

Din sökning på "*" gav 535428 sökträffar

Development of a bioanalytical test battery for water quality monitoring : Fingerprinting identified micropollutants and their contribution to effects in surface water

Surface waters can contain a diverse range of organic pollutants, including pesticides, pharmaceuticals and industrial compounds. While bioassays have been used for water quality monitoring, there is limited knowledge regarding the effects of individual micropollutants and their relationship to the overall mixture effect in water samples. In this study, a battery of in vitro bioassays based on hum

Linking in Vitro Effects and Detected Organic Micropollutants in Surface Water Using Mixture-Toxicity Modeling

Surface water can contain countless organic micropollutants, and targeted chemical analysis alone may only detect a small fraction of the chemicals present. Consequently, bioanalytical tools can be applied complementary to chemical analysis to detect the effects of complex chemical mixtures. In this study, bioassays indicative of activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), activation of the

Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - vård

Detta är den åttonde skriften i en serie småskrifter som vi publicerar och som alla handlar vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet, med fokus på ett eller annat tillämpningsområde. Hittills har vi belyst följande områden: medicin, juridik, skola, miljö, politik och socialtjänst. Detta nummer ägnas åt vård. Våra kartläggningar har lärt oss att begreppet vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet definieras olika

Low 2016/17 season vaccine effectiveness against hospitalised influenza A(H3N2) among elderly : awareness warranted for 2017/18 season

In a multicentre European hospital study we measured influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) against A(H3N2) in 2016/17. Adjusted IVE was 17% (95% confidence interval (CI): 1 to 31) overall; 25% (95% CI: 2 to 43) among 65-79-year-olds and 13% (95% CI: -15 to 30) among those ≥ 80 years. As the A(H3N2) vaccine component has not changed for 2017/18, physicians and public health experts should be aware

Generation of XUV supercontinua through control of attosecond pulse interferences

The generation of XUV supercontinua is of high interest for different applications in that region of the spectrum, such as spectral interferometry and spectroscopy. In high-order harmonic generation (HHG) supercontinua are usually obtained only when a single attosecond pulse is produced, but this implies gating techniques or sub-3-fs IR driving pulses. In this work we demonstrate a new approach fo

Mind in Universe : On the Origin, Evolution, and Distribution of Intelligent Life in Space

This chapter discusses the question of mind in space. It aims to lay the ground for an emerging research field, astrocognition, studying the origin, evolution, and distribution of intelligence in the universe. The first section concerns terrestrial intelligence, the cognitive phenomena involved in human search for extraterrestrial life and intelligence. Intelligence could be explained as a cogniti

Lp-PLA 2 activity and mass and CRP are associated with incident symptomatic peripheral arterial disease

Long follow up is needed in prospective cohort study evaluation of plasma biomarkers for incident peripheral arterial disease (PAD) Middle-aged PAD-free individuals from the cardiovascular cohort of the Malmö Diet and Cancer study (n = 5550; 1991–94) were followed prospectively for a median time of 23.4 years. The plasma biomarkers lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA 2 ) activity and

Trade-offs with longer lifetimes? The case of LED lamps considering product development and energy contexts

Longer product lifetimes are promoted by the EU's Circular Economy Action Plan, but incentivising longer lifetimes could also result in trade-offs between different environmental impacts for some product categories. LED lamps are still experiencing improvements in efficacy and material design, which raises questions about whether longer lifetimes are desirable from an overall environmental perspec

Medicinhistoria i Lund : En kort översikt

Lunds historia innehåller många medicinhistoriska händelser. Medicinhistoria som akademisk disciplin är dock inte endast deskriptiv utan även analyserande. Flera institutioner vid Lunds universitet bedriver medicinhistorisk forskning från olika utgångspunkter. Medicinhistoria är ett viktigt ämne för förståelsen av dagens medicin och denna översikt vill visa varför och hur ämnet behandlas vid Lunds

Patientens röst - den patografiska genren i historisk belysning

’Patografi’ är beteckningen på en relativt ung och snabbt växande litterär genre. Syftet med denna artikel är att introducera den patografiska genren och att lämna ett bidrag till förståelsen av dess historiska uppkomst. Tre omvälvningar i skolmedicinen vid 1800-talets slut och 1900-talets början lyfts fram som betydelsefulla för den patografiska genrens framväxt: sanatoriernas tillkomst, stigmati

One Precursor but Two Types of Graphene Nanoribbons : On-Surface Transformations of 10,10′-Dichloro-9,9′-bianthryl on Ag(111)

On-surface synthesis has emerged in the last decade as a method to create graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) with atomic precision. The underlying premise of this bottom-up strategy is that precursor molecules undergo a well-defined sequence of inter- and intramolecular reactions, leading to the formation of a single product. As such, the structure of the GNR is encoded in the precursors. However, recent

Assessing the robustness of Antarctic temperature reconstructions over the past 2 millennia using pseudoproxy and data assimilation experiments

The Antarctic temperature changes over the past millennia remain more uncertain than in many other continental regions. This has several origins: (1) the number of high-resolution ice cores is small, in particular on the East Antarctic plateau and in some coastal areas in East Antarctica; (2) the short and spatially sparse instrumental records limit the calibration period for reconstructions and

European experience of colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection : a systematic review of clinical efficacy and safety

Background: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an advanced method allowing en bloc resection of large and complex lesions in colon and rectum. Herein, the European experience of colorectal ESD was systematically reviewed in the medical literature to determine the clinical efficacy and safety of colorectal ESD in Europe. Material and methods: A systematic search of PubMed for full-text studi

Fast 4‐D Imaging of Fluid Flow in Rock by High‐Speed Neutron Tomography

High‐speed neutron tomographies (1‐min acquisition) have been acquired during water invasion into air‐filled samples of both intact and deformed (ex situ) Vosges sandstone. Three‐dimensional volume images have been processed to detect and track the evolution of the waterfront and to calculate full‐field measurement of its speed of advance. The flow process correlates well with known rock propertie

Heritability and genetic variance of dementia with Lewy bodies

Recent large-scale genetic studies have allowed for the first glimpse of the effects of common genetic variability in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), identifying risk variants with appreciable effect sizes. However, it is currently well established that a substantial portion of the genetic heritable component of complex traits is not captured by genome-wide significant SNPs. To overcome this issu