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Russian and Turkish Migration Regimes in a Comparative Perspective
Global political developments, economic growth and trade liberalization since the 1980s have changed the political and economic landscapes of most regions in the world. First, the collapse of the Soviet Union (and the communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe) lead to the movement of large segments of populations. For example, the dissolution of the Soviet Union alone left tens of millions o
A review of research into tourism and climate change - Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism and climate change
The tourism sector declared a climate emergency in 2020. It is against this background that this Curated Collection on Climate Change and Tourism is launched. A bibliometric analysis of 1290 articles reviews the 35-year development of climate change and tourism scholarship, including major research themes, key knowledge gaps, and our capacity to deliver the enormous knowledge requirements for an e
International stroke genetics consortium recommendations for studies of genetics of stroke outcome and recovery
Numerous biological mechanisms contribute to outcome after stroke, including brain injury, inflammation, and repair mechanisms. Clinical genetic studies have the potential to discover biological mechanisms affecting stroke recovery in humans and identify intervention targets. Large sample sizes are needed to detect commonly occurring genetic variations related to stroke brain injury and recovery.
Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Facilitates Assessment of Respiratory Dysfunction in the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score with Implications for the Sepsis-3 Criteria
OBJECTIVES: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score is the basis of the Sepsis-3 criteria and requires arterial blood gas analysis to assess respiratory function. Peripheral oxygen saturation is a noninvasive alternative but is not included in neither Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score nor Sepsis-3. We aimed to assess the association between worst peripheral oxygen saturation during onset
Frivillig koncernredovisning enligt K2
Small bowel capsule endoscopy in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding : A matched cohort comparison of patients with normal vs surgically altered gastric anatomy
Background: Little is known about small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) outcomes in patients with surgically altered anatomy. Aims: To assess the feasibility and diagnostic yield of orally ingested SBCE to investigate obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB) in patients with surgically altered gastric anatomy, compared to native gastric anatomy. Methods: 207 patients with OGIB were selected from an
Public Opinion on Institutional Designs for the United Nations : An International Survey Experiment
Scholars and policy makers have intensely debated institutional reforms of the United Nations (UN) since its creation. Yet, relatively little attention has been given to institutional design preferences among the public in UN member states. This study examines two questions: Which possible rules concerning UN authority and representation do citizens prefer? Which personal and country characteristi
Inhibitory control hinders habit change
Our habits constantly influence the environment, often in negative ways that amplify global environmental and health risks. Hence, change is urgent. To facilitate habit change, inhibiting unwanted behaviors appears to be a natural human reaction. Here, we use a novel experimental design to test how inhibitory control affects two key components of changing (rewiring) habit-like behaviors in healthy
Prostate cancer : Estimating the benefits of PSA screening
Fynd av råmaterial för bronsgjutning vid Løgstrup SØ : : analys av tinbarre från Løgstrup SØ II, Fiskbæk s:n
Vid utgrävningar på Løgstrup SØ II, Fiskbӕk s:n, Nørlyng h:d (Jylland) påträffades under 2008 års utgrävningssäsong flertalet tydliga spår av bronshantverk i form av deglar, gjutformar, råmaterial m.m. Bland fynden fanns tre stycken metalltenar vilka förmodades vara råmaterial (tenn) för bronsgjuteri. För att bekräfta vad dessa tenar består av har Keramiska Forskningslaboratoriet, Lunds Universite
Känner du dig manipulerad?
The purpose of this essay is to examine how users experience ‘dark pattern marketing’ from an ethical standpoint, and if it makes a difference if the users are aware of the phenomenon. ‘Dark pattern marketing’ is - in short terms - a marketing approach that applies a user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick and manipulate users into doing things they did not intend to do, or discour
Coalition agreements and governments’ policy-making productivity
One of the biggest challenges parties in multiparty governments face is making policies together and overcoming the risk of a policy stalemate. Scholars have devoted much attention to the study of how various institutions in cabinet and parliament help coalition parties with conflicting policy preferences to be efficient in the policy-making process. Coalition agreements are one of many instrument
NMR Studies of Aromatic Ring Flips to Probe Conformational Fluctuations in Proteins
Aromatic residues form a significant part of the protein core, where they make tight interactions with multiple surrounding side chains. Despite the dense packing of internal side chains, the aromatic rings of phenylalanine and tyrosine residues undergo 180° rotations, or flips, which are mediated by transient and large-scale “breathing” motions that generate sufficient void volume around the arom
Oxidative Stress and Its Relation to Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
The aim of this review is to discuss how to link lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and oxidative stress (OS) and to define relevant targets for therapeutic intervention. Narrative review based on published literature. Many of the multifactorial pathophysiological mechanisms behind LUTS can initiate reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. Assuming that OS is a consequence rather than a primary
Determination of the Complex-Valued Elastic Moduli of Polymers by Electrical-Impedance Spectroscopy for Ultrasound Applications
A method is presented for the determination of complex-valued compression and shear elastic moduli of polymers for ultrasound applications. The resulting values, which are scarcely reported in the literature, are found with uncertainties typically around 1% (real part) and 6% (imaginary part). The method involves a setup consisting of a cm-radius, mm-thick polymer ring glued concentrically to a di
Adult hippocampal neurogenesis and social behavioural deficits in the R451C Neuroligin3 mouse model of autism are reverted by the antidepressant fluoxetine
Neuron generation persists throughout life in the hippocampus but is altered in animal models of neurological and neuropsychiatric diseases, suggesting that disease-associated decline in cognitive and emotional hippocampal-dependent behaviours might be functionally linked with dysregulation of postnatal neurogenesis. Depletion of the adult neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPCs) pool and neurogenic de
Numerical Study and Experimental Verification of Biomass Conversion and Potassium Release in a 140 kW Entrained Flow Gasifier
In this study, a Eulerian-Lagrangian model is used to study biomass gasification and release of potassium species in a 140 kW atmospheric entrained flow gasifier (EFG). Experimental measurements of water concentration and temperature inside the reactor, together with the gas composition at the gasifier outlet, are used to validate the model. For the first time, a detailed K-release model is used t
Lipid Metabolic Reprogramming Extends beyond Histologic Tumor Demarcations in Operable Human Pancreatic Cancer
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is among the deadliest malignancies and potentially curable only with radical surgical resection at early stages. The tumor microenvironment has been shown to be central to the development and progression of PDAC.A better understanding of how early human PDAC metabolically communicates with its environment and differs from healthy pancreas could help improve