

Din sökning på "*" gav 527011 sökträffar

Resursfördelande vid hjälpsituationer: Default bias, proportionsdominanseffekten och makt

The purpose of this study was to examine people's decision-making when it came to making a choice between two helping projects that could save either 5 out of 5 or 10 out of 2000 children respectively. Default was manipulated so that half of the participants had 5 of 5 as the default-project and the other half had 10 of 2000 as the default-project. In addition, half of the participants within

A case study on how the approach to human error guides the incident reporting among nurses in a hospital setting

For over a decade the healthcare industry has attempted to mimic the non-medical industry with the use of incident reporting as one of many tools used to increase patient safety. But often healthcare workers are trained to perfect individual performance and the incident reporting descriptions are frequently weighted with character flaws (Leape, 1997). Human error is viewed as a personal failure in

Utvärdering av hållbar dagvattenhantering i en urban miljö med fallstudierna Augustenborg och Lindängen, Malmö

En öppen dagvattenhantering, avledning av dagvatten med fri vattenyta, medför en mängd positiva egenskaper på avrinningen som naturlig rening, fördröjning samt reducering samtidigt som den bidrar till en vackrare stadsmiljö. Det finns många goda exempel på områden med anlagda öppna dagvattensystem. Ett sådant är Augustenborg, Malmö, där man genom anläggning av ett fullskaligt, öppet dagvattensyste

Modelling and Control of a Parallel Kinematic Robot

This Master’s Thesis shows how to model the kinematics and forward dynamics for the parallel kinematic robot from ABB, IRB340 FlexPicker, and how to implement the control using software and hardware from B&R Automation. With conventional methods the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and the kinematics for the velocities and accelerations of the robot are modelled. The forward dynamics, ca

Nyintroduktioner på Aktietorget - En genväg till bättre avkastning

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera vilka variabler som historiskt sett har spelat störst roll för en positiv initial kursförändring när bolag har listats på Aktietorget. Författarna vill genom att studera dessa variabler, komma fram till vilka av dem som har en påverkan på den initiala kursförändringen och därmed konstruera en mall för vilken typ av bolag som vid listning på Aktietorget får e

En analys av rörelsedirektivet ur ett människorättsligt perspektiv och om diskussionen kring rätten att migrera

The EU is as a supranational organization based on the thought of the formation of an emerging common European economy. European Parliament and Council Directive 2004/38/EC was put into force in 2004 and is the latest involving the EU rules on free movement within the EU territory. The directive, called the directive on free movement, can also be seen as a part of the plan of a strong Europe given

Hur används politisk korrekthet som retoriskt vapen i debatter? : en diskursanalys av yttrandefrihet i media

To be called ”politically correct” todays is probably as equally bad as being called a liar. Po-litical correctness is a term frequently used in current debates and the purpose of that may vary. It might be used to make the opponent seem like a coward, scared of telling his actual opinions, or it could be used to claim that your opinions are better than others. Some people consider that to have po

Modellering och reglering av en oktakopter

This report deals with the theory and identification out of a multi-rotor craft, particularly an OktokopterXL from Mikrokopter.de. A model of the craft is constructed using Matlab Simulink and a PD controller is designed to control the attitude of the craft. The controller is auto generated from Matlab to C code which is then interwoven with the multi-rotor’s source code. The designed controller

En begreppsanalys för att se om det finns underliggande rasistiska toner i Sverigedemokraternas partiprogram

Racism and discrimination is social sociological concepts that people use everyday. It’s a part of our society and we are more aware of these concepts, racism and discrimination, thanks to globalization. Sweden Democrats are a nationalist party in Sweden that has grown significantly in recent years. Sweden Democrats do not call themselves racists but they want to reduce immigration. The party only

Det svenska medborgarskapet : möjligheter och problematik med det nya naturaliseringsförslaget

The main purpose of this study is to examine Sweden´s new law proposition about naturalisation with a language demand. The proposition is studied with the main focus on the concept of integration in the context of the background for the proposition. For my analysis I am using Jose Alberto Diaz theoretical concepts of integration and assimilation. It is obvious that the new proposition will result

Rätten till Kläder : medias framställning av klädförtryck mot kvinnor

Today’s society is deep rooted in a clothing oppression. Even though many coun-tries acknowledge and justifies the freedom of opinion and expression, civilization itself seems to develop this oppression. Where there are no binding laws deciding for what the citizen are allowed to wear, the society is soon there to correct an occurrence of insolence. Women tend to be specifically exposed to this di

Säkerhet som överordnad princip vid terrorismbekämpning : en teoriprövning på fallet med terroristmisstänkte Ahmed Agiza

In September 12th 2001 the Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson performed a speech in the parliament in memory of the attacks of World Trade Center and Pentagon. He talked about how vulnerable our democracies are, when faced with forces that are prepared to challenge the very essence of democracy - the inviolable human dignity. What our Prime Minister did not know was the action they would take in

Alla barn har rätt till att få vara med sin familj

Uppsatsens syfte har varit att kritiskt granska den svenska debatten kring DNA-analys för asylsökande barns rätt till familjeåterförening i Sverige och därmed se ifall principen om barnets bästa, definierat i svenska rättsakter, efterföljs. Genom den vägledande domen från Migrationsöverdomstolen den 18 januari 2012 fastslogs att DNA-analys kan användas för att styrka biologiskt släktskap med förälThe aim of this thesis has been to do a critical review on the Swedish debate concerning the use of DNA-tests to secure the rights of asylum-seeking children to be reunited with their families and if the principle of the best interests of the child is followed. The 18th of January 2012, in a precedent ruling, the Swedish Migration Court of Appeal concluded that DNA-test could be used to prove biol

Extremt för tidigt född - hur är livet som vuxen?

Syftet med denna kvantitativa studie var att följa upp extremt för tidigt födda (före vecka 29) när de nått vuxen ålder. De extremt för tidigt födda jämfördes med en kontrollgrupp bestående av jämnåriga födda i fullgången tid. Deltagarna i studien hämtades från en uppföljningsstudie av extremt för tidigt födda som tidigare följts upp vid 10 och 18 års ålder. Deltagarna var vid tiden för studien 27The aim of this quantitative study was to follow up children born extremely preterm (before week 29) in adulthood. The group of extremely preterm adults was compared to peers born at term. The extremely preterm and the control group have previously been followed up at ages 10 and 18. At the time of this study the participants were 27-28 years old. Questionnaires were sent to the two groups and 77

Modelling prices of in-play football betting

Odds in sports betting can be seen as a price on a nancial contract. This Master thesis is a study of live odds in football matches. Movements and transactions in live odds from 1114 matches are investigated using a high frequency data set. The prices are then modeled using a Poisson distribution, and used to create a trading strategy.