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Nitrogen and nutrient imbalance
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Strategies to Enhance Students' Capabilities of Abstract Thinking - the Use of Case in Different Learning Situations
Vård av patient med hjärtsjukdom i ambulans
Owners of the Past: Readbacks or Tradition in Mi'kmaq Narratives
When the ethnographer Wilson Wallis did his first fieldwork among the Canadian Mi’kmaq Indians 1911, one recurrent character in their oral tradition was the traditional culture hero Kluskap. When Wallis returned to Nova Scotia in 1953 he found that not many Mi’kmaq in the thirties had heard about Kluskap, and if they had, it was through books or the television series “The Adventures of Glooscap”.
Swedish research in environmental psychology
The amateur scientist's spectrophotometer
This chapter describes the construction and performance of a spectrophotometer that is very easily constructed from a DVD, a digital camera, a lamp and some cardboard, wood, and sheet metal.
FPGA Based Engine Feedback Control Algorithms
High resolution real time heat release analysis will become increasingly important in the future development of engine control systems. The increased demands on efficiency and emissions will put high demands on future engine control. Future engine concepts, for example the HCCI engine concept might crave cylinder pressure based Closed-Loop Combustion Control (CLCC). The analysis of cylinder pressu
Tyrannical Consumers - Initiate Value Creation in the Food Value Chain
The modern consumers live in a transparent world with unlimited information and consumers adopt information strategies around who they trust and this is based on their values and experiences of food. Consumer question the information provided by the authorities and seek other sources of information such as the Internet and fellow consumers. There is a need for this consumer perspective in value ch
Tekniska hjälpmedel som resurs och hinder i vardagen
Kapitlet fokuserar hjälpmedelstekniken användning i skola och hem samt organiseringen av förskrivningsprocessen för hjälpmedel för barn med synnedsättning.
Cultural Development, Language Distribution, and Ecology in Pre-Columbian Amazonia
The thesis aims at creating a large-scale GIS database covering Amazonian prehistory between 2000 BC and AD 1700 in order to be able to test the hypothesis of ethnic circumscription described above. This database will be compiled of geographically positioned material from archaeology (datings, ceramic styles, tempering materials, rock art, anthropogenic soils, and other visual aspects of material
Vägval i valutafrågan Sverige och Bretton Woods
Adaptive Decoupling of Multivariable Systems
A speed limiter in a car : effects on drivers behaviour and interaction
''Vi har fått ett uppdrag av en klient ...'' - små konsultfall i undervisningen
Grundkurser vid LTH har ofta problemet att motivera studenten eftersom han/hon inte omedelbart kan koppla teorin till sin vardag eller till kommande profession. Ett väl dokumenterat sätt att synliggöra användning av kunskap är låta studenterna arbeta aktivt med realistiska problemställningar på en lagom nivå, t.ex. i projekt eller cases. I grundkursen i matematisk statistik för V och L använder vi
Anomalous experiences during deep hypnosis.
The Development of Élites. From Roman Bureaucrats to Medieval Warlords
Svenska framgångar i Fysikolympiaden
Och himlen var grå : Noveller av arabiska författare
Urvalet omfattar 'En handfull dadlar' från 1964 av Tayeb Salih från Sudan; 'Hon var inte medveten om det' av saudiska Zainab Hifni; 'Damrummet' av Hana Atiyye från Egypten; 'Främling i sitt eget land' av Fawzia Ashmawi från Egypten; 'En kopp te hos Mrs. Robinson' av Ghalia Kabbani från Syrien; 'Siestan' av Salwa El-Naimi från Syrien; 'Den lytte och den lättfotade' av Mohamed Zefzaf från Marocko; '