

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Highly-Skilled Migrants in Sweden - A qualitative study of the experiences of non-EU high skilled migrants in the Swedish labour market

The study of the migratory trajectories of high skilled migrants has been a topic of enquiry for decades; nevertheless, in practice, these have not been studied in-depth. Therefore, acknowledging this research gap, this thesis aims to explore the experiences of non-EU high skilled migrants when integrating into the labour market in the context of Sweden. This is of particular relevance given that

Rädsla eller rättvisa? – En rättshistorisk analys av de svenska häxprocessernas avvikelser från svensk processrätt på 1600-talet

Både Sveriges rättsväsende och makthavare gjorde avsteg från gällande processrätt på 1600-talet. Den samtida lagstiftningen uppställde stränga regler för rättegången, bevisvärderingen och straffen. Trolldom hade utgjort ett brott enligt lagstiftningen sedan medeltiden. Med förändringar inom rättsväsendet utökades brottet, samtidigt som anklagelser om Blåkullafärder och djävulspakter spred sig övBoth the Swedish Judiciary and rulers made deviations from applicable procedural law in the 17th century. The contemporary legislation set up strict rules for the trial, the evaluation of evidence, and the punishment. Sorcery had constituted a criminal offense according to the law since the Middle Ages. With changes within the Judiciary, the crime was expanded, while accusations of journeys to Bl

Navigating Pachamama: Unveiling Gender Dynamics in Bolivia's Climate Policy: A Discourse Theoretical Analysis on Bolivia’s Plurinational Policy to Climate Change from a Latin American Feminist Political Ecology Lens

This research explores Bolivia's environmental policy through the lens of Latin American Feminist Political Ecology (LAFPE) to examine the integration of gender perspectives into environmental governance. Drawing from discourse analysis of official Bolivian government documents and speeches, the study evaluates the alignment between Bolivia's environmental policy and LAFPE principles, part

The Sacred and the Sensual: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Evangelical Purity Culture's Influence on Women's Relationship with Their Body and Sexuality

This auto-ethnographic study explores the impacts of evangelical purity culture (EPC) on women’s relationship with their body, gender identity, sexuality, and sexual experiences, and the underlying mechanisms that drive these impacts. This work aims to bridge the significant gap in academic literature on women’s lived experiences in EPC. It encourages a thoughtful examination of this culture while

Russian Nationalism: Putin's Engagement with Nationalist Narratives in the Ukraine Conflict (2014-2022)

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, an opportunity arose to study the preceding period of inter-state conflict, shedding light on the processes in the escalation of conflict to war. Previous research of the conflict revealed an ongoing debate between the scholars Marlene Laruelle and Taras Kuzio. With Laruelle contending that the Russian state both facilitates and suppresses Russian nationalist

Caught in the Nets of Exploitation - Understanding the Persistence of Child Slavery at Lake Volta

This thesis explores the causes contributing to the persistence of child slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana, focusing on Lake Volta, the world’s largest artificial reservoir. Although Ghana is often seen as a prime example of a stable democracy with legal frameworks for the protection of children, exploitative child labour practices remain widespread. The theoretical understanding of chi

Unpacking Historical and Colonial Complexities: Indigenous Representation and Agency in Climate Policies

Climate change is not only a pressing global challenge but also a cross-border issue that has far-reaching impacts on communities and ecosystems worldwide. As nations grapple with the urgent need for climate action, it becomes crucial to consider the perspectives and voices of indigenous peoples who have longstanding relationships with their lands and possess valuable traditional knowledge. Indige

Masculine Power Europe? A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of the European Union’s ‘Strategic Autonomy’ in Security and Defence Policy Through a Gender Perspective

In the context of Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, strategic autonomy (EU-SA) debates in the European Union have gained new saliency, especially in policy area of security and defence. EU-SA in the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) revolves around the issue of EU assuming greater responsibility for its security and defence. The shift towards becoming strategically autonomous t

Another Way to Green: China’s ‘Ecological Civilization’ Approach to Environmental Governance

This thesis investigates the practical and conceptual interplay between authoritarian and green ecological governance within China’s Ecological Civilization system, post- 2013. Through a qualitative analysis of official policy documents and semi-structured interviews, the study explores how China navigates the spectrum between the ‘Green State’ and ‘Authoritarian Environmentalism’. Findings sugges

From Goods to Great: Navigating the Transition from Products to Services

This thesis contributes to the field of business model innovation and organizational change within incumbent firms by applying a process-oriented approach to investigate servitization. In particular, it seeks to improve understanding of the elements that influence this process, namely the use of past learning, organizational culture, and organizational readiness within incumbent firms. These topic

Turning Sustainability Talk into Walk

Despite the current recognition and discussions surrounding corporate sustainability, the topic remains highly complex, with significant uncertainties regarding how to integrate sustainability into daily operations. Hence, it becomes increasingly important for managers to develop a comprehensive understanding of how to implement corporate sustainability strategies. Therefore, this thesis investiga

Structural integrity analysis of a hydraulic manipulator

Fagerstr¨om Industrikonsult AB has created a hydraulic manipulator equipped with a wet blasting gun for decontamination of radioactive particles from components in nuclear power plants. Verifying the structural integrity of the manipulator would enable the addition of a gripper tool, allowing manipulation of components being decontaminated, a feature requested by the industry. The aim of this mast

Managing the Last Move : Older People’s Practical, Relational, and Emotional Work throughout the Transition from Home to a Nursing Home

Moving into a nursing home is a significant transition for older people which can be emotional and stressful. The literature on the decision to move and subsequent residential stress focuses on the time after admission; however, there is less understanding of older people’s management of the process. To fully understand and possibly reduce negative consequences and health-related risks, the aim ofMoving into a nursing home is a significant transition for older people which can be emotional and stressful. The literature on the decision to move and subsequent residential stress focuses on the time after admission; however, there is less understanding of older people’s management of the process. To fully understand and possibly reduce negative consequences and health-related risks, the aim of

The use of home care as relational work : outlines for a research programme

PurposeCare has been theorized as a relational practice, but the research has focused on providers rather than users. Older care users have been cast in a passive role, and their relational activities to help with the provision of their care or to support those who provide it are underexplored. The purpose of this study is to develop knowledge about home care use as a form of relational ‘work’.Met

Evaluation of Deep Neural Networks for Radar Based Point Cloud Classification

Thanks to the ever-increasing computational power, machine learning has become a staple in computer science. Many computer vision methods have become so reliable that their implementation in the surveillance industry is now the de facto standard for many object detection and classification tasks. The use of machine learning for surveillance is not confined to images and videos, however, it is also

Our boy Whitey : Middle-aged women’s happy object on TikTok

Den här artikeln ger ett exempel på hur medelålders kvinnor återupptäcker och uttrycker känslor i digitala medier, främst sexuell åtrå men också den glädje de känner bland likasinnade kvinnor i samma ålder. Det etnografiska exemplet är en grupp europeiska och nordamerikanska kvinnor i åldrarna 40-60 år som känner sexuell åtrå till den 20-årige TikTok-kändisen William White. White blev viral när haThis article provides an example of how middle-aged women rediscover and express emotions in digital media, mainly sexual desire but also the joy they feel among like-minded women of the same age. The ethnographic case is a community of European and North American women aged around 40 to 60 years who sexually desire 20-year-old TikTok celebrity William White. White went viral when he began lip-syn

Het diskussion och utmanande tystnad : Att lära sig att leda samtal om identitet, sexualitet och relationer

Hösten 2021 infördes ett nytt examensmål för lärarutbildningarna rörande lärarstudenternas förmåga att ”kommunicera och reflektera kring frågor som rör identitet, sexualitet och relationer”. För att våra studenter ska kunna uppfylla detta mål har vi inom historieämnet på ämneslärarutbildningen vid Örebro universitet infört ett obligatoriskt moment i form av en muntlig rollspelsövning. I denna textIn 2021, a new requirement for obtaining a teacher’s certificate was added to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance. Students must now demonstrate an ability to “communicate and reflect on issues regarding identity, sexuality and relationships”. In a history course within the teacher education programme at Örebro University, we have developed an obligatory roleplay exercise focused on verbal comm

Comparing net primary productivity between continuous cover and rotation forestry management in Sweden

Forests are important ecosystems worldwide and in Sweden, where over half of the land is forested. Forestry management strategies significantly impact ecosystem productivity and carbon sequestration. This study focuses on comparing two prevalent forestry management strategies: Rotation Forestry (RF), which uses clearcutting as the prevalent timber extraction method, and Continuous Cover Forestry (