

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Building public trust in compensation programs through accuracy assessments of damage verification protocols

Reliable verification of damage claims is fundamental to create public trust in the legitimacy of compensation programs, and avoid fraud and moral hazards. However, after decades of using this tool, transparency in verification processes and availability of quantitative information on the accuracy and misidentification rates are unresolved issues. Accurate rules overcome several challenges facing

Philip Morris Asia Ltd. v. Australia - Abuse of Rights in Investor-State Arbitration

This case-note analyses the international award recently published in the case of Philip Morris Asia Limited v. The Commonwealth of Australia. Engaging particularly with the application of the Arbitration Tribunal of the abuse of rights doctrine, the note addresses, in the light of this award, a series of questions that continue to perplex international investment lawyers. How should the concept o

Vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet - medicin

Patientsäkerhetslagen från 2014 säger att patienten ska få sakkunnig och omsorgsfull hälso- och sjukvård som är av god kvalitet och står i överensstämmelse med vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Detta krav är på intet sätt nytt, det har formellt funnits sedan 1890-talet och går att spåra betydligt längre tillbaka i tiden. Formuleringen utgör en klassisk svensk begreppsbildning.Idag hittar vi samma

Spatial modelling and simulation for disease surveillance

This thesis addresses the application of spatial approaches to disease surveillance and control from three different aspects. First, temporal trends, geographical distribution and spatial pattern of cardiovascular disease admission rates were explored on a national level in Sweden. Global Moran’s I was used to explore the structure of patterns and Anselin’s local Moran’s I was applied to explore t

Development of an algorithm for determination of the likelihood of virological failure in HIV-positive adults receiving antiretroviral therapy in decentralized care

Background: Early identification of virological failure (VF) limits occurrence and spread of drug-resistant viruses in patients receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART). Viral load (VL) monitoring is therefore recommended, but capacities to comply with this are insufficient in many low-income countries. Clinical algorithms might identify persons at higher likelihood of VF to allocate VL resources.

Police perspectives on road safety and transport politics in Germany

Road safety is a key concern of transport governance. In the European Union, a Road Safety Programme was adopted in 2011, with the objective to reduce road deaths in Europe by 50% in the period from 2011 to 2020. Evidence suggests, however, that this goal will not be met. Against this background, this paper investigates police perspectives on traffic laws, traffic behaviour, and transport policy.

Mortality and the Business Cycle : Evidence from Individual and Aggregated Data

There has been much interest recently in the relationship between economic conditions and mortality, with some studies showing that mortality is pro-cyclical, while others find the opposite. Some suggest that the aggregation level of analysis (e.g. individual vs. regional) matters. We use both individual and aggregated data on a sample of 20-64 year-old Swedish men from 1993 to 2007. Our results s

Neighbourhood deprivation and risk of morbidity and mortality in people with lung cancer: A multilevel analysis from Sweden

Objectives: To analyze whether there is an association between neighbourhood deprivation and morbidity and mortality of lung cancer, beyond individual level characteristics. Design: The entire Swedish population aged over 50, a total of 3.2 million individuals, was followed from January 1, 2000, until admission due to morbidity or mortality of lung cancer during the study period, or the end of the

When children undergo radiotherapy. Exploring care, developing and testing preparation procedures

Radiotherapy (RT) is a repetitive treatment divided into daily fractions, scheduled five days a week from one up to several weeks depending upon the child’s diagnosis. Although RT is painless and non-invasive, children experience anxiety. Depending on the child’s age, anxiety or inability to comply, they may require sedation or general anaesthesia (GA), meaning that some children receive GA over 3

Heavy metals exposure levels and their correlation with different clinical forms of fetal growth restriction

Background: Prenatal heavy metals exposure has shown a negative impact on birth weight. However, their influence on different clinical forms of fetal smallness was never assessed. Objectives: To investigate whether there is a differential association between heavy metals exposure and fetal smallness subclassification into intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and small-for-gestational age (SGA).

Utbildning utan lottning

Det är trångt i kön till läkarutbildningen. Därför har Lunds universitet beslutat att utgå från skolbetyg vid antagning till utbildningen och att använda högskoleprovresultat som skiljekriterium vid lika meriter. Det skriver Stefan Lindgren, programdirektör, Lena Sandberg, nämndsekreterare, och Nils Danielsen, ordförande för läkarprogrammet vid Lunds universitet.

CHD7 targets active gene enhancer elements to modulate ES cell-specific gene expression.

CHD7 is one of nine members of the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding domain family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling enzymes found in mammalian cells. De novo mutation of CHD7 is a major cause of CHARGE syndrome, a genetic condition characterized by multiple congenital anomalies. To gain insights to the function of CHD7, we used the technique of chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by massiv