On some properties of nuclear states
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In the era of proteomics, glycomics and ultimately metabolomics, with constantly increasing knowledge regarding the human biosystem, the number of specialized therapeutic agents which will be developed against different diseases is predicted to be on the upswing. An increasing portion of these new drugs will, according to recent predictions (Labrou, 2003), be of proteinaceous origin produced accor
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In this study, a fully three-dimensional model has been developed to simulate two-phase, multi-component gas and heat transport processes in a PEMFC cathode duct. The effects of the electrochemical reactions on the heat generation and mass transfer have been taken into account. Based on the calculated values of water vapor partial pressure and temperature, occurrence of liquid water has been predi
Popular Abstract in English Cells are the basic unit of life that exhibit dependence on water and ambient temperature to flourish and survive. So it is remarkable that the proteins responsible for the interaction of water and heat with the cell were not discovered until relatively recently. It was assumed for decades that water freely diffuse into and out of the cells without support. The cells arMembrane proteins play several important roles in a cell. Among these proteins are aquaporins (AQPs) and transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels that mediate water transport, temperature and noxious chemical sensation, respectively. The function of some AQPs, for example the spinach isoform SoPIP2;1 is regulated by pH, phosphorylation and heavy metals such as mercury. However, the mechanis
In this work we discuss a theory for entanglement generation, characterization and detection in fermionic two-particle interferometers (2PI) at finite temperature. The motivation for our work is provided by the recent experiment by the Heiblum group, Neder et al. Nature 448, 333 (2007), realizing the 2PI proposed by Samuelsson, Sukhorukov, and Buttiker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 026805 (2004). The expe
The Swedish model of industrial relations is analyzed with respect to some closely related dimensions: collective agreements - legislation, cooperation - confrontation, self-regulation - state regulation and centralisation - decentralisation. Both the historical development and the present state of the model are discussed. In an analytical table the dimension self-regulation - state regulation is
Popular Abstract in Swedish Intag av födoämnesantigen resulterar normalt i induktion av oral tolerans, men klinisk och immunologisk betydelse av kortvarig neonatal exponering för komjölksproteiner är inte klarlagt. Syftet med detta arbete var att studera prospektivt effekten av olika uppfödningsregimen under de tre första levnadsdagarna. Påverkan på makromolekylär absorption, antikropps produktionThe aim of this work was to study prospectively the effects of different feeding regimens during the first three days of life. A group of 129 infants were randomly assigned at birth to one of three feeding regimens: human milk (HM), cow's milk formula (CMF), or a casein hydrolysate formula (CHF). The formula-fed infants received no human milk until the fourth day of life, after which all infants w
GIS competence is increasing and GIS applications are nowadays used in nearly every area of society. In the perspectives of lifelong learning the needs for GIS knowledge vary widely among target groups depending on previous knowledge, interests, profession, language, age, ability, economic resources and employability. GIS allows us to view, understand, interpret, request, and visualize data in man
This work explores the linguistic encoding of reciprocal events in Jahai (Aslian, Mon-Khmer, Malay Peninsula) on the basis of linguistic descriptions of the video stimuli of the 'Reciprocal constructions and situation type' task (Evans et al. 2004). Reciprocal situation types find expression in three different constructions: distributive verb forms, reciprocal verb forms, and adjunct phrases conta