

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

TET2-mutant clonal hematopoiesis and risk of gout

Gout is a common inflammatory arthritis caused by precipitation of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals in individuals with hyperuricemia. Acute flares are accompanied by secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP) is an age-related condition predisposing to hematologic cancers and cardiovascular disease. CHIP is assoc

Oral Microbiota Profile in Patients with Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody–Associated Vasculitis

Microbiota has been associated with autoimmune diseases, with nasal Staphylococcus aureus being implicated in the pathogenesis of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody–associated vasculitis (AAV). Little is known about the role of oral microbiota in AAV. In this study, levels of IgG antibodies to 53 oral bacterial species/subspecies were screened using immunoblotting in plasma/serum in pre-symptoma

Perceptions of COVID-19 Policies in Thailand

This thesis seeks to uncover the Thai public perception of COVID-19 policies. These policies include lockdown, curfew and social security. Thailand is a country that has been praised by the World Health Organisation for their control over the pandemic. One might wonder what regulations were implemented, for the Thai government to be able to control it so well; and how did people respond to this? T

Brainstem response estimation using continuous sound - A feasibility study

Hearing loss is a complicated phenomena which does not only vary from person to person, but also, can change characteristics during the day. Despite this, hearing aids today are fitted only occasionally and thus only capture the slow changes in the hearing loss. In order for a hearing aid to continuously adapt to a subject’s hearing loss it has to be able to gauge the users hearing threshold. One

Impact of model architecture and data distribution on self-supervised federated learning

Data is a crucial resource for machine learning. But in many settings, such as in healthcare or on mobile devices, there are obstacles that make it difficult to utilize the available data. This data is often distributed between many clients and private, meaning that central storage of the data is inadvisable. Further, image data is often unlabeled and external labelling is impossible due to its pr

Towards Energy Sufficiency in the Residential Housing Sector?: Evaluating the design and implementation of policies for living space reduction in Göttingen

Energy sufficiency has been recognised as a strategy to promote sustainable energy use and achieve climate neutrality. It aims to reduce energy demand in absolute terms. ‘Living Space Reduction’ (LSR) is one way to achieve energy sufficiency in the housing sector. However, existing studies highlight significant barriers to its materialisation, including the lack of funding and expert knowledge of

Bluetooth low energy mesh logger

This thesis aims to make a prototype that does sampling from gyroscopes, accelerometers and compasses with as little as one millisecond difference between every unit that samples. Longer term tests to gather data of the characteristics of the Bluetooth low energy mesh were made. An algorithm was developed to determine the time it took for signals to travel within a bluetooth mesh network.

Platta på mark av KL-trä - En studie om fuktsäkerhet och klimatpåverkan

Tidigare studier har visat att konstruktionen med platta på mark av trä uppfyller förväntade tekniska och miljömässiga egenskaper som kan förväntas av en grundläggning i allmänhet och av ett mer klimatneutralt material. Konstruktionen bedöms även vara konkurrenskraftig både i tillverkning och kostnad vid jämförelse med konventionella metoder. Småhustillverkare ser generellt positivt på produkten, Previous studies have shown that a construction of a slab foundation of wood meets the expected technical and environmental characteristics that can be expected from a foundation in general and from a more climate-neutral material. The design is also considered to be competitive both in manufacturing and cost when compared with conventional methods. Single-family home manufacturers generally view

Recombinant Expression of Novel Wild Type Oat Hemoglobins in Escherichia Coli

Hemoglobin från växtriket: en lösning på blod- och järnbrist i samhället? Många känner till hemoglobin som det protein som ger vårt blod dess röda färg och som håller oss vid liv genom att transportera syre till våra celler. Mindre känt är att nästintill alla organismer har gener i sitt DNA som kodar för liknande proteiner, även om de inte tar formen av blod så som vi är vana vid. I det här projHemoglobin is a protein transporting oxygen through our bloodstreams and is as such essential for aerobic life. Hemoglobins also exist in plants, with a wide variety of functions other than oxygen transport. The study of plant hemoglobins could potentially be interesting for the development of synthetic blood substitutes and have also shown promise as an alternative dietary source of the more bioa

A blessing in disguise? - The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on air pollution in India

The outbreak of COVID-19 plunged the world economy into a pandemic with severe consequences. However, the pandemic may very well have been a blessing in disguise for the mitigation of another killer: ambient air pollution. This study investigates how the COVID-19 lockdown restrictions in India affected the ambient air pollution concentrations in a sample of Indian cities. Based on air pollution da

How has the initial governmental policy ‘The Cares Act’, which emanated from Covid-19, affected entrepreneurship in Mississippi and Alabama?

This Bachelor Thesis discusses the American government’s initial fiscal response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Cares Act, and investigates how the different disposition of money in the two States Mississippi and Alabama has affected entrepreneurship. This comparison is made through a descriptive analysis of how the two states, have distributed, focused and used their Cares Act capital. It is found

If You Cannot Beat Them, Join Them? An Analysis of Political Party Behaviour Using the Case of the Turkish Republican People’s Party (CHP)

This thesis aims to contribute to the academic debate surrounding how votes affect political party behaviour. To do so, two theories explaining political party behaviour, which belong to opposite camps, will be under focus. These theories are the cleavage theory by Lipset and Rokkan and the voter transition and policy positioning theory. While the cleavage theory argues that political party behavi

The new Structures to Increase the Financial Value of Women’s Football - A Case Study of Recent Incentives in Women’s Football

Women’s football is in comparison to men’s football experiencing a fall behind. The gap between men’s and women’s football is visible reviewing and comparing viewers statistics, revenue generated, media attention and players salary. Governing bodies of association football, football clubs and corporate actors have in previous years started to actively invest in women’s football to equalize the gap

Skjuvkapacitet i råspontsluckor - Undersökning av råspontsluckors skjuvkapacitet samt momentmodell för stabilisering av byggnader

I Sverige finns en lång tradition av att bygga småhus i trä. År 2022 beräknas det byggas ca 15 000 småhus varav den absoluta majoriteten byggs i trä. Att bygga mer i trä är något som eftersträvas då det är betydligt mer klimatvänligt än andra material. För att bygga tak används oftast prefabricerade takstolar där råspont eller plywoodskivor används som undertak. Det finns ofta inget extra system fIn Sweden there is a long-standing tradition of building houses out of wood. In the year 2022 it is expected that 15 000 houses will be built, where the majority are built out of wood. There is an aim to build more out of wood since it has less impact on the climate than other materials. To build roofs prefabricated trusses are often used, and the trusses are covered by tongue and groove (t&g)

Earning Refuge : A Case Study on the Afghan Special Contributors in the Republic of Korea

The purpose of this study is to analyze how Afghan evacuees have been constructed as belonging in Korea and what impacts might their status as ‘special contributors’ have for the future resettlement and integration of refugees. ‘Special contributor’ is a term used for the Afghan personnel and their families that worked with Korean governmental agencies in Afghanistan, and were evacuated upon the T