

Din sökning på "*" gav 526377 sökträffar

Laser-induced thermal stress and the heat shock response in neural cells

Background The Ho: YAG laser is used extensively in orthopedic surgery. It offers a minimally invasive method of ablating tissue with precision. Previous studies have explored the effects of laser use on temperature during experimental foraminoplasty. To date, there has been limited work on the effects of thermal stress on cells in this context. Material and methods Cells were exposed either to h

Scenografi för ett ståndsmässigt liv. Adelns slottsbyggande i Skåne 1840-1900.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling undersöker adelns slottsbyggande i Skåne under en tid då det svenska samhället genomgick omfattande förändringar. Mellan 1840 och 1900 byggde den skånska adeln i en omfattning som det inte finns historisk motsvarighet till. Slotten moderniserades med historiska förtecken och har ansetts vara ett sätt att kompensera för en förlorad maktposition och befäsThis thesis examines the building activity of the landed Nobility in the affluent province of Scania, Southern Sweden between 1840 and 1900. The new and rebuilt country houses were often created by the modernisation of previous buildings at the same location. They are referred to as 'New Palaces' in this thesis, a term chosen in order to emphasise the strong historical influence on this process. T

The N-terminal EGF Module of Coagulation factor IX. Studies of Calcium Binding and Module Interactions.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Faktor IX (FIX) är en molekyl som behövs för att blodet ska koagulera. Brist på FIX leder till blödarsjuka. För att öka den grundläggande förståelsen av hur FIX fungerar har vi gjort studier av en bit av FIX, som kallas för EGF1. EGF1 är en av två EGFmoduler som finns i FIX. De kallas EGFmoduler för att de liknar en annan molekyl, Epidermal Growth Factor. I denna avhandCoagulation factor IX (FIX) is a vitamin K-dependent serine protease zymogen that circulates in plasma. Defects in FIX cause the bleeding disorder hemophilia B. FIX contains a Gla module, two Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) -like modules and a serine protease region. In this thesis, studies have been performed on the N-terminal EGF module, which binds one Ca2+. — The present results show that bindin

Product and Package Develompent - An Integrated Approach

Since very few products are truly lifecycle adapted, most products need supportive functions during part(s) of their lifecycle — ranging from extensive systems of primary, secondary and tertiary packages to a simple wrapping or chemical surface protection. When a package is needed, consideration is seldom given to it during the actual development of the product. See Bramklev (2004). An illustrat

Interdisciplinarity, group responsibility and conflict as resources for learning

In the autumn of 2011, the course “The City: Boundary Transgressions and Visual Expressions” was given for the first time. Formally placed at the Division of Art History and Visual Studies, the course is a collaboration with the Division of Social Anthropology and is directed towards students from a range of disciplines within the fields of the humanities and social sciences. The course includes

Interactions of human C4BP with Bordetella pertussis and Streptococcus pyogenes

Popular Abstract in Swedish För att skydda sig mot infektioner har människan ett välutvecklat immunförsvar. I immunförsvaret ingår många olika celler och proteiner (äggviteämnen). Till exempel finns det celler som producerar antikroppar som specifikt känner igen bakterier och virus som en människa har utsatts för vid en tidigare infektion. Det finns också speciella celler som kan fagocytera (äta uMany microorganisms have developed mechanisms to protect themselves against attack from the complement system of the host. One possible mechanism for a microorganism to evade complement attack is to bind a human complement regulator, which may allow the microorganism to down-regulate complement activation. This thesis describes studies of such interactions between human C4b-binding protein (C4BP),