were revised to a shorter length of 14,000 words for pu

Effects of personal perspective on an individuals’ moral intuition

Can we manipulate how morally permissible or unjustifiable someone finds a certain action by framing a dilemma in either a first- or third-person perspective? This online study aims to investigate this question through a between-group study. 42 participants, recruited through social media, on campus, and through snowballing, were divided into two groups and asked to rank nine different moral

Går det att tolerera en oliktänkande vän? - Betydelsen av kön och självkonstruktion för tolerans mot nära vänner

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka relationen mellan män och kvinnors interdependence, det vill säga deras prioritering av nära relationer eller grupprelationer, samt nivå av tolerans mot en oliktänkande vän. För att göra detta skapades och distribuerades en enkät till universitetsstudenter vid olika lärosäten i Sverige. Enkäten bestod av frågor om deltagarnas prioritering av sociala relatiThe aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between men and women’s interdependence, meaning prioritization of close relationships or group relationships, and level of tolerance towards a friend with dissimilar views. To do this, a survey was created and distributed to students at different universities in Sweden. The survey included questions about the participants' prioritizati

Köprättsligt felansvar när datorprogram innehåller immaterialrättsliga fel

Dagens samhällsutveckling och digitalisering har medfört en ökning av köp av digitalt innehåll och digitala tjänster. Mot bakgrund av de ändrade konsumentvanorna vad gäller köp av digitala produkter har en konsumenträttsreform genomförts. Den 1 maj 2022 trädde en ny konsumentköplag i kraft. Av särskilt intresse vid genomförande av reformen var de nya formerna för köp, där en köpare endast får tillToday's societal developments and increased digitalisation have led to an increase in the purchase of digital content and services. Due to the changing consumer habits regarding the purchase of digital products, a consumer law reform has been implemented. On 1 May 2022 a new Consumer Sales Act entered into force. In the implementation of the reform the new forms of purchase were of interest, s

Diplomatins dolda dimension - En rättshistorisk analys av hur sambandet mellan diplomati och underrättelseverksamhet har påverkat utvecklingen av diplomatisk immunitet

Att länder anklagas för att bedriva otillåten underrättelseverksamhet under diplomatisk täckmantel är ett återkommande fenomen genom historien. Diplomati och underrättelseverksamhet har en lång och sammanflätad historia. Över tid har diplomatin och underrättelsetjänsterna haft ett ömsesidigt behov av varandras verksamheter. Institutionerna har samspelat, men också agerat som konkurrenter. ParallelCountries being accused of conducting clandestine intelligence activities under diplomatic cover is a recurring phenomenon throughout history. Diplomacy and intelligence have a long and intertwined history. Over time, diplomacy and intelligence services have had a mutual need for each other's activities, complementing each other but also acting as rivals in the professional field. The parallel

3D modelling and resistivity measurements for hydrogeological assessments in the northern part of Vombsänkan

The geology of Vombsänkan is characterized by a complex sequence of Quaternary deposits overlying the Paleozoic sedimentary bedrock. The area is 759 km2 and has recorded several ice advances followed by glacial retreats and ice melting. The glacial history of Vombsänkan, which is controlled by sequential geological events such as active ice-margin and stagnant ice, formation of dead ice as well as

Validering av KFX för vätgasjetflammor som träffar ytor

Regarding climate change and the future need för renewable energy, hydrogen is considered to be an important component in energy storage systems. However, the use of hydrogen is fraught with risk due to its chemical properties. This thesis deals with the problem of modelling heat transfer from hydrogen jet flames hitting surfaces. This paper aims to assess how well KFX reproduces results of hydrog

Verkan av No Oral Modification-klausuler i svensk och engelsk rätt

No oral modification-klausuler är en typ av boilerplate-klausul som är vanligt förekommande i svenska och internationella avtal. De går att identifiera genom att de typiskt sätt begränsar avtalsparter från att göra ändringar i avtalet på något annat sätt än skriftligt, även kallat ett skriftkrav. Ett exempel på en NOM-klausul är: ”Alla ändringar av detta avtal måste göras skriftligen.” Dessa klausNo oral modification clauses are a type of boilerplate clause commonly found in Swedish and international contracts. They can be identified by the fact that they typically restrict contracting parties from making changes to the contract in any way other than in writing, also known as a writing requirement. An example of a NOM clause is: "All changes to this contract must be made in writing.&q

Stödjande insatser för ensamkommande unga: en retrospektiv studie ur de ensamkommande ungas perspektiv

Support measures for unaccompanied minors relate to their integration processes in Sweden. This study contributes to the understanding of the integration process of unaccompanied youth by examining interventions through their retrospective perspective. The method conducted for this study was qualitative interviews with five respondents, who all came to Sweden as unaccompanied minors about ten year

Rapid temperature adaptation of exotic, tropical soil microbial communities after incubation in a temperate grassland during winter

Mikrobers snabba värmeanpassning Mikroorganismer i jorden reglerar kolcykeln genom att binda kol när de växer, samtidigt som de frigör kol under andra mikrobiella processer. Mikrobers aktivitet regleras till stor del av temperatur och ett föränderligt klimat kan mikrobers aktivitet påverkas. Tidigare studier har funnit att mikrobiella samhällen snabbt anpassar sig till högre temperaturer, samtidiSoil microorganisms sequester carbon through growth and release it into the atmosphere through respiration. Climate change predictions suggest that high latitude ecosystems will be particularly affected by rising temperatures, and temperature is one of the main environmental factors regulating microbial activity in soils. Thus, understanding how microbial activity will be affected in temperate eco

Hjälper eller stjälper socialsekreterares inställningar till samverkan med polis det praktiska samarbetet?

Gang crime, firearm violence, and the recruitment of children and youth have become increasingly visible in Sweden. Given the awareness of the negative impact of gang crime on society, it is of the utmost importance to address the issues it entails. This study examines social workers' attitudes toward police collaboration regarding children and young people involved in gang crime. The purpose

Let Us Put Our Brains in the Spotlight – Literally!

Neurons are the working force in each vertebrate’s nervous system. These small cells have the important task of transferring information in the form of electrical charges called action potentials. Neurons make it possible for us to sense touch, process our environment, and store memory. To conduct studies on the brain outside of the body, one can culture neural cells in the lab. However, to accura

The Role of Caregiver-Child Conversations on the Development of Empathy During Childhood: A Systematic Review

Empathy is a multifaceted competency that underlies socioemotional functioning, improves prosocial behavior, and prevents mental health risks, which makes its development central during childhood with long-lasting impacts on individuals’ lives. In this systematic review we investigate which aspects of caregiver-child conversations that are critical in fostering children’s empathy. The study and se

Exploring Attachment Dynamics: Implications for Overgeneralized Memory and Rumination

Objective and Methods: This thesis investigates the relationship between insecure attachment (anxiety and avoidance), rumination, and overgeneralized episodic memory retrieval in nonclinical adults, addressing the potential moderating role of rumination in the attachment- overgeneralization link. A community sample of 41 Swedish-speaking women participated in a narrative memory task involving atta

Vägval i mörkret: Att stanna i eller lämna en våldsam relation: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors berättelser av uppbrottsprocessen från våld i nära relationer

Domestic violence is not a new phenomenon and it is regarded as a social and public health problem worldwide. Domestic violence means great suffering for the victims of violence, but also a cost to society in the form of healthcare, lost income, sick leave, and efforts from social services. Most of the research about why women remain in or leave abusive relationships is made within an internationa

Rekryterad av AI: En analys av arbetssökandes uppfattning och attityd

Rekrytering bedriven med hjälp av artificiell intelligens förekommer allt oftare med teknologins framfart. AI kan i dagsläget formulera arbetsannonser, granska CV:n, automatisera intervjuer och fatta beslut. Nuvarande forskning inom ämnet handlar till stor del om gynnsamheten för organisationer som implementerar AI, och mindre fokus på reaktionerna hos de arbetssökande. Därför ämnade studien underRecruitment conducted with the assistance of artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly common with the advancement of technology. Currently, AI can draft job advertisements, review resumes, automate interviews, and make decisions. Present research on the subject largely focuses on the benefits for organizations implementing AI, with less emphasis on the reactions of job seekers. Therefore,

Hur organisatorisk identifikation och motivation predicerar arbetstillfredsställelse?

Dagens arbetsplats förändras konstant bland annat genom anställdas nytänkande och nyfikenhet. Arbetsmiljöer där anställda känner sig motiverade, en organisation som anställda identifierar sig med och inte minst en arbetsplats där anställda känner sig respekterade och hörda är nyckelfaktorer bakom en organisations framgång. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan oThe contemporary workplace undergoes constant transformations, driven in part by employees' innovation and curiosity. Work environments where employees feel motivated, an organization that employees identify with, and notably, a workplace where employees feel respected and heard are key factors behind an organization's success. The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether there is a

Unravelling the Tensions; Impact of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU on Fundamental Rights and the Intricacy of Freedom of Movement

The CFSP has become a focal point of legal and political analysis, particularly concerning its impact on fundamental rights and the free movement of capital. Departing from that situation, the thesis attempts to delve into the complex question as its research question to find out how the EU balance its collective interests in pursuing sanctions with national sovereignty, the fundamental rights of

Nytta eller nöje i valet och kvalet kring framtida jaget

Finns det ett samband mellan utbildningsval och universitetsstudenters välmående under studietiden? 30 universitetsstudenter svarade på frågor om deras utbildningsval, deras motivation till universitetsstudier och deras välmående. En regressionsanalys visade att utbildningsval baserat på intresse inte ledde till högre välmående än val baserat på karriärutsikt. Däremot visades att högre inre motivaIs there a correlation between the choice of education and the well-being of university students during their studies? Thirty university students answered questions about their educational choices, their motivation for university studies, and their well-being. A regression analysis showed that choosing a field of study based on interest did not result in higher well-being compared to choices based