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Our boy Whitey : Middle-aged women’s happy object on TikTok
Den här artikeln ger ett exempel på hur medelålders kvinnor återupptäcker och uttrycker känslor i digitala medier, främst sexuell åtrå men också den glädje de känner bland likasinnade kvinnor i samma ålder. Det etnografiska exemplet är en grupp europeiska och nordamerikanska kvinnor i åldrarna 40-60 år som känner sexuell åtrå till den 20-årige TikTok-kändisen William White. White blev viral när haThis article provides an example of how middle-aged women rediscover and express emotions in digital media, mainly sexual desire but also the joy they feel among like-minded women of the same age. The ethnographic case is a community of European and North American women aged around 40 to 60 years who sexually desire 20-year-old TikTok celebrity William White. White went viral when he began lip-syn
Het diskussion och utmanande tystnad : Att lära sig att leda samtal om identitet, sexualitet och relationer
Hösten 2021 infördes ett nytt examensmål för lärarutbildningarna rörande lärarstudenternas förmåga att ”kommunicera och reflektera kring frågor som rör identitet, sexualitet och relationer”. För att våra studenter ska kunna uppfylla detta mål har vi inom historieämnet på ämneslärarutbildningen vid Örebro universitet infört ett obligatoriskt moment i form av en muntlig rollspelsövning. I denna textIn 2021, a new requirement for obtaining a teacher’s certificate was added to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance. Students must now demonstrate an ability to “communicate and reflect on issues regarding identity, sexuality and relationships”. In a history course within the teacher education programme at Örebro University, we have developed an obligatory roleplay exercise focused on verbal comm
Comparing net primary productivity between continuous cover and rotation forestry management in Sweden
Forests are important ecosystems worldwide and in Sweden, where over half of the land is forested. Forestry management strategies significantly impact ecosystem productivity and carbon sequestration. This study focuses on comparing two prevalent forestry management strategies: Rotation Forestry (RF), which uses clearcutting as the prevalent timber extraction method, and Continuous Cover Forestry (
Battery Energy Storage System Size Optimization for Energy Shifting and Constant Power Delivery - the benefits of the System Integration with Solar Farms in Sweden
This master's thesis, in collaboration with Comsys AB, examines the optimal size of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for two services - energy shifting and constant power delivery across the four price areas SE1, SE2, SE3, and SE4 in Sweden. For energy shifting applications, the optimal storage capacities were found to be 20 MWh (2 MWh/MW) in SE1, SE2, and SE4. However, a 0.5 MWh/MW stor
Corporate Governance - Vinst och hållbarhet enligt svensk aktiebolagsrätt
Min kandidatuppsats fokuserar på att analysera vilka möjligheter det finns att förena vinstsyftet enligt 3 kap. 3 § aktiebolagslagen med hållbarhet. Både hållbarhet och vinstsyfte är viktiga aspekter. Det är svårt att kombinera de två aspekterna i ett aktiebolag då vinstgenerering är det man strävar efter, detta kan leda till kollision med hållbarhetsaspekter. I det andra kapitlet ligger fokuset pMy bachelor's thesis focuses on analyzing the possibilities of reconciling the profit motive according to Chapter 3, Section 3 of the Swedish Companies Act with sustainability. Both sustainability and profit motive are important aspects. It is difficult to combine the two aspects in a limited liability company when profit generation is the aim, which can lead to a collision with sustainability
Start-up Eco-nomics - A Qualitative Study on Exploring How Funding Influences Sustainable Innovation in Start-ups
This research explores the impact of different capital financing strategies on the development of sustainable innovations within startups. Grounded in theories of Sustainable Business Model Innovation and Resource Dependence, this qualitative study employs in-depth, semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Findings reveal that funding choices significantly influence startups' capacity
Byggavfall - förbränna eller återbruka?
This paper will focus on the environmental effect of certain building materials after they have served the purpose of what they were designed for. Mainly it will try to answer the question: What would be the better option for the used product? Energy recovery, recycling, or reuse of the materials? And from which standpoint is it better to do any of these three. How does this effect the environment
Orientalism and the Discourse on Israel/Palestine
Low Preschool Teacher Quality in Private Preschools and Areas of Low Socioeconomic Status – When the Equalizing Potential of Preschools is Surpassed by Uneven Levels of Certified Preschool Teachers
Given preschools’ important role in shaping children’s learning and development surprisingly little is known about why some Swedish preschools are much more successful in offering high-quality early education than others. Earlier research has shown that socioeconomic gaps in educational achievements can largely be explained by knowledge gaps established during the preschool years. There may be soc
Shifting Power Dynamics: Organizational Change Towards Decolonizing the Development Practice
This study examines how a feminist anti-racist organization challenges colonial narratives and power dynamics within the development field. Rooted in the recognition of colonial, capitalist, and patriarchal structures shaping development, the research focuses on decolonization as a means to disrupt these power dynamics. In the case study of IM, a Swedish development organization, this thesis looks
What Happened to the Feminist Policy? A Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis of Sweden’s Former Feminist Foreign Policy
Sweden’s adoption of a feminist foreign policy in 2014 was the first of its kind, marking a significant shift in how it would conduct its foreign policy. Since then, the effect feminist foreign policies have on feminist discourse has been a growing field of study. This thesis adds to this by examining the relationship between actors, foreign policy, and feminist discourse. By combining feminist in
Eurasia represents a unique blend of European and Asian geographies, transcending geographical conceptualization to encompass cultural and ethnic elements embodying the ideology of Eurasianism. Initially developed by Russian philosophers for Russian politics, Eurasianism extends across Europe and Asia to varying degrees. In Türkiye, its engagement ranges from nationalist to Kemalist and even socia
A Critical Feminist Approach or a Continuation of (Neo)liberal Ideas? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Germany's new Feminist Development Policy
The research examines Germany’s feminist development policy (FDP), presented by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in 2023. This is done to see how the BMZ engages with the feminist discourse on development and in what ways it is drawing on (neo)liberal feminist approaches, thereby relying on the status quo of feminism in development, and in what ways it is drawing
Silencing the past in the name of peace: A study of remembrance of chosen traumas in Mauritius
Just like many former colonies gaining independence, the small island state of Mauritius emphasised certain elements of its history to shape a collective identity as part of its nation-building process. This construction of the collective memory involves instances of both collective remembering and forgetting. Certain traumas are chosen to be remembered while others are silenced with the risk of b
Off on the Wrong Foot: A Process-Tracing Analysis of the Collapse of the Bulgarian Banking System
The transitional processes that took place in the post-communist states of the former Eastern Bloc present researchers with a plethora of problems that require the reconceptualization of established ideas within the political science scholarship. However, the literature on post-communist transitions is sparse and this thesis contributes to the field by conducting an explaining-outcome process trac
“It Is Difficult to Do 50/50” - A Qualitative Study on the Experiences of Unpaid Labour and Love Among Cohabiting Heterosexual Couples Without Children in Sweden
This thesis explores the dynamics of relationships, focusing on the themes of love, unpaid labour and unequal division. This research examines how traditional gender roles and societal expectations shape the experiences of individuals within heterosexual relationships in Sweden. Through a qualitative methodology, including semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, the study reveals the mul
Exploring the acceptability of a blanket Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) approach for Leprosy prevention in Achham, Nepal
This thesis explores the implementation and acceptability of blanket (population-wide coverage of active case finding and prevention) Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) as a preventive measure for leprosy transmission in the Achham district of Sudurpaschim (Far-west) Province in Nepal. Leprosy remains a significant public health concern in Nepal, with persistent challenges in prevention and control e
Constructing Identities: Examining the Representation of Albanian Immigrants in the Italian Newspaper La Repubblica in March 1991
In the past decades different disciplines approached the study of media representation of immigrants. Within this field, the goal of this thesis is to examine the portrayal of Albanian immigrants in the newspaper La Repubblica during the first big arrival in March 1991. Drawing on Critical Discourse Analysis, and with the support of theories such as Social Representation, Othering, Politics of Bel
Understanding the Complexities of Urban Flood Governance: A Case Study of Ruiru, Kenya
Urban flooding presents a significant challenge in developing cities, where rapid urbanisation, population growth, and infrastructure development intersect with natural processes and climate change. This study examines how governance structures influence urban flood management in Ruiru, Kenya. Through thematic analysis, this study explores local experiences with flooding, evaluates existing govern