

Din sökning på "*" gav 535449 sökträffar

Clock-gating of streaming applications for energy efficient implementations on FPGAs

The paper investigates the reduction of dynamic power for streaming applications yielded by asynchronous dataflow designs by using clock gating techniques. Streaming applications constitute a very broad class of computing algorithms in areas such as signal processing, digital media coding, cryptography, video analytics, network routing and packet processing and many others. The paper introduces a

Applications of KHZ-CW Lidar in Ecological Entomology

The benefits of kHz lidar in ecological entomology are explained. Results from kHz-measurements on insects, carried out with a CW-lidar system, employing the Scheimpflug principle to obtain range resolution, are presented. A method to extract insect events and analyze the large amount of lidar data is also described.

Metall och arbetsmiljöfrågorna 1975-2005

Under 1970-talet genomfördes en rad förändringar i lagar och avtal som berörde arbetsmiljöns område. Ett arbetsmiljöavtal slöts mellan LO, SAF och PTK 1976. Skyddsombudens ställning stärktes 1973 genom förändringar i arbetarskyddslagen, och under 1978 infördes en helt ny arbetsmiljölag med ett vidgat arbetsmiljöbegrepp som även inkluderade den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Året dessförinnan kom en ny

Middle-latency auditory evoked potentials during induction of thiopentone anaesthesia in pigs

A method is described for measuring middle-latency auditory evoked potentials (MLAEP) in consciously awake, non-sedated pigs during the induction of thiopentone anaesthesia (0.6 ml/kg, 2.5% thiopentone solution). It was done by using autoregressive modelling with an exogenous input (ARX). The ability to perceive pain during the induction was compared with (1) the changes in latencies and amplitude

Quantitative proteomics analysis of cartilage response to mechanical injury and cytokine treatment

Mechanical damage at the time of joint injury and the ensuing inflammatory response associated with elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the synovial fluid, are reported to contribute to the progression to osteoarthritis after injury. In this exploratory study, we used a targeted proteomics approach to follow the progression of matrix degradation in response to mechanical damage and cy

Dietary polyphenol intake in europe : The european prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC) study

Background/Objectives Polyphenols are plant secondary metabolites with a large variability in their chemical structure and dietary occurrence that have been associated with some protective effects against several chronic diseases. To date, limited data exist on intake of polyphenols in populations. The current cross-sectional analysis aimed at estimating dietary intakes of all currently known indi

Endoscopically placed rectourethral guidewire facilitates the reconstruction of anus in children with anorectal malformations : a case report

The aim of this report is to present a technical detail of use in the management of an anorectal malformation (ARM). A boy with ARM and a fistula to the urethra was operated on with a posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP). Before the PSARP operation, a videoendoscopy was performed through the distal stoma down to the distal end of the rectum. The rectourethral fistula was identified and a guid


Using an isolated Milky Way-mass galaxy simulation, we compare results from nine state-of-the-art gravito-hydrodynamics codes widely used in the numerical community. We utilize the infrastructure we have built for the AGORA High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. This includes the common disk initial conditions, common physics models (e.g., radiative cooling and UV background by the

Past forest composition, structures and processes – How paleoecology can contribute to forest conservation

The importance of long-term historical information derived from paleoecological studies has long been recognized as a fundamental aspect of effective conservation. However, there remains some uncertainty regarding the extent to which paleoecology can inform on specific issues of high conservation priority, at the scale for which conservation policy decisions often take place. Here we review to whaThe importance of long-term historical information derived from paleoecological studies has long been recognized as a fundamental aspect of effective conservation. However, there remains some uncertainty regarding the extent to which paleoecology can inform on specific issues of high conservation priority, at the scale for which conservation policy decisions often take place. Here we review to wha

Determinants of Falls and Fear of Falling in Ambulatory Persons With Late Effects of Polio

Background: Falls and fear of falling (FOF) are common in persons with late effects of polio, but there is limited knowledge of associated factors. Objective: To determine how knee muscle strength, dynamic balance, and gait performance (adjusted for gender, age, and body mass index) are associated with falls and FOF in persons with late effects of polio. Design: A cross-sectional study. Setting: A

An Experimental Data-Set on Pre-school Children Evacuation

This study presents an experimental data-set describing movement and behaviours of pre-school children. Data is presented together with detailed information about the evacuation procedure and the data collection methods, in order to enable a comprehensive interpretation of the results and to enhance the understanding of pre-school children evacuation. Data was collected during two semi-announced e