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Bakom fasaderna : byggnadsarkeologiska sätt att fånga tid, rum och bruk
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om byggnadsarkeologiska sätt att närma sig historiska byggnader. Syftet är att visa hur byggnadsarkeologin kan förnyas och utvecklas. Motivet är min uppfattning att byggnadsarkeologin inte till fullo utnyttjar de stående byggnadernas potential som historiska källor, vilket framför allt beror på ett traditionsbundet synsätt, som innebär att man nThis dissertation is about the way buildings archaeology approaches historical buildings. The aim is to show how buildings archaeology can be renewed and developed. The motivation is my belief that buildings archaeology does not fully utilize the potential of standing buildings as historical sources, which is mainly due to the traditional outlook on buildings as two-dimensional objects. When three
Industrial Management Models for Construction Waste Management
Much attention is nowadays devoted to waste management. The objective of this work is to show how commonly known business economic models and methods, as well as the Polluter- Pays Principle, can be applied to waste management in general and to waste fractionation in particular, so as to facilitate environmental optimisation of industrial and construction waste fractionation. In discussing the fun
Load and lock: the molecular mechanisms of B-lymphocyte commitment.
Summary: The maturation of B-lymphoid cells from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow is a complex process under control of interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic factors. In addition to serving as a model for normal cell differentiation, disturbances in this process results in immunodeficiencies and malignancies, such as leukemia and lymphoma, making the subject of high relevance for mo
Recension av D. J. Stanford & B. A. Bradley, Across Atlantic Ice
Sequelae following sural nerve biopsy in type 1 diabetic subjects.
Objectives - To detect post-operative sequelae of sural nerve biopsy. Materials and methods-- A questionnaire mailed to type 1 diabetic patients (n = 24; male/female 23/1; reply n = 23) 2 years after biopsy. Results - Type 1 diabetic patients (age 56 [11]; median [interquartile range]) had a long duration of diabetes (DM; 20 [19] years) and all had neuropathy. Three out of 24 patients developed in
Recension av "Kvinnoöden under 1600- och 1700-talen"/I marginalen. Tre yrkeskvinnors uppbrott på 1600-talet/Blodssystrar. Kvinnors hågkomster av franska revolutionen/Min vandring dag för dag. Kvinnors dagböcker från 1700-talet
Gudsuppenbarelser i judendomen
Kampen mot kontinuiteten : Historiepolitik i den västtyska sextioåttarörelsen
En skolklass där ingen kommer för sent
Det regionala utvecklingskomplexet
Abstract is not available
Vilseledande avhandling om strålning från mobittelefoner.
Universitetets idé under omprövning
Place of death: hospital-based advanced home care versus conventional care. A prospective study in palliative cancer care.
Kontroversiell biografi om den lysande Dennis Potter
B cell lymphomas express CX(3)CR1 a non-B cell lineage adhesion molecule.
To study the differential expression of cell membrane-bound receptors and their potential role in growth and/or survival of the tumor cells, highly purified follicular lymphoma cells were analyzed, using gene expression analysis, and compared to non-malignant B cell populations. Filtering the genome for overexpressed genes coding for cell membrane-bound proteins/receptors resulted in a hit list of