

Din sökning på "*" gav 531351 sökträffar

Robust distributed routing in dynamical networks -- Part II: strong resilience, equilibrium selection and cascaded failures

Abstract in UndeterminedStrong resilience properties of dynamical networks are analyzed for distributed routing policies. The latter are characterized by the property that the way the outflow at a non-destination node gets split among its outgoing links is allowed to depend only on local information about the current particle densities on the outgoing links. The strong resilience of the network is

Adsorption versus aggregation. Particles and surface of the same material

A model for the adsorption of colloidal particles on a planar surface is analyzed by using a thermodynamic chemical equilibrium model and Monte Carlo simulations. Central to this investigation are that (i) particles and surface are considered to be of the same material and (ii) the particle-surface and particle-particle interactions are related using the Derjaguin approximation using a surface-sur

Osmotic stress response in the wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis

Dekkera bruxellensis is mainly associated with Iambic beer fermentation and wine production and may contribute in a positive or negative manner to the flavor development. This yeast is able to produce phenolic compounds, such as 4-ethylguaiacol and 4-ethylphenol which could spoil the wine, depending on their concentration. In this work we have investigated how this yeast responds when exposed to c

Comorbidities, intensity, frequency and duration of pain, daily functioning and health care seeking in local, regional, and widespread pain-a descriptive population-based survey (SwePain).

The clinical knowledge of factors related to the spread of pain on the body has increased and understanding these factors is essential for effective pain treatment. This population-based study examines local (LP), regional (RP), and widespread pain (WSP) on the body regarding comorbidities, pain aspects, and impact of pain and elucidates how the spread of pain varies over time.

Unit Cell Structure of Crystal Polytypes in InAs and InSb Nanowires

The atomic distances in hexagonal polytypes of III-V compound semiconductors differ from the values expected from simply a change of the stacking sequence of (111) lattice planes. While these changes were difficult to quantify so far, we accurately determine the lattice parameters of zinc blende, wurtzite, and 4H polytypes for InAs and InSb nanowires, using X-ray diffraction and transmission elect

Essays on VIX Futures and Options

This thesis consists of three essays on VIX futures and options, and deals with issues highly relevant to all financial markets, such as understanding the operation of markets and developing flexible and tractable pricing models for contracts traded in them. It consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 provides a short introduction to the VIX and a brief explanation of how the old and new VIX are cons

Squaring the Circle in Peptide Assembly: From Fibers to Discrete Nanostructures by de Novo Design

The design of bioinspired nanostructures and materials of defined size and shape is challenging as it pushes our understanding of biomolecular assembly to its limits. In such endeavors, DNA is the current building block of choice because of its predictable and programmable self-assembly. The use of peptide- and protein-based systems, however, has potential advantages due to their more-varied chemi

Hospital admissions among people 65+related to multimorbidity, municipal and outpatient care

This study aimed at examine the number of planned and acute hospital admissions during 1 year among people 65+ and its relation to municipal care, outpatient care, multimorbidity, age and sex. Four thousand nine hundred and seven individuals having one or more admissions during 2001 were studied. Data were collected from two registers and comparisons were made between those having one, two and thr

Secondary Fracture Prevention: Plucking The Low Hanging Fruit

It is well known that one fragility fracture begets another. Fracture Liaison Services have been shown to narrow the care gap that exists in the care of patients with fragility fractures. A secondary fracture prevention programme "OPTIMAL" (Osteoporosis Patient Targeted and Integrated Management for Active Living) has been in existence in the public restructured hospitals and polyclinics of Singap

Between Uncertainty and Certainty

In this study, 10 hematologists and 10 lung oncologists were interviewed regarding the information they provide to patients in four situations of uncertainty: determining the treatment that is in the patient's best interest; recurrence or progression of the patient's disease; determining when to withdraw life-prolonging treatment; discussing death, addressing questions such as whether the patient

Ear Reconstruction. Clinical and physiological evaluations.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mikroti är en medfödd avvikelse där ytterörat inte utvecklats normalt. Defekten kan variera från att örat nästan är normalt till att det saknas helt och hållet, s.k. anoti. I Sverige inträffar detta i c:a 2 fall per 100 000 nyfödda. Pojkar drabbas i större utsträckning och höger sida är den vanligaste. Båda sidor drabbas i c:a en tiondel av fallen. Förträngning av yttreMicrotia is a congenital malformation where the auricle is not fully developed. In some cases the malformation is complete and the auricle is absent. In Sweden the incidence of microtia is about 2 per 10,000 births. Reconstruction of the external ear is possible by using autologous rib cartilage in three surgical steps: rib cartilage transplantation, ear elevation and final adjustments. Although t

Modeling Auxin-regulated Development.

The phytohormone auxin plays an essential role in many aspects of plant growth and development. Its patterning, intercellular transport, and means of signaling have been extensively studied both in experiments and computational models. Here, we present a review of models of auxin-regulated development in different plant tissues. This includes models of organ initiation in the shoot apical meristem

Compression of TW class laser pulses in a planar hollow waveguide for applications in strong-field physics

We demonstrate pulse post-compression of a TW class chirped pulse amplification laser employing a gas-filled planar hollow waveguide. A waveguide throughput of 80% is achieved for 50 mJ input pulse energy. Good focusability is found and after compression with chirped mirrors a pulse duration of sub-15 fs is measured in the beam center. Whereas a total energy efficiency of approximate to 70% should

Terms, definitions and measurements to describe the sonographic features of the endometrium and intrauterine lesions: a consensus opinion from the International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) group

The IETA (international Endometrial Tumor Analysis group) statement is a consensus statement on terms, definitions and measurements that may be used to describe the sonographic features of the endometrium and uterine cavity on gray-scale sonography, color flow imaging and sonohysterography. The relationship between the ultrasound features described and the presence or absence of pathology is not k

The effects of 55 years of different inorganic fertiliser regimes on soil properties and microbial community composition

Agricultural fertilisation increases crop yields but can cause environmental damage, thus reductions in inorganic fertiliser application have been advocated. Farmer usage of phosphate rock has declined over the last decade, which may lead to soil nutrient depletion that undermines future crop production. We investigated the long-term (55 years) effects of eight different inorganic fertiliser regim

Comparing Scots pine tree-ring proxies and detrending methods among sites in Jamtland, west-central Scandinavia

Scots pine tree-ring width (TRW) data from Jamtland in the Central Scandinavian Mountains has been used to reconstruct summer temperatures back to 1630 BC. However, it was recently shown that this reconstruction was of limited spatial importance. In this paper, we aim to explain this limitation in the TRW data as a temperature proxy, as well as assess the temperature information from new maximum l

Children’s Exposure to and Perceptions of Online Advertising

Abstract in UndeterminedThe popularity of the Internet and marketers' increased investments in Internet advertising have raised some questions concerning a marketer's power to influence children and young people's consumption through new media technology. This article, based on a recent explorative study of 15-year-old Swedish teenagers, aims to discuss their exposure-potential, actual, and percei