Din sökning på "*" gav 533975 sökträffar
Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of neurons within solid basal forebrain transplants in the rat brain
Electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of neurons within solid basal forebrain transplants were studied in adult rats anesthetized with urethane. No specific topography of the neurons recorded was observed within the graft. The mean spontaneous activity of the grafted neurons (GNs) was relatively low (4.9 impulses/s) but not unlike that of other central neurons in situ. A large propor
High-resolution measurement of the 12C(γ,p)11B reaction to excited states for Eγ=50–70MeV
Relative population of states in 11B following the 12C(γ,p) reaction has been measured with high resolution using the deexcitation γ-ray technique. The states near 7 MeV in 11B are clearly resolved and the measured population clarifies earlier conflicting data. Comparison of the results with new calculations indicates the importance of both one-nucleon and multinucleon processes.
Fattigvården inom Lunds stad : den öppna fattigvården perioden 1800-1960
Fracture toughness of a laminated composite
The fracture toughness of a polymer-metal laminate composite is obtained by mechanical testing of a specimen containing a pre-crack. The laminate is a material used for packaging. It consists of a thin aluminium foil and a polymer coating. A centre cracked panel test geometry is used. Each of the layers forming the laminate is also tested separately. The result is compared with the measured fractuThe fracture toughness of a polymer-metal laminate composite is obtained by mechanical testing of a specimen containing a pre-crack. The laminate is a material used for packaging. It consists of a thin aluminium foil and a polymer coating. A centre cracked panel test geometry is used. Each of the layers forming the laminate is also tested separately. The result is compared with the measured fractu
Intrinsic Functions for Non-homogeneous Elastic Materials
A special choice of two functions is proposed for analysing non-homogeneous materials, when both modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio experience spatial variations. It is shown that in the case of abrupt change of the two basic material’s characteristics, these two functions degenerate to constants, which are linear combinations of Dundurs’ parameters. The properties of the two functions are
Large-scale hydrological modelling of the Upper Paraná River Basin
The Upper Paraná River Basin (UPRB) has undergone many rapid land use changes in recent decades, due to accelerating population growth. Thus, the prediction of water resources has crucial importance in improving planning and sustainable management. This paper presents a large-scale hydrological modelling of the UPRB, using the Soil andWater Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The model was calibrated an
A longitudinal observational study of back pain incidence, risk factors and occupational physical activity in Swedish marine trainees
Objectives To evaluate the occurrence of low back pain (LBP) and LBP that limits work ability, to identify their potential early risks and to quantify occupational physical activity in Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) marines during their basic 4 month marine training course. Design Prospective observational cohort study with weekly follow-ups. Participants Fifty-three SwAF marines entering the trainin
Heritability of optic disc diameters: a twin study
AbstractPURPOSE: To assess the relative influence of genetic and environmental factors on optic disc size and cup/disc ratio in healthy eyes. METHODS: A sample of 55 monozygotic and 50 dizygotic healthy twin pairs aged 20-46, all having the same sex within pairs (47 pairs were male) had optic discs measured from colour fundus photographs according to the Wisconsin Protocol. Structural equation mod
Measurements of the Deuteron Elastic Structure Function A(Q2) for 0.7≤Q2≤6.0(GeV/c)2 at Jefferson Laboratory
The deuteron elastic structure function A(Q2) has been extracted in the range 0.7≤Q2≤6.0(GeV/c)2 from cross section measurements of elastic electron-deuteron scattering in coincidence using the Hall A Facility of Jefferson Laboratory. The data are compared to theoretical models, based on the impulse approximation with the inclusion of meson-exchange currents, and to predictions of quark dimensiona
Part summary of the project 'Speakers' Comfort' : Teachers' voice use in teaching environments
Classroom acoustics not always take the speaker's comfort into consideration. The purpose of the presented papers was to investigate voice use, vocal behavior and prevalence of voice problems in Swedish teaching staff. Ratings of features in the work-environment on voice use were explored in n = 487 teachers. Based on their answers the respondents were split into two groups: teachers with self-ass
Gastrointestinal dysfunction in patients and mice expressing the autism-associated r451c mutation in neuroligin-3
Gastrointestinal (GI) problems constitute an important comorbidity in many patients with autism. Multiple mutations in the neuroligin family of synaptic adhesion molecules are implicated in autism, however whether they are expressed and impact GI function via changes in the enteric nervous system is unknown. We report the GI symptoms of two brothers with autism and an R451C mutation in Nlgn3 encod
Segmental action of morphine and acupuncture-like stimulation in the dorsal horn of the rat as visualized by the 14C-2-deoxyglucose method
It is not clear where analgesic measures such as morphine and acupuncture have their sites of action. Since analgesia from acupuncturelike stimulation is reversed by naloxone (Sjolund and Eriksson, Brain Res. 173:295, 1979) it is probably mediated via endorphins. The two analgesic procedures mentioned may thus use similar inhibitory mechanisms. We now present data from autoradiographic measurement
Wind comfort and solar access in a coastal development in Malmö, Sweden
Hållbara arbetsvillkor i en tillväxtbransch : arbetstagares situation i dataspelsutvecklingsbranschen
Spelutvecklingsbranschen är på stark tillväxt i Sverige och under 2017 ökade antalet anställda i branschen med ca 25 procent, vilket motsvarar ca 1 000 personer. Branschen har stora utmaningar med sin kompetensförsörjning, som en konsekvens av den snabba tillväxten. I Nordamerika där branschen etablerades tidigare än i Sverige har en del studier gjorts på spelutvecklares arbetsvillkor. Flera av de
A distributed light-weight database for the organization of electrophysiological data.
Nociceptive withdrawal reflexes as a model for spinal nociceptive transmission.
Convergence of afferent paths to olivo cerebellar complexes.
It is now well documented that the cerebellar cortex is divided into sagittal zones which can be identified by their climbing fibre inputs from specific regions of the inferior olive. Each cortical zone sends its efferent fibres, the Purkinje cell axons, to a separate group of neurones in the cerebellar or vestibular nuclei (Oscarsson, 1980, Voogd and Bigare, 1980, Voogd, 1982, Trott and Armstrong
Inverse Analysis for Identification of Elastic/Visco-Plastic Material Constants
Representation of dissolved organic carbon in the JULES land surface model (vn4.4-JULES-DOCM)
Current global models of the carbon (C) cycle consider only vertical gas exchanges between terrestrial or oceanic reservoirs and the atmosphere, thus not considering the lateral transport of carbon from the continents to the oceans. Therefore, those models implicitly consider all of the C which is not respired to the atmosphere to be stored on land and hence overestimate the land C sink capability