

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Concussion incidence and recovery in Swedish elite soccer - prolonged recovery in female players

OBJECTIVES: Sport-related concussions are an increasingly recognized health problem. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world although recent studies on concussion incidence are scarce. Here, a nation-wide prospective study on concussion incidence, symptom severity, risk factors, gender differences and return-to-play after concussion was performed in 51 Swedish elite soccer teams during the 2

Association between keratoconus disease severity and repeatability in measurements of parameters for the assessment of progressive disease

Background Progressive keratoconus can lead to severely impaired vision, but there is currently no consensus on the definition of progressive disease. Errors in the measurement of the parameters commonly used to establish progressive disease were evaluated in an attempt to determine the limits at which a true change in the values can be detected. The possible association between measurement error

Läsförståelse i alla ämnen (ämnesspecifik text: matematik)

Matematikämnets texter ställer höga krav på elevernas läskompetens både när det gäller avkodning och förståelse. Detta innebär en extra utmaning för nyanlända elever. Det finns olika exempel på stöttning som kan ge nyanlända elever möjlighet att fördjupa sina ämneskunskaper i matematik samtidigt som de stärker sitt svenska skolspråk och ämnesspråk. Några exempel är lässtrategier före, under och ef

Lung Metastases - Diagnostic, Prognostic and Molecular Aspects with Focus on Colorectal Cancer

In Sweden 4200 patients are diagnosed with lung cancer and 6500 patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) annually. The lungs are a common site for metastases. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a helpful aid in diagnostics of a pulmonary tumour. Selected patients with metastatic CRC undergo pulmonary metastasectomy and knowledge about which patients benefit from it is important. In this thesis IHC markers

Two mass-spectrometric techniques for quantifying serine enantiomers and glycine in cerebrospinal fluid : Potential confounders and age-dependent ranges

BACKGROUND: The recent discovery and specific functions of D-amino acids in humans are bound to lead to the revelation of D-amino acid abnormalities in human disorders. Therefore, high-throughput analysis techniques are warranted to determine D-amino acids in biological fluids in a routine laboratory setting. METHODS: We developed 2 chromatographic techniques, a nonchiral derivatization with chira

Leptin levels are associated with multiple sclerosis risk

Background: Obesity early in life has been linked to increased risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). Leptin and insulin are both associated with obesity, making them suitable candidates for investigating this connection. Objective: To determine if leptin and insulin are risk factors for relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: In this nested case–control study using blood samp

The bvFTD phenocopy syndrome : a case study supported by repeated MRI, [18F]FDG-PET and pathological assessment

A clinical syndrome with neuropsychiatric features of bvFTD without neuroimaging abnormalities and a lack of decline is a phenocopy of bvFTD (phFTD). Growing evidence suggests that psychological, psychiatric and environmental factors underlie phFTD. We describe a patient diagnosed with bvFTD prior to the revision of the diagnostic guidelines of FTD. Repeated neuroimaging was normal and there was n

Human α-synuclein overexpression in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease leads to vascular pathology, blood brain barrier leakage and pericyte activation

The pathological hallmark of Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the formation of Lewy bodies containing aggregated alpha-synuclein (α-syn). Although PD is associated with these distinct histological changes, other pathological features such as microvascular alterations have been linked to neurodegeneration. These changes need to be investigated as they create a hostile brain microenvironment and may cont

Wages, Income Distribution and Economic Growth: Long-Run Perspectives in Scandinavia, 1900–2010

This article views analysis of the influence of capital–labour income distribution on economic growth from a historical perspective, using data from 1900 onwards. We study the three Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, where conventional accounts of the postwar growth miracles in these small, open economies have emphasized the role of wage restraint, favouring profits and investme

Post-truth Politics, Responsible Irresponsibility and Ethics : Postmodernist Philosophers Revisited

The notion of ‘post-truth’ has attracted considerable interest both in academic and political circles, as well as in public debate more generally. A ‘post-truth society’ has been defined as a society in which ‘“objective facts” are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief’. This also implies a society in which fake news is disseminated on purpose and w

Potential för ökad tillförsel av inhemsk biomassa i en växande svensk bioekonomi – en uppdatering

I denna studie genomförs en uppdaterad analys av potentialen för en ökad tillförsel av biomassa från skog, jordbruk och akvatiska system i Sverige till 2030 respektive 2050. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i en tidigare potentialstudie från 2016 men där potentialen för respektive biomassakategori justerats efter de omvärldsförändringar som skett och ny kunskap som tagits fram under de senaste fem åreThis study include an updated analysis of the potential increase in the supply of biomass from forest, agriculture and aquaculture in Sweden until 2030 and 2050, respectively. The study is based on a previous assessment from 2016 but where the potential of different categories of biomass feedstocks is revised according to new knowledge and changed conditions during the last five years. The estimat

“We are all consumers” : Co-consumption and organic food

The Organic Consumer Association (OCA) in Iceland was established by domestic producers, importers, retailers and consumers. What separated this consumer association from conventional ones was that its founders included both organic producers and “middlemen” (importers, wholesalers and retailers). These same middlemen are often criticized for destroying valuable connections between producers and c