

Din sökning på "*" gav 528277 sökträffar

The Classification of Civilians as Human Shields: a Means to Justify Violence?

Human shields have been increasingly documented in contemporary theatres of war. In this context, it is interesting to examine the circumstances in which the attacking party classifies the civilians they face as human shields. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the use of the classification of human shields by belligerents facing civilians during armed conflicts. The paper sets forth the argument t

Framtiden är inte vad den har varit : Temporaliteter i Sverige - exemplet historieämnets styrdokument 1919-2011

I detta paper behandlas temporalitet utifrån begreppets historiekulturella innebörder. Skolans historieämne rymmer ett spänningsfält av olika typer av temporalitet. Historiestuderande förväntas lära sig om den kronologiska, framåtsyftande historien som indirekt förklarar vår egen tid. Samtidigt återspeglar skolans kursplaner sin samtids behov av minne och orientering. Historia fyller med andra ord

Where is a digital company taxed?

The identification of a permanent establishment is the principle used by the Member States of the European Union to determine whether a company is subject to the tax jurisdiction of a State. In the digital context, the notion of permanent establishment is often questioned by States, as companies can provide services remotely without having any physical presence in the territory of a State. This th

Exploring child protection content in social work curricula in South Africa and Sweden

Child participation and agency are vital elements in child protec-tion. Ensuring child participation can contribute to successful inter-ventions. Social workers are often the central agents in ensuring that children participate in matters concerning them and that the best interest of the child principle is adhered to in these matters. The aim of this study is thus to understand if and how social w

Diffusion of solar PV in Kenya - Optimizing the value proposition for the commercial market

The effects of climate change are getting evermore severe, especially on the African continent. Actions towards the UN Agenda 2030 for sustainable development are becoming crucial, and one part of this is the energy transition. Africa has some of the world’s best conditions for solar PV and hence it is a viable option for electricity production in Kenya. The aim of this thesis is to understand th

Sustainable furniture design – Giving new life to abundant table tops

To face the rising challenges of climate change, average consumers, institutions and governments need to work towards more sustainable production and consumption. Soeco Kontorsmöbler AB is an established company focused on refurbishing and bringing older furniture back into circulation. On behalf of Soeco, the project team was challenged to create a sustainable lounge furniture constructed entirel

Breathlessness and exercise performance to predict mortality in long-term oxygen therapy - The population-based DISCOVERY study

BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic respiratory failure treated with long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) often have severe breathlessness, impaired exercise performance, and high but variable mortality that is difficult to predict. We aimed to evaluate breathlessness and exercise performance upon starting LTOT as predictors of overall and short-term mortality.METHODS: This was a longitudinal, population

Framtidens hållbara innerväggssystem - en studie om alternativa byggnadsmaterial för att främja innovativa lösningar som ingår i ett cirkulärt kretslopp

Byggindustrin är idag en stor källa till CO2-utsläpp. För att minska bygg- och anläggningssektorns klimatpåverkan, som idag genererar 21 procent av Sveriges utsläpp av växthusgaser, krävs en omställning mot en mer cirkulär ekonomi. Innerväggar utgör en betydande del av den färdiga byggnadens klimatavtryck. Materialval och typ av innerväggssystem kan påverka och reducera detta. Kontorsbyggnader är The construction industry today is a major source of CO2-emissions. In order to reduce the climate emissions of the building and construction sector, which today is 21 percent of Sweden's climate emissions, a transition towards a more circular economy is required. Interior walls make up a significant part of the finished building's climate impact. Material selection and type of interior wa


This study is an investigative inquiry into the nature of foreign aid and its impact on Nigeria’s economic development. The role of foreign aid in the growth process of developing countries has been an issue of intense debate. Foreign aid is an important issue given its implications for poverty reduction in developing countries. As the government of Nigeria explores the avenues for foreign aid ass

Investor’s Legitimate Expectations v State’s Regulatory Power - In Spanish Renewable Energy Saga Context

International investment law affords treaty protection mechanisms to investors against host states’ misconduct. One such tool available for investors is the fair and equitable treatment standard and its dominant element – legitimate expectations. Host states are under an obligation not to frustrate investors’ legitimate and objective expectations. Such a duty impairs states from free and flexible

#Slutakidnappavårabarn - En innehållsanalys om hur användare på forumet Flashback kan bidra till desinformation om svenska socialtjänsten

The purpose of this study was to examine disinformation regarding Swedish Child Protective Services in the online forum Flashback through a constructivist perspective with a focus on conspiracy theories regarding the subject. The study is an internet-based study with a netnographic approach. The focus was to analyze the unfounded claims that the Swedish social services wrongfully apprehend childre

Vem får bära skulden? En kvantitativ studie om skuldbeläggande av brottsoffer utsatta för våldtäkt

Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka huruvida en experimentell manipulation, innehållandes utdrag från media, påverkade skattning av skuldbeläggande av brottsoffer för våldtäkt (victim blaming). Vidare undersöktes om det fanns skillnad i skattning av skuldbeläggande av brottsoffer och sexism hos kvinnor samt män. Slutligen undersöktes sambandet mellan sexism och skuldbeläggning av brottsofThe aim of this study was to investigate whether an experimental manipulation, containing text from the media, affected the level of victim blaming of a victim of sexual assault. We also tested for gender differences in victim blaming. Finally, the relationship between sexism and victim blaming was examined in men. The design was cross-sectional, and participants (n = 331) were randomized to three

Discrepancy in responses to the surprise question between hemodialysis nurses and physicians, with focus on patient clinical characteristics : A comparative study

INTRODUCTION: The surprise question (SQ) "Would I be surprised if this patient died within the next xx months" can be used by different professions to foresee the need of serious illness conversations in patients approaching end of life. However, little is known about the different perspectives of nurses and physicians in responses to the SQ and factors influencing their appraisals. The aim was to

Sustainability assessment on different crops for aquaponics : an evaluation table for growing crops using wastewater from juvenile Atlantic salmon in RAS

Aquaculture is an expanding industry, supplying closer to 50% of the total fish consumption. Commercialized fish production faces sustainability challenges which are important to address. Aquaponics uses wastewater from aquaculture to grow plants using hydroponics. This is a step towards making the industry more sustainable, but the practice is not straightforward. The plants and the fish thrive a

Exploring the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Ideation Stage of Product Development in Swedish Startups: Challenges, Opportunities, and Tool Utilization

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within product development has emerged as a significant area of research, especially in 2022-2023. However, there is a lack of empirical research on how AI tools are integrated into the product development process, especially within the ideation stage of startups, and what challenges and opportunities arise from this integration. Our thesis explores

What practioners need from theoreticans

The results of any hydrological calculation are highly dependent on rainfall data used. The spatial variability of precipitation, that is very substantial even on very small catchments, can never be completely revealed by a network of gauges. Equally, the time variability and extremes, sampled in a set of data with limited duration, are seldom adequately revealed. Thus, we deal with rainfall data