Din sökning på "*" gav 534691 sökträffar
Epistemic risk: The significance of knowing what one does not know
Fysikcentrum i Lund ska inspirera skolorna
Intra-urban differences in breast cancer mortality: a study from the city of Malmo in Sweden
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess whether in an urban population stage at breast cancer diagnosis is related to area of living and to what extent intra-urban differences in breast cancer mortality are related to incidence respectively stage at diagnosis. DESIGN: National registries were used to identify cases. Mortality in 17 residential areas was studied in relation to incidence and stage distribution u
Perceived Self-image, Intellectual Ability, Frontal Lobe Function, and Perceived Ward Atmosphere among Patients with Psychosis
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen påbörjades 1997 vid den Psykiatriska Rehabiliteringsenheten (PRE) i Eslöv parallellt med att författaren arbetade som klinisk psykolog vid enheten och utförde bedömningar av patienternas intellektuella/kognitiva förmåga och personlighet. Resultaten från dessa bedömningar kom tillsammans med andras bedömningar att utgöra underlaget för den individuella vårdpThese studies were conducted at the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Unit (PRU), characterised by a supportive ego-strenghtening psychodynamic approach. The general aim of the thesis was to study how intellectual ability and perceived self-image were related to perceived ward atmosphere among patients with psychosis. The first study described how patients and staff perceived the ward atmosphere at five
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Densities and Sizes of Self-assembled Quantum Dots Grown by MOVPE
This thesis is based on results concerning the formation of semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots. The quantum dots have been grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy in the Stranski-Krastanow growth mode. This growth mode is based on a strain-induced transition from two-dimensional layer-by-layer growth towards three-dimensional island growth. The resulting morphology consists of coherent,
Det gränslösa samtalet
I Kulturanatomens hus: Laura - ett kompositum i Sigrid Combüchens Parsifal
Medicinsk humaniora
Teaching digital HW-design by implementing a complete MP3 decoder
This paper describes a project course that focuses on all the different stages in an ASIC design flow. The project starts at algorithm level, followed by architecture selection, netlist generation, down to physical layout, fabrication, and finally verification. The scope of the project, implementing a complete MP3 decoder in VHDL and sending it for fabrication, motivates the students to work hard
Allelopathy in phytoplankton - biochemical, ecological and evolutionary aspects
It is considered self-evident that chemical interactions are a component of competition in terrestrial systems, but they are largely unknown in aquatic systems. In this review, we propose that chemical interactions, specifically allelopathy, are an important part of phytoplankton competition. Allelopathy, as defined here, applies only to the inhibitory effects of secondary metabolites produced by
The Masses in Their Own Write (and Draw) : The Heroes' Register from the Great Cultural Revolution in Yunnan
This book chapter introduces the reader to an anthology of reportage, essays, eulogies, poems, proclamations, drawings, photographs, letters and more from the most chaotic phase of China’s Cultural Revolution. Entitled A Heroes’ Register, it is one of no more than a handful of surviving self-documenting accounts by the ‘dictating masses’ themselves of the ‘dictatorship of the masses’, as the Maois
Complex human-nature system interactions in a resource constrained world - system analysis of problems associated to resource use and scarcity, and potential solutions aiming at resource efficiency
This paper provides a systemic analysis of complex dynamic issues associated with resource use, scarcity and efficiency by applying systems thinking with respect to sustainability criteria. Casual loop diagramming methodology is adopted to create a conceptual model to better understand the interconnected patterns, cause effect relations and feedbacks between the three dynamic complex systems that
Teacher in the New Testament
Intimitetens villkor : kön, sexualitet och berättelser om jaget
Popular Abstract in Swedish För några år sedan uppmärksammades att ungdomars sexuella vanor hade förändrats. Ett nytt begrepp gjorde sig gällande i det offentliga samtalet: analsex. Oavsett hur förändringen av ungdomars sexuella vanor förklarades betraktades analsex med få undantag som ett oacceptabelt, onormalt och onaturligt beteende. I beskrivningarna av analsex formulerades inte enbart vad somThis dissertation deals with the drawing of boundaries between normal and abnormal, between natural and unnatural. The aim is to show how the conditions for intimacy and hence also intimacy between women have changed in modern society, how sex and sexuality have been perceived, organized, and experienced in relation to historical and cultural circumstances. The study proceeds from two collections
Effektiv kommunikation av projektarbetens pedagogiska syften
Studenter som utfört ett projektarbete i en kurs intervjuades för att vi lärare skulle få ökad kunskap om deras lärandeprocesser. Vi bad studenterna att utifrån en figur bestående av tre parallella pilar, vilka motsvarade föreläsningar, projektarbete respektive kurslitteratur, beskriva hur de tre momenten var kopplade till varandra under kursens gång. Analys av intervjuerna visade att studenterna