

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Regional opportunity spaces : observations from Nordic regions

This paper further explores the novel concept of the opportunity space, which refers to the limits and possibilities of regional development trajectories and the idea of deliberative agency. Opportunity spaces are formed, perceived and used by individual agents or groups of agents and serve as a bridge between structure and agency. Drawing on six comparative case studies from Finland, Norway and S

Avrinnings- och CFD-modellering för optimalt vattenuttag i en dagvattendamm : En pusselbit i återanvändning av dagvatten

I detta examensarbete har en vägdagvattendamm i Lunds nordöstra stadsdel Brunnshög undersökts och modellerats. Syftet med studien var dels att ta fram en metod för att mäta sedimenteringshastigheter hos partiklar i dammen, dels att bygga upp en 3D-modell av dammen och simulera flödet samt fördelningen av suspenderade ämnen för på så sätt försöka avgöra var i dammen det lämpar sig bäst att ta ut va

Mild Cognitive Impairment, Reversion Rates, and Associated Factors : Comparison of Two Diagnostic Approaches

BACKGROUND: As mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is typically used to identify prodromal stages of dementia, it is essential to identify MCI criteria with high diagnostic stability and prediction of dementia. Moreover, further investigation into pinpointing key factors for reversion is required to foresee future prognosis of MCI patients accurately.OBJECTIVE: To explore disparities in diagnostic sta

Adherence to mediterranean diet and the risk of differentiated thyroid cancer in a European cohort : The EPIC study

Background: The Mediterranean diet (MD) has been proposed as a healthy diet with a potential to lower the incidence of several types of cancer, but there is no data regarding thyroid cancer (TC). We investigated the association between MD adherence, and its components, and the differentiated TC risk within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. Methods: Ove

Introduction to 'Interfaces' 3

The Editors introduce Issue No. 3 of Interfaces: A Journal of Medieval European Literatures, dedicated to "Rediscovery and Canonization: The Roman Classics in the Middle Ages," and offer a general overview of the matter and contents of the contributions.

Mapping a quartz vein using three electrode arrays at Santo Domingo, Nicaragua

The multi-electrode electrical resistivity method has become one of the most efficient geophysical methods used in a wide range of applications, which is also suitable when disturbances in the ground are to be avoided. The selection of the right electrode configuration can provide better effectiveness, depending on the target being investigated. In this work a case of the use of three electrode arThe multi-electrode electrical resistivity method has become one of the most efficient geophysical methods used in a wide range of applications, which is also suitable when disturbances in the ground are to be avoided. The selection of the right electrode configuration can provide better effectiveness, depending on the target being investigated. In this work a case of the use of three electrode ar

Strategic communication in participatory culture : From one- and two-way communication to participatory communication through social media

In contemporary literature in strategic communication, public relations, and corporate communication, co-creation of meaning is often claimed to be a core objective (e.g., Coombs & Heath, 2006). The aim of this chapter is to review the literature on social media and strategic communication and develop arguments for why we believe the new communication structure is challenging old concepts and

Direct Observation of Size-Dependent Phase Transition in Methylammonium Lead Bromide Perovskite Microcrystals and Nanocrystals

Methylammonium (MA) lead halide perovskites have been widely studied as active materials for advanced optoelectronics. As crystalline semiconductor materials, their properties are strongly affected by their crystal structure. Depending on their applications, the size of MA lead halide perovskite crystals varies by several orders of magnitude. The particle size can lead to different structural phas

Consumer attitudes and sociodemographic profile in purchasing organic food products : Evidence of a Greek and Swedish survey.

PurposeThis study explores Greek and Swedish consumers' attitude towards organic food consumption in order to demonstrate possible differences that can be identified based on health and ecological consciousness beliefs rather than demographic factors. The examination of an emerging and a more mature market allow the authors to provide more targeted marketing strategies that possibly increase organ

Trypanocidal and cell swelling activity of 20-deoxysalinomycin

The naturally occurring polyether ionophore salinomycin was previously found to display promising anti-proliferative activity against bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei. Here, we report the evaluation of 20-deoxysalinomycin, a naturally occurring homolog to salinomycin, for trypanocidal and cell swelling activity. The concentration of 20-deoxysalinomycin required to reduce the growth rate of

Food Systems at Risk: Transformative Adaptation for Long-Term Food Security

This report examines how climate change is impacting agriculture and threatening national and global food systems, particularly in climate hotspots, and how these trends are projected to intensify over the coming decades. The report defines and details transformative adaptation for agriculture and why such longer-term, systemic approaches are needed to protect the lives and livelihoods of millions

The effect of a randomised controlled lifestyle intervention on weight loss and plasma proneurotensin

AIMS: Proneurotensin (Pro-NT) is a strong predictor of cardiometabolic disease including type 2 diabetes and obesity, however, the effect of lifestyle change on Pro-NT has not been investigated in this context. Middle Eastern (ME) immigrants represent the largest and fastest growing minority population in Europe and are a high-risk population for obesity and type 2 diabetes. In this randomised con

Set in Motion : Paradoxical narratives of becoming Swedish digital media influencers

This article analyzes how Swedish digital media influencers make sense of their careers in print media interviews and autobiographical books. I explore how influencers use meta-phors involving motion, speed and acceleration to describe, explain and legitimate the various circumstances and phases of their career development, and how these metaphors may be viewed in the wider context of social accel

Adhesive bonding of fiber laminate patch to sandwich-structured composite

Saker som ska röra sig har ofta stor fördel av att vara lätta, då detta minskar energin som krävs för att få dem att röra sig och eller ökar deras topphastighet. Detta har flitigt använts inom flygindustrin där strikta krav ställs på flygplan vad gäller nyttolast och bränsleförbrukning. En stor del i detta utvecklingsarbete har bestått i att ändra eller förbättra materialen som flygplan byggs i. DBy using composites when constructing vehicles, lighter weight and thus better performance can be achieved. Composites are widely used in airplanes and small boats, but has yet to be incorporated in larger ships such as freighters and cruise ships. The main hindrance for its use is the lack of practical knowledge and experience. However, the Visby corvette is a 70 m ship made entirely out of compo

Circular RNAs to predict clinical outcome after cardiac arrest

Background: Cardiac arrest (CA) represents the third leading cause of death worldwide. Among patients resuscitated and admitted to hospital, death and severe neurological sequelae are frequent but difficult to predict. Blood biomarkers offer clinicians the potential to improve prognostication. Previous studies suggest that circulating non-coding RNAs constitute a reservoir of novel biomarkers. The

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The general objective of this research is to study the discourse of the European Dairy Industry (EDI) lobbyists from a non speciesist perspective. To achieve this, the EDI was examined as an economic and influential actor, through a political economy analysis, in order to identify the main companies and pressure groups, their links and their numbers. Then the discourse that the interest groups con