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CFD Modelling of Direct Gas Injection Using a Lagrangian Particle Tracking Approach
CFD simulations of direct gas injection, especially in large dual-fuel engines, can be expensive both regarding time and computational power. The nozzle area needs to be resolved with a fine mesh to capture all phenomena and for a full engine model this results in a large amount of cells. A method using a Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) approach was developed to handle gas injection by injectin
Real-time Panorama Stitching using a Single PTZ-Camera without using Image Feature Matching
In surveillance applications one thing to consider is how much of a scene one can cover with a camera. One way to augment this is to take images with overlap and blend them, creating a new image with bigger field of view and thereby increase the scene coverage. In this thesis work we have been looking at how one can create panorama images with a pan-tilt-camera and how fast it can be done. We chos
Anknytningen mellan mamma och bebis under det första levnadsåret. En fenomenografisk studie med mammors uppfattningar om anknytningen till sin bebis.
Lärplattformar i skolan - En studie av lärares användaracceptans
Idag använder sig en majoritet av alla svenska grund- och gymnasieskolor av en lärplattform. En lärplattform är mjukvara som stödjer både det administrativa och pedagogiska arbetet och används bland annat till kommunikation, bedömning och till att tillhandahålla material i undervisningen. Uppsatsen kopplar samman lärares upplevelser av dessa lärplattformar till teorier gällande användaracceptans.
The Impact of Venture Capital on Business Dynamics in Europe and the United States
The venture capital industry is seen to be favourable for an economy’s business dynamics. Using a panel of 23 countries over 2004 – 2012, the thesis explores the linkage of venture capital with firm births, employment in newly born firms and survival rates. The aggregate approach allows considering the implicit multiplier effect of VC. The thesis proposes a reconsideration of venture capital for e
To buy or not to buy - public or private. A study regarding the announcement effect and value creation in different types of M&A transactions
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the abnormal returns for the acquiring firms surrounding M&A announcements. The emphasis of the study lies on examining the difference in abnormal returns between acquiring public and private firms. Secondly, the study aims to get theoretical insights by examining the relationship between the magnitude of abnormal returns and different deal char
Thicker than water : exploring values among actors sharing a water body for effective management : the case of Lake Ringsjön
The underlying values people hold in relation to the environment is an important aspect to consider when natural areas are shared. These underlying values, so called value orientations, and differences in values directed towards a natural phenomenon can impact views on suitable management, lead to disagreements and even conflict. Understanding of the diverse aspects people value can therefore be i
Visselblåsare och olika intressenters intressen på arbetsmarknaden: En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Norge
Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet visselblåsare utifrån ett intressentperspektiv. Yttrandefriheten är grunden för visselblåsare men den skapar ibland svåra intresseavvägningar. Rätten i sig ger även exempel på olika intresseavvägningar. Syftet med uppsatsen är att synliggöra vilka intressen som ligger till grund för hur gällande rätt har utformats avseende visselblåsare. Vidare är syftet att jämföra vilkaThe subject for this essay is Whistleblower from a stakeholder perspective. Freedom of expression is the foundation of the Whistleblowers. But sometimes it creates difficulties when balancing different interests (for instance duty of loyalty). The law also gives examples of the balancing of different interests. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the interests which are the basis for how the
Identification and environmental interpretation of microtextures on quartz grains from aeolian sediments : Brattforsheden and Vittskövle, Sweden
Mikrotexturer är mikrometerstora avtryck på kvartskornens ytor samt på korn med andra mineralogiska egenskaper. Kvartskorn, som förekommer i de flesta sedimentära miljöer, innehåller mikrotexturer som undersöks särskilt på grund av kvartsmineralets unika mineralogiska egenskaper som möjliggör bevarandet av mikrotexturer genom olika miljöer. I denna studien är mikrotexturer en viktig källa för att Microtextures are micrometer-sized imprints on the surfaces of quartz grains and on grains with other mineralogical compositions. Quartz grains, which occur in most sedimentary environments, contain microtextures which are especially studied due to quartz unique mineralogical properties allowing for preservation of microtex-tures through different environments. In this study, microtextures are an
Business and IT Alignment: The Factors Affecting Alignment in Small to Medium Sized Businesses
Information technologies are omnipresent in almost every aspect of all businesses. This presence brings the need to align business and information technology strategies in the organization with aims such as increasing performance and gaining competitiveness in the marketplace. Enterprises are defined by their size and economic volume and there is a need to align IT and business strategies in small
"Men barnkonventionen gäller väl inte dem som sitter på institution?" En kritisk rättssociologisk diskursanalys gällande statens rättfärdigande av sitt handlande vid avskiljning av unga på särskilda ungdomshem.
After the ratification of the UN Convention, Sweden has undertaken to adapt national laws so that they conform to the Convention of the Rights of the Child, CRC. Despite the ratification, the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) allows young persons to be separated up to 24 hours by the staff at state institutions, even though it is contrary to the CRS’s 37th article. The ombudsman for children has rep
Social Engineering : A study in awareness and measures
In our technology-based society, there has been a clear focus on technical weaknesses to information security. This study will present another danger that is just as important to be aware of and is just as lethal, Social Engineering. This is an attack against the human element of security. This study covers a basic description of social engineering as well as a more thorough description of how the
The Green Economy In Sweden. Drivers, Challenges and Opportunities.
Hur grön är Sveriges ekonomi? Sveriges ekonomi rankas både högt och lågt av index över grön ekonomi. Framgångarna beror minskade utsläpp och ökad tillväxt på hemmaplan – men landets import av varor utomlands ger ett högt ekologiskt fotavtryck. Sverige rankas högt av flera internationella index över grön ekonomi på grund av en ökande ekonomisk tillväxt och minskade utsläpp av växthusgaser inom lA green economy refers to an economy that is able to create economic welfare, while at the same time being environmentally sustainable. Some indexes, like the Global Green Economy Index and the OECD Better Life Index, ranks Sweden high in this area, while others, such as the Global Footprint Network, ranks the country low. The purpose of this thesis is to critically examine why Sweden receives div
En kvalitetsgranskning av inventeringar enligt MIFO
Den ökande mängden förorenade områden runt om i världen har blivit ett allt större problem. Risken att människor, djur och miljö exponeras för skadliga ämnen ökar, liksom de kostnader som krävs för att åtgärda dessa områden. För att kunna prioritera de värst förorenade områdena för vidare åtgärder använder man sig i Sverige av Naturvårdsverkets Metodik för Inventering av Förorenade Områden, MIFO. The great number of polluted sites has become a big issue for many countries around the globe as the risk of people being exposed to hazardous substances follows. To deal with the problem within Sweden the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Naturvårdsverket) has developed a unified Method for Inventory of Contaminated Sites, called MIFO. In this study a number of inventories that were made
En studie över Nova Lunds resvanor - Kan andelen hållbara arbetsresor utökas med lånecykelsystemet Lundahoj
Ökade koldioxidutsläpp från köpcentrum utanför city Handelsplatser utanför städers stadskärnor kan, på grund av billigare markytor och lägre hyror, erbjuda konkurrenskraftiga priser jämfört med handel i citylägen. Externa handelsplatser är konkurrenskraftiga i jämförelse med andra handelsplatser, på grund av det stora utbud av varor som erbjuds under ett och samma tak, sena öppettider och tillgåOut-town-shopping leads to an increase in greenhouse gases. The increase in greenhouse gases is generated by the added transportation of fossile fules run vehicles to the location of the shopping malls. The aim of this study is to analyse how employees’ travels to the out-of-town work place, the shopping mall Nova 1, in Lund. The analyse is made to find out whether it is possible to increase the s
Integration och olikhetskapande: en kritisk analys av integrationsdebatten
Integrationspolitiken har under senare år blivit ett allt mer prioriterat område. På grund av ett förändrat klimat runt om i världen med krig och förföljelse är det idag fler människor på flyende fot än under andra världskriget. I takt med ett ökat mottagande i Sverige presenteras nya förslag inom integrationspolitiken. Enligt Ipsos marknadsundersökning är idag integration och invandring den näst In the last few years the interest for integration policy has gotten more and more attention. New policy suggestions from the leading parties have drawn the attention to problem solving in the integration debate. Problem representations that suggests new ways in which the migrants conditions for being integrated in the society relies on that there is a problem that needs to be solved. The main pur
Migration, Remittances and Education: A Review of the Educational Performance of Left-behind Children in Rural China
The massive rural-urban population flow has been proceeding in China for decades ever since the 1980s. Millions of labor migrants move to industrialized cities for a better future for themselves, as well as their families. The increasing amount of migrants has led to the phenomenon of the “left-behind”. Among the left-behind group, left-behind children seem to be at a relatively vulnerable situati
“El río es vida” Afro-Colombian resistance to externally driven mining in the river Yurumanguí
Large-scale mining has been declared to be a central development strategy of Colombia which has caused the emergence of resistance movements of peasant, ethno-territorial and indigenous groups. This study analyses the concept of resistance in the framework of the Afro-Colombian community of the river Yurumanguí. This community has managed to keep its territory free from externally driven mining an
Travelling Football Fans & Hotel Selection
The aim of this study is to investigate the hotel attributes that affect selection by football fans when travelling away from home to participate in a sport event. Attributes that identified in previous researches were segmented into five major sets and the most common and relevant to the purposes of this study were chosen to form the questionnaire. Questionnaires were distributed through online c