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Gemensamt haveri som ansvarsbegränsning
Denna uppsats kommer att behandla den internationella sjörättsprincipen gemensamt haveri samt ställa den mot den svenska lagstiftningen om ansvarsbegränsningar och friskrivningar. Syftet är att kolla på principen ur perspektivet vad den innebär för ansvarsbegränsningar för de inblandade parterna och för att sedan se vad den svenska rätten säger om ansvarsbegränsningar och ställa de två emot varandThis essay will cover the international maritime law principle of general average and put it against the Swedish legislation on limitations of liability and disclaimers. The purpose is to look at the principle from the perspective of what limitations of liability the principle entails for the parties involved and to then look at what Swedish law says about limitations of liability and set the two
Risk-adjusted benchmarking of long-term overall survival in patients with HER2-positive early-stage Breast cancer : A Swedish retrospective cohort study
Aim: The main objective of the current study was to explore the value of risk-adjustment when comparing (i.e. benchmarking) long-term overall survival (OS) in breast cancer (BC) between Swedish regions. We performed risk-adjusted benchmarking of 5- and 10-year OS after HER2-positive early BC diagnosis between Sweden's two largest healthcare regions, constituting approximately a third of the total
False-positive recalls in the prospective Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial
Objectives: To evaluate the total number of false-positive recalls, including radiographic appearances and false-positive biopsies, in the Malmö Breast Tomosynthesis Screening Trial (MBTST). Methods: The prospective, population-based MBTST, with 14,848 participating women, was designed to compare one-view digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) to two-view digital mammography (DM) in breast cancer scre
The prognostic impact of IKZF1 deletions and UKALL genetic classifiers in paediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia treated according to NOPHO 2008 protocols
We investigated 390 paediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (BCP-ALL) patients treated according to NOPHO ALL 2008, regarding copy number alterations (CNA) of eight loci associated with adverse prognosis, including IKZF1. The impact on outcome was investigated for each locus individually, combined as CNA profiles and together with cytogenetic information. The presence of IKZF1 de
Mycena species can be opportunist-generalist plant root invaders
Traditional strict separation of fungi into ecological niches as mutualist, parasite or saprotroph is increasingly called into question. Sequences of assumed saprotrophs have been amplified from plant root interiors, and several saprotrophic genera can invade and interact with host plants in laboratory growth experiments. However, it is uncertain if root invasion by saprotrophic fungi is a widespr
UAV-based remote sensing to characterise local-scale spatial variation in the occurrences of the host plant and larvae nests of the Marsh Fritillary butterfly (Euphydras aurinia)
The survival and persistence of the threatened Marsh Fritillary butterfly (E. aurinia) is linked to the availability of its host plant, the Devil’s Bit (S. pratensis), which primarily inhibits calcareous grasslands. Previous research has established that mapping the distribution of S. pratensis serves as a reliable indicator for identifying the presence of E. aurinina larvae nests. In this study,
Improving the SM2RAIN-derived rainfall estimation using Bayesian optimization
The rainfall product derived from the SM2RAIN (Soil Moisture to Rain) algorithm has been widely used. However, there is still a large uncertainty partly due to the soil moisture input and parameters estimation of the SM2RAIN algorithm, which limits the application of the model in alpine regions. Here, the SM2RAIN-BayesOpt algorithm was developed by integrating the SM2RAIN algorithm and Bayesian op
Physicians’ experiences and actions in making complex level-of-care decisions during acute situations within older patients’ homes : a critical incident study
Background: Complex level-of-care decisions involve uncertainty in which decisions are beneficial for older patients. Knowledge of physicians’ decision-making during acute situations in older patients’ homes is limited. Therefore, this study aimed to describe physicians’ experiences and actions in making complex level-of-care decisions during the assessment of older patients in acute situations wi
Resistance to thyroid hormone induced tachycardia in RTHα syndrome
Mutations in thyroid hormone receptor α1 (TRα1) cause Resistance to Thyroid Hormone α (RTHα), a disorder characterized by hypothyroidism in TRα1-expressing tissues including the heart. Surprisingly, we report that treatment of RTHα patients with thyroxine to overcome tissue hormone resistance does not elevate their heart rate. Cardiac telemetry in male, TRα1 mutant, mice indicates that such persis
Gendering the Far-Right Continuum in Europe
This chapter provides a succinct overview of the rapidly developing field of scholarship on far-right manifestations across Europe from a gendered perspective. Its starting point is to acknowledge that gender plays a crucial role in grasping the ideological underpinnings and the modus operandi of the various entities, which are generally associated with the larger field of socio-political manifest
Xylem Water Filtration
This project explored the usage and effectiveness of a natural water filtration system using xylem from Picea Abies, or Norway Spruce. The project is concentrated on the region of southeast and south Asia where people suffer from water contamination, providing a concept of a water filter with comprehensive protection against waterborne diseases. The study implemented secondary research on product
Spänningen mellan positiv representation i Heartstopper (2022) och kollektiv queer sorg: En analys av intergenerationella queera känslor med utgångspunkt i queer temporalitet
The Netflix series Heartstopper (2022) has been praised for its lighthearted and positive queer representation, however, among adult LGBTQIA+ individuals the series has created a sense of sadness. The aim of this thesis is to examine narratives presented in reviews of Heartstopper in relation to queer temporalities and collective feelings. With this study I answer questions of how we can understan
Molecular Flexibility of Antibodies Preserved even in the Dense Phase after Macroscopic Phase Separation
Antibody therapies are typically based on high-concentration formulations that need to be administered subcutaneously. These conditions induce several challenges, inter alia a viscosity suitable for injection, sufficient solution stability, and preservation of molecular function. To obtain systematic insights into the molecular factors, we study the dynamics on the molecular level under strongly v
A phylogenomic perspective on the relationships of subfamilies in the family Geometridae (Lepidoptera)
Geometrid moths, the second largest radiation of Lepidoptera, have been the target of extensive phylogenetic studies. Those studies have flagged several problems in tree topology that have remained unanswered. We address three of those: (i) deep nodes of Geometridae (subfamilies Sterrhinae + Larentiinae, or Sterrhinae alone as sister to all other subfamilies), (ii) the taxonomic status of subfamil
Generation of human-induced pluripotent-stem-cell-derived cortical neurons for high-throughput imaging of neurite morphology and neuron maturation
High-throughput imaging allows in vitro assessment of neuron morphology for screening populations under developmental, homeostatic, and/or disease conditions. Here, we present a protocol to differentiate cryopreserved human cortical neuronal progenitors into mature cortical neurons for high-throughput imaging analysis. We describe the use of a notch signaling inhibitor to generate homogeneous neur
Emergence of specialized third-party enforcement
The question of how cooperation evolves and is maintained among nonkin is central to the biological, social, and behavioral sciences. Previous research has focused on explaining how cooperation in social dilemmas can be maintained by direct and indirect reciprocity among the participants of the social dilemma. However, in complex human societies, both modern and ancient, cooperation is frequently
Socialtjänsten och den (o)hållbara samhällsplaneringen
Uppfattningarna om hur samhället ska utformas varierar kraftigt mellan olika tidsepoker. Under efterkrigstiden fick idén om att socialtjänsten skulle vara en aktiv aktör i utvecklingen av välfärdsstaten starkt fotfäste bland politiska partier och bland professionella. Det skulle ske genom medverkan i samhällsplaneringen och genom att arbeta strukturinriktat. Men ideal är en sak och verklighet en a
Discontinuous and continuous stochastic choice and coordination in the lab
We experimentally test theoretical predictions on equilibrium selection in a two-player coordination (investment) game. Through a minimal visual variation, our design prompts participants to play strategies whereby investing probability is either continuous or discontinuous in the payoff-relevant state. When participants use continuous strategies, average behavior is consistent with play in the ri
The CryoGrid community model (version 1.0) - a multi-physics toolbox for climate-driven simulations in the terrestrial cryosphere
The CryoGrid community model is a flexible toolbox for simulating the ground thermal regime and the ice-water balance for permafrost and glaciers, extending a well-established suite of permafrost models (CryoGrid 1, 2, and 3). The CryoGrid community model can accommodate a wide variety of application scenarios, which is achieved by fully modular structures through object-oriented programming. Diff