

Din sökning på "*" gav 530877 sökträffar

Blackstar - David Bowies sista studioalbum. En transtextuell studie av sångtexterna och deras betydelser

This thesis examines the song lyrics of Blackstar, David Bowies last studio album, released in 2016. By identifying the narrative voice/voices of each song, their possible characters, and using the transtextuality theory, as defined by Gérard Genette, to analyse the interplay between lyrics, music, paratexts, rock videos and literary texts, the study's aim is to find interpretative meanings to

“I have the ability” - An explorative study into the volunteer leadership and followership of Neighbourhood mothers

This thesis aimed to explore the immigrant women’s experience as Neighbourhood mothers within the project Stadsdelsmammor 2.0 in Helsingborg, and how leader and follower identities becomes prominent. To do this, this thesis analysed theNeighbourhood mothers’ understanding of their volunteer role, and their understandings of leadership and followership in their work. A qualitative approach was used

Varför väljer celloelever att sluta i kulturskolans verksamhet? - en kvalitativ intervjustudie med tre celloelever från kulturskolans celloverksamhet

Den här studien syftar till att genom kvalitativa intervjuer lyfta några tidigare elevers röster för att se vad som motiverade dem i celloundervisningen på kulturskolan och vilka faktorer som påverkade dem att sluta ta lektioner. Studien genomfördes genom tre enskilda intervjuer med två före detta celloelever och en nuvarande celloelev, som under cirka ett år tog uppehåll från cellolektionerna. LiThis study aims to, through qualitative interviews, highlight the voices of pupils who have dropped out of the culture school, to see what motivated them in the cello education at the culture school and what factors influenced them to stop taking lessons. The study was conducted through three individual interviews with two previous cello pupils and one current cello pupil, which for a period took

Personal Brands

Title: Personal Brands: The Interplay of Offline and Online Scenes Date of the Seminar: June 5th, 2019 Course: BUSN39: Degree project in global marketing Authors: Melissa Cetino & Johanna Karlsson Supervisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Keywords: Personal Branding, Brand Essence, Online & Offline Channels, Interplay, Layers of Personal Brands Thesis Purpose: The purpose of this Master Thes

From Policy to Practice: The Journey of Intersectionality from Policy Formulation to Policy Implementation in Sida’s International Development Cooperation

This thesis investigates how the concept of intersectionality travels from policy to practice through the work of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). This is done by looking at two parts of the policy process: policy formulation and policy implementation. By using the ‘What’s the Problem Represented to be’ approach to policy analysis, the first part examines how inters

Den (över)sociala polisen: en rättssociologisk studie kring polisens närvaro i sociala medier

The presence of the police in social media may be considered going against the otherwise factual, professional and impartial authority which they are lawfully required to maintain. This, as a result of social media communication tending to be less formal than traditional methods of communication. The aim of this thesis is to examine the social media presence of the Swedish Police from several dif

The EU's Migration Control in the Central Mediterranean: The protection from refoulement in situations of interception on the high seas

The use of the term ‘refugee crisis’ does already suggest a scenario that apparently, the European Union was not expecting and consequently, was not prepared to tackle. As the mass influx of asylum seekers arrived in Europe in 2015, the national reception systems, especially in states of first arrival such as Greece and Italy were disrupted, and the Common European Asylum System was put to a test.

Religious dress and the rights of others – an analysis of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights

This essay examines the protection of the wearing of religious dress under article 9 (freedom of religion) of the European Convention on Human Rights, according to the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It examines how religious dress is protected as a manifestation of religion and with reference to which rights of others and under which circumstances it can be restricted with referen

Hemliga tvångsmedel, är det värt det?

Hemliga tvångsmedel är av stor betydelse för framgångsrik brottsbekämpning i samhället. Samtidigt innebär det en inskränkning av den enskildes rätt till privat- och familjeliv. Detta arbete analyserar om det är möjligt för brottsbekämpande myndigheter att skapa trygghet i den demokratiska rättsstaten genom mer effektiv brottsuppklaring med hjälp av hemliga tvångsmedel, utan att samtidigt kränka deSecret surveillance methods are of great importance for successful law enforcement in today’s society, however, the benefits for the crime fighting authorities can be at the expense of the individual’s rights to privacy. The object of this thesis is to analyze whether it is possible for law enforcement agencies to create a safe community, in a democratic constitutional state, through the use of se

Ett mer rättssäkert företrädaransvar i SFL? - En jämförelse av personligt ansvar i ABL och SFL med fokus på befrielsegrunden särskilda skäl

I aktiebolag har ägarna i regel inget personligt ansvar för bolagets förpliktelser. Ägaren riskerar huvudsakligen bara sin insats i bolaget om bolaget skulle gå dåligt. För att detta inte skall kunna missbrukas så finns det regler som trots det kan göra företrädaren personligt ansvarig I aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) (ABL) återfinns bland annat regler om medansvar vid kapitalbrist. Borgenärer kan gIn limited liability companies, the owners generally have no personal responsibility for the company's obligations. The owner only risks his stake in the company if the company finds itself in dire times. In order for this not to be abused, there are rules which could make representatives personally responsible for the liabilities of the company. The Swedish Companies Act (2005: 551) (SCA) co

Lojalitet kontra vigilans - En jämförelse av reglerna för utförandet av konsumententreprenader med dess motsvarigheter vid kommersiella entreprenader

Entreprenadavtal är beteckningen för de avtal då en uppdragstagare åtar sig uppdraget att utföra ett visst arbete åt en uppdragsgivare. När en näringsidkare ingår ett sådant avtal med en konsument reglerar 4–8 §§ konsumenttjänstlagen hur uppdraget ska utföras. När två kommersiella aktörer ingår ett sådant avtal saknas dock en direkt tillämplig lagstiftning. Istället finns väletablerade standardavtConstruction contracts is the term of the contracts where a contractor undertakes the task of performing a certain assignment for an employer. When a business proprietor concludes such an agreements with a consumer, Sections 4–8 of the Consumer Service Act, (konsumenttjänstlagen), regulate how the assignment is to be performed. However, when two commercial actors concludes such an agreement, there

Counterfactual Prediction Methods for Causal Inference in Observational Studies with Continuous Treatments

We develop methods for estimation, inference and optimization of causal effects from observational data with continuous treatments. We present a counterfactual prediction method based on the potential outcomes framework that estimates the expected value of a potential outcome given a treatment level and confounders. We show that the method identifies the average generalized treatment effect (AGTE)

A New Gender Era?

The premise of this thesis was to explore United Nations construction of gender in their Guidance on gender and inclusive mediation strategies. The Guidance, published in 2017, stem from United Nations Security Council’s Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security in 2000, which stressed the importance of including women in peace processes. Through Lazar’s feminist critical discourse analysis, th

Mechanical properties of SiC nanowires with polytypes

In this report, we model the mechanical properties and fracture behavior of SiC nanowires with different polytypes using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. The mechanical properties investigated are the Young’s modulus, the maximum tensile stress and the fracture strain. The three polytype tested are SiC (3C), (2H) and (4H). Tensile tests are performed on bulk and nanowire samples using three com

The importance of creating a credible brand in the new digital world of social media influencer marketing

Title: The importance of creating a credible brand in the new digital world of social media influencer marketing. Submission date: May 29th, 2019 Course: BUSN39 Degree project in global marketing Authors: Sandra Juncker & Charlotta Carlquist Supervisor: Javier Cenamor Keywords: Social media, Social media influencer marketing, Social media influencer Influencer marketing, Influencers, Brand Cre

The Tale of Two Cities

Race, space and inequality are three terms deeply interlaced into social systems. South Africa provides with a good case to study the relationship between the three, due to its unique and chronologically durable employment of those terms in all enclaves of public life. Colonialism and apartheid combined, led to the extensive abuse of space and race, undermining thus the overall social welfare unde

Stigande havsnivåer i den fysiska planeringen - en studie om hur Karlskrona kommun förhåller sig till långsiktig hållbar planering

This essay describes the global climate changes in the form of rising sea levels, which are problematized based on how its consequences may affect the physical planning in coastal areas and also problematize the difficulties regarding implementation of adaptation strategies. The thesis aims to answer the research questions Which of the sustainability aspects does the municipality work more / less

External and Internal NGO Accountability in Asymmetrical Power Relations

NGOs face several accountability claims to multiple actors, which have generated academic, as well as political debates. Yet, previous research has produced ambiguity within the area. The aim of this comparative case study is to investigate how accountability towards donors’ impact internal accountability towards the NGOs themselves. The units of analysis are two organisations operating in India,

Medborgarnas möjlighet att influera planeringsprocessen - en fallstudie av medborgardialogen i Förbifart Stockholm

One of the latest debates in the Bypass Stockholm project has been regarding the fact that one road section, in the middle of the extensive tunnel, will be placed above ground. This will cause noise and emissions for the residents living in the area close to the road section, which is as low income suburb. The plan was for another section situated close to fancier neighborhoods to be above ground

Data in Global Capitalism

The digital age is witnessing an emergence of data practices, which pertain to the extraction and commodification of data within global capitalism. While there remains conceptual confusion over this phenomenon, critical studies have began to identify emerging issues related to digital development. Few accounts have attempted to frame the wide societal transformation in a holistic manner. This rese