

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

The Importance of Fluctuations

In this contribution I want to discuss three phenomena, where effects of fluctuations are very important, multiplicity distributions, diffractive excitation, and nucleus collisions.

SLFs exkursion till Skäckerfjällen 13–15 augusti 2010

SLF:s exkursion till Skäckerfjällen 2008 var en strålande succé (se Lavbulletinen 2009-1), vilket säkert bidrog till att många anmälde intresse när det annonserades att det var dags för ett återbesök i detta nederbördsrika och geologiskt omväxlande jämtländska naturreservat. Allteftersom veckorna gick duggade desvärre återbuden lika tätt som regndropparna i den dystra väderleksprognosen för den ak

Genetic Variation in the Glucose-Dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide Receptor Modifies the Association between Carbohydrate and Fat Intake and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the Malmo Diet and Cancer Cohort.

Context:A common genetic variant (rs10423928, A-allele) in the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide receptor gene (GIPR) is associated with decreased insulin secretion. Glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide is secreted after food consumption and gipr knockout mice fed a high-fat diet are protected against obesity and disturbances in glucose homeostasis. Objective:Our objective was

Kampen om konsumentjournalistikens innehåll. Att läsa Råd & Rön genom riksdagstrycket

Under många år har konsumenttidningen Råd & Rön haft stort inflytande på de svenska konsumenterna och deras konsumtion. Under närmare 50 år ägdes tidningen av Konsumentverket och dess föregångare Statens institut för konsumentfrågor. Genom studier av Råd & Röns årgångar, konsumentmyndigheternas arkiv samt riksdagstrycket står det tydligt att politiker och konsumentmyndigheter haft stort in

General patterns of the phase behavior of mixtures of H2O, alkanes, alkyl glucosides, and cosurfactants

We demonstrate how rather hydrophilic surfactants can be used for solubilizing simultaneously water and alkane. The required hydrophilic-lipophilic balance can be achieved by the addition of a medium-chain alcohol, that is, a hydrophobic cosurfactant. Specifically, the phase behavior of the quaternary water-n-octane-n-octyl beta-glucopyranoside (C(8)G(1))-n-octanol (C8E0) system has been investiga

Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Estonia: Decreasing seroprevalence during the 11-year period of profound socioeconomic changes

Background. The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection is inversely associated with socioeconomic conditions in childhood. In Estonia, a high prevalence of H. pylori infection has been observed among children born in 1987 and earlier. Since 1991, after the dissolution of the USSR, profound social and economic changes have taken place in the country. The aim of the study was to evaluate change

Perinatal adaptive response of the adrenal and carotid blood flow in sheep fetuses subjected to total cord occlusion

Objective. To investigate the perinatal adaptive response of the adrenal blood flow/adrenal fractional moving blood volume (AFMBV) and carotid blood flow (CBF), in sheep fetuses subjected to severe acute intrauterine hypoxia/asphyxia induced by total cord occlusion.Methods. Adrenal blood flow velocity, AFMBV and CBF were measured in 13 exteriorized fetal sheep; eight of them underwent total umbili

Elevated plasma homocysteine concentration in elderly patients with mental illness is mainly related to the presence of vascular disease and not the diagnosis

Background: Plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) is often elevated in patients with mental illness. Since patients with mental illness and vascular disease exhibit a higher plasma tHcy concentration than patients without vascular disease, it is possible that elevated plasma tHcy in mental illness is mainly due to concomitant vascular disease. Methods: We have investigated plasma tHcy, cobalamin/folate

Under the influence of alcohol: The effect of ethanol and methanol on lipid bilayers

Extensive microscopic molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to study the effects of short-chain alcohols, methanol and ethanol, on two different fully hydrated lipid bilayer systems (POPC and DPPC) in the fluid phase at 323 K. It is found that ethanol has a stronger effect on the structural properties of the membranes. In particular, the bilayers become more fluid and permeable: ethan

CXCL16/SR-PSOX is an interferon-gamma-regulated chemokine and scavenger receptor expressed in atherosclerotic lesions

OBJECTIVE: Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease. Several chemokines are important for monocyte/macrophage and T-cell recruitment to the lesion. CXCL16 is a recently discovered chemokine that is expressed in soluble and transmembrane forms, ligates CXCR6 chemokine receptor, and guides migration of activated Th1 and Tc1 cells. It is identical to scavenger receptor SR-PSOX, which mediates uptak

An experiment on linguistic tool support for consolidation of requirements from multiple sources in market-driven product development

This paper presents an experiment with a linguistic support tool for consolidation of requirements sets. The experiment is designed based on the requirements management process at a large market-driven software development company that develops generic solutions to satisfy many different customers. New requirements and requests for information are continuously issued, which must be analyzed and re

Characterization of fluid flow in a shear band in porous rock using neutron radiography

The challenge of understanding how localized deformation modifies fluid flow in porous rock is addressed. New approaches are presented, based on neutron radiography and digital image analyses, to track fluid flow in rock specimens and to calculate flow velocity fields providing local flow measurements. The results show that neutron radiography, backed up by appropriate image analysis, is a very po

Auranofin inhibits the induction of interleukin 1beta and tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA in macrophages

Gold compounds are widely used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, but their mechanisms of action remain unclear. We demonstrate here that auranofin (AF) (0.1-3 microM), but neither the hydrophilic gold compounds aurothiomalate (ATM) and aurothioglucose nor methotrexate or D-penicillamine, inhibits the induction of interleukin 1 beta and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha mRNA and protein by

Galanin-positive nerves of trigeminal origin innervate rat cerebral vessels

(GAL)-positive nerve fibers in rat cerebral vessels were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry, and their origin in the trigeminal ganglia and pathway in the nasociliary nerve to the vessels was shown by retrograde tracer technique and nerve transection. Some fibres in the vertebrobasilar system appear to originate in extracranial sources. With the antiserum used only few GAL fibers could be seen i

Rapid production of cellulase-free xylanases by solventogenic Clostridia from rumen

Xylanases without contaminating cellulases are produced by a wide variety of aerobic bacteria and fungi but anaerobic organisms producing such enzymes are rare. Clostridial species viz., Clostridium beijerinckii LU-1, C. acetobutylicum LU-1, C. butyricum and C. bifermentans LU-1 isolated from rumen produced xylanase (E.C. of 1.5-4.2 U/ml on oat spelt xylan as sole carbon source. Cellulose

Timing and speed of migration in male, female and juvenile Ospreys Pandion haliaetus between Sweden and Africa as revealed by field observations, radar and satellite tracking

Breeding Ospreys were studied in southern Sweden and 13 birds were tracked by satellite telemetry on autumn migration to the African wintering grounds. This was supplemented with studies of migrating birds at Falsterbo and radar trackings From southern Sweden. Females generally left the nest site 2-3 weeks ahead of males and juveniles. Among males, failed bleeders migrated significantly earlier th