

Din sökning på "*" gav 529438 sökträffar

Dopaminergic effect on non-motor symptoms in late stage Parkinson's disease

Background: Non-motor symptoms (NMS) are common in late stage Parkinson's disease (PD), as the frequency and severity of most of these symptoms increase with advancing disease. Objective: To assess effect of dopaminergic therapy on NMS in late stage PD and to investigate relationships between dopaminergic effect on NMS and on motor function. Method: Thirty PD patients in Hoehn and Yahr (HY) stages

Regulating recyclability under the ecodesign directive : How can we achieve synergies between waste and product policies for electric and electronic equipment to promote recycling?

Introduction: The interaction between different product policies will be crucial for the further advancement of a coherent product policy framework. The Commission has stated that ‘the complex and interlocking approach needed to build a resource-efficient Europe can only be achieved with a policy mix that optimizes synergies and addresses trade-offs between different areas and policies’. In the co

Present and future challenges for Europe’s environmental product policy

Concerns about the environmental effects of the ‘throwaway society’ are increasingly influencing policy-making and regulatory action in the EU. The Seventh Environment Action Programme, which aims to guide European environmental policy, sets out a long-term vision for the EU that requires a major shift in the way economic activities are conducted: In 2050, we live well, within the planet’s ecologi

Ion-beam thermography analysis of the H2SO4-(NH4)2SO4 system in aerosol samples

Ion-beam thermography (IBT) is used to determine the chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols. The aerosols are analyZed by a combination of four ion-beam techniques PIXE, PESA, pNRA and cPESA during thermography. These techniques monitor the concentrations of the available elements during the stepwise heating of the sample. For each element a thermogram, i.e., the concentration vs. temperatur

A closure study of sub-micrometer aerosol particle hygroscopic behaviour

The hygroscopic properties of sub-micrometer aerosol particles were studied in connection with a ground-based cloud experiment at Great Dun Fell, in northern England in 1995. Hygroscopic diameter growth factors were measured with a Tandem Differential Mobility Analyser (TDMA) for dry particle diameters between 35 and 265 nm at one of the sites upwind of the orographic cloud. An external mixture co

A relative humidity processing method for the sampling of aerosol particles with low growth‐ability

A method for the fractionation of aerosol particles with respect to size and ability to grow with an increased relative humidity has been developed. The system consists of cascade impactors, diffusion driers, a humidifier and a temperature stabiliser. Diffusion driers were designed and the vapour penetration was modelled below 20%. A humidifier which can be operated with an output relative humidit

Improving population estimates of Swedish birds using the Breeding Bird Survey fixed routes and correction factors from Finnish line transect surveys

I estimated population size of fifty-nine common birds by using the fixed routes of the Swedish Bird Survey (SBS), which give the number of birds per kilometer. I converted this number to density, birds/km2, using the correction factors for detectability that have been developed for line transects in Finland. I compared the population estimates by this new method with those in a previous account f

Stochastically sampling color configurations

Parton shower algorithms are key components of theoretical predictions for high-energy collider physics. Work toward more accurate parton shower algorithms is thus pursued along many different avenues. The systematic treatment of subleading color corrections in parton shower algorithms is, however, technically challenging and remains elusive. In this article, we present an efficient and numericall

Plasma kidney injury molecule-1 (p-KIM-1) levels and deterioration of kidney function over 16 years

Background: The kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1) has previously been associated with kidney function in rodents and humans. Yet its role as a predictive marker for future decline in kidney function has remained less clear.Methods: At baseline (1991-1994), fasting plasma KIM-1 (p-KIM-1) was measured in 4739 participants of the population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer Study. Creatinine and cystatin C

The VINCIA antenna shower for hadron colliders

We summarise the main features of VINCIA's antenna-based treatment of QCD initial- and finalstate showers, which includes iterated tree-level matrix-element corrections and automated evaluations of perturbative shower uncertainties. The latter are computed on the fly and are cast as a set of alternative weights for each generated event. The resulting algorithm has been made publicly available as a

VINCIA for hadron colliders

We present the first public implementation of antenna-based QCD initial- and final-state showers. The shower kernels are 2 → 3 antenna functions, which capture not only the collinear dynamics but also the leading soft (coherent) singularities of QCD matrix elements. We define the evolution measure to be inversely proportional to the leading poles, hence gluon emissions are evolved in a p⊥measure i

A study of multi-jet production in association with an electroweak vector boson

Abstract: We consider the production of a single Z or W boson in association with jets at the LHC. We compute the corresponding cross sections by matching NLO QCD predictions with the Herwig++ and Pythia8 parton showers, and by merging all of the underlying matrix elements with up to two light partons at the Born level. We compare our results with several 7-TeV measurements by the ATLAS and CMS co

Do group dynamics affect colour morph clines during a range shift?

Species exhibiting colour polymorphism are thought to have an ecological advantage at the landscape scale, because spatial segregation of alternatively adapted ecotypes into diverse habitats can increase the species' niche breadth and thus confer greater geographic range size. However, morph frequencies are also influenced by intrapopulational processes such as frequency- or density-dependent soci

Glymphatic clearance controls state-dependent changes in brain lactate concentration

Brain lactate concentration is higher during wakefulness than in sleep. However, it is unknown why arousal is linked to an increase in brain lactate and why lactate declines within minutes of sleep. Here, we show that the glymphatic system is responsible for state-dependent changes in brain lactate concentration. Suppression of glymphatic function via acetazolamide treatment, cisterna magna punctu