

Din sökning på "*" gav 534700 sökträffar

Guided internet-delivered cognitive behavior therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: a randomized controlled trial.

The aim of this randomized controlled trial was to investigate the effects of guided internet-based cognitive be-havior therapy (ICBT) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sixty-two participants with chronic PTSD, asassessed by the Clinician-administered PTSD Scale, were recruited via nationwide advertising and randomizedto either treatment (n= 31) or delayed treatment attention control (n= 3

Clinical Usefulness of Retropulsion Tests in Persons with Mild to Moderate Parkinson’s Disease

People with Parkinson’s disease (PwPD) have an increased risk for falls and near falls. They have particular difficulties with maintaining balance against an external perturbation, and several retropulsion tests exist. The Unified PD Rating Scale item 30 (UPDRS30) is the most common, involving an expected shoulder pull. Others recommend using an unexpected shoulder pull, e.g., the Nutt Retropulsio

Trends in remote health care consumption in Sweden : A comparison before and during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic

BACKGROUND: Remote assessment of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) has been a controversial topic during the fast development of private telemedicine providers in Swedish primary health care. The possibility to unburden the traditional care has been put against a questionable quality of care as well as risks of increased utilization and costs. The covid-19 pandemic has contributed to a changed m

Retinal indoleamine accumulating neurons

A previously unknown set of neurons, characterized by their ability to accumulate indoleamines, has been identified in the retina of Cebus monkeys, rabbits, cats, pigeons, chicken, goldfish and lampreys. They are not demonstrable with presently available techniques in humans, Cynomolgus monkeys, cows, pigs and rats. The neurons are called indoleamine accumulating neuron and form a subset of amacri

Copyright in the Age of Access to Legal Digital Content : A study of EU copyright law in the context of consumptive use of protected content

In a world where copyright is being infringed in a plethora of ways, consumers find it difficult to access legal digital content. Therefore, this thesis investigates how copyright law governs access to legal content in the digital environment in respect of so-called consumptive use. By apprehending a user-centric approach I evaluate whether and how copyright law accounts for the consumer interest

Low-cost smart solutions for daylight and electric lighting integration in historical buildings

Research have shown that the correct integration of daylight and electric lighting reduces the energy use in buildings, while improving visual comfort. Smart shading systems, especially those electrically controlled, play an important role to control solar radiation. Similarly, smart and dimmable/tunable lighting can help to adjust the artificial light to the real users' needs. This paper presents

Stunting and wasting in a growing economy : biological living standards in Portugal,1924-1994

Portugal's real income per head grew by a factor of eight during the second half of the twentieth century, a period of fast convergence towards Western European standards of living. We use a new sample of about 2,000 children to document trends in the prevalence of stunting and wasting in the city of Lisbon between 1945 and 1994. We find that stunting and wasting fell quickly in the 1950s and 1960

Inducible Deletion of YAP and TAZ in Adult Mouse Smooth Muscle Causes Rapid and Lethal Colonic Pseudo-Obstruction

Background & AimsYAP (Yap1) and TAZ (Wwtr1) are transcriptional co-activators and downstream effectors of the Hippo pathway, which play crucial roles in organ size control and cancer pathogenesis. Genetic deletion of YAP/TAZ has shown their critical importance for embryonic development of the heart, vasculature, and gastrointestinal mesenchyme. The aim of this study was to determine the functi

Mental Health and Salivary Cortisol

Abstract: The aim of this chapter was to analyze associations between measures of cortisol in salivaand mental health and to see if divergent results were functions of the methods used. Measures ofmental health outcome included Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), symptoms of depression, andsymptoms of anxiety, Burnout (BO), and Vital Exhaustion (VE). Only studies on otherwise healthyindividuals were

The impact of ethnicity on glucose homeostasis after gestational diabetes mellitus

Background and aims: Ethnicity influences the prevalence of gestational diabetes (GDM) and its progression to manifest diabetes postpartum, being higher in non-European populations. This may partly be explained by differences in insulin secretion and action. Aims of the present study were to evaluate glucose homeostasis after GDM, the impact of ethnicity and other determinants of glucose toleranceBackground and aims: Ethnicity influences the prevalence of gestationaldiabetes (GDM) and its progression to manifest diabetes postpartum, beinghigher in non-European populations. This may partly be explained by differences in insulin secretion and action. Aims of the present study were toevaluate glucose homeostasis after GDM, the impact of ethnicity and otherdeterminants of glucose tolerance pos

Linking plant roles and operations strategy decision-making autonomy in international manufacturing networks

This paper is concerned with the management of multi-plant manufacturing networks. Two key concepts in this domain are plant roles and plant autonomy in the context of operations strategy decision-making. We investigate the relationship between these two concepts and their impact on plant performance. We use data from 102 manufacturing plants belonging to multi-plant networks. The results suggest

Sociologins klassiker : Upptäckter och återupptäckter

Människan gör samhället – formar, utvecklar, bevarar. Men samhället gör också människan – människan formas och utvecklas i och genom samhället. Detta är den klassiska sociologins stora insikt. Sociologins klassiker – upptäckter och återupptäckter presenterar tjugotvå sociologiska tänkare som med stor spännvidd varierar denna grundläggande sociologiska insikt som i dag äger större giltighet än någo

The Entrepreneurial Story and its Implications for Research

Research is not merely report-writing; it also involves elements of storytelling. In this essay, we reflect on two narrative archetypes in entrepreneurship research: the stories of entrepre- neurship as a road to salvation and means to emancipation. We outline a framework to analyze research from a storytelling perspective, apply this framework to identify implicit assumptions and methodological b

Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction : What Do We Know?

Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 (PASC), or long COVID syndrome, is emerging as a major health issue in patients with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection. Symptoms commonly experienced by patients include fatigue, palpitations, chest pain, dyspnea, reduced exercise tolerance, and "brain fog". Additionally, symptoms of orthostatic intolerance and syncope suggest the involvement of the autonomic nervous

Recommendations to distinguish behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia from psychiatric disorders

The behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is a frequent cause of early-onset dementia. The diagnosis of bvFTD remains challenging because of the limited accuracy of neuroimaging in the early disease stages and the absence of molecular biomarkers, and therefore relies predominantly on clinical assessment. BvFTD shows significant symptomatic overlap with non-degenerative primary psy