Din sökning på "*" gav 532987 sökträffar
Tafonomi – läran om kvarlevornas historia
Byggnadsteknisk brandforskning i Sverige
Consuming IKEA, Different perspectives on consumer images of a global retailer
Rättens gränser. Om rättstilläpning i kommunal social förvaltning.
Enforcing EUCHR principles and fundamental rights in environmental cases
Dendrokronologi och medeltida kyrkor : symposium i Lund 11–13 april 1988
Referral of sensation to an advanced humanoid robotic hand prosthesis.
Hand prostheses that are currently available on the market are used by amputees to only a limited extent, partly because of lack of sensory feedback from the artificial hand. We report a pilot study that showed how amputees can experience a robot-like advanced hand prosthesis as part of their own body. We induced a perceptual illusion by which touch applied to the stump of the arm was experienced
Den kosmetiska demokratin : En studie av den politiska diskursiva praktiken i Sjöbo och Ystad
The object of this thesis is to describe, analyze and understand the terms and meanings of the public information and the political communication for local democracy, in today´s media landscape, out of the interaction between the main parties of the local society in Sjöbo and Ystad and from the stand point of earlier research and theories. The study has analyzed the actions performed by citizens,
Förnimmelser av det gudomliga: Om teologins estetiska vändning.
The present article departs from the increased significance ascribed to questions concerning arts and aesthetics in contemporary academic theology as well as in church life. This development is given the designation ‘aesthetical turn’ and the content of the article tries to, in a broad outline, situate this phenomenon in the history of philosophical reflection on aesthetic issues. Originally an En
Vad har läkekonst med ånger och mening att göra?
The Lacanian Left Does Not Exist [review of Yannis Stavrakakis' The Lacanian Left]
Patent Holders’ Contractual Restrictions on Downstream Purchasers in the United States and European Union through Quanta Prism
Att analysera kvalitativt material
I detta kapitel behandlas analys av kvalitativt material, det vill säga det arbete i forskningsprocessen som brukar intensifieras efter att det empiriska materialet är insamlat. Vi belyser tre grundläggande arbetssätt för att skapa samhällsvetenskapliga analyser: att sortera, att reducera och att argumentera. Det rör sig om tre handlingar som bemöter tre problem och försöker gör dem hanterbara. At
Adaptive Detection of a Partly Known Signal Corrupted by Strong Interference
In this letter, we consider adaptive detection of a partly known signal corrupted by additive noise and strong interference with support that is only partly known. Assuming a homogeneous environment where the covariance matrix of the additive noise is the same for the primary and secondary data sets, although with the secondary data set also being affected by the interference, we allow for conic u
Could the increased use of e-bikes (pedelecs) in Sweden contribute to a more sustainable transport system?
The transport sector accounts for large proportions of greenhouse gas emissions and energy usage in Sweden, about 40% and 30%, respectively. Most of this, 93%, comes from road transports. There is, therefore, a strong political desire to reduce the use of fossil fuels in road transport. Several alternatives to fossil fuels have been discussed and, more recently, interest in electrically driven veh
Electoral Rentierism? The Cross-National and Subnational Effect of Oil on Electoral Competitiveness in Multiparty Autocracies
Building on theoretical insights from research on the rentier state and the "resource curse," several studies have supported the argument that oil hinders democracy. However, previous research on the rentier state has neglected the global surge of multiparty autocracies or "electoral authoritarian" regimes since the end of the Cold War. No systematic study has been carried out on the question of w
Landscape terms and toponyms in Jahai: a field report
Apoptosis induced by a human milk protein complex. Cellular and structural studies in tumour cells and bacteria.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Ett bröstmjölksprotein som dödar tumörceller Denna avhandling beskriver den tumörcell- och bakteriedödande effekten av ett proteinkomplex från bröstmjölk. Proteinkomplexet, en veckningsvariant av humant alfa-laktalbumin, inducerar apoptos (programmerad celldöd) i tumörceller och visar sig ha liknande effekter även mot bakterier. Amning förser inte bara barnet med optiHuman milk contains a vast array of bioactive molecules, with nutritional and protective functions. This thesis describes the effects of a human milk protein complex, MAL, on tumour cells and bacteria. During our studies on the anti-adhesive properties of human milk we observed that a milk fraction killed tumour cells. The morphology of the cells indicated apoptotic cell death and this was verifie