

Din sökning på "*" gav 533975 sökträffar

Modelling Stem Cells Lineages with Markov Trees

A variational Bayesian EM with smoothed probabilities algorithm for hidden Markov trees (HMT) is proposed for incomplete tree structured data. The full posterior of the HMT parameters is determined and the underflow problems associated with previous algorithms are eliminated. Example results for the prediction of the types of cells in real stem cell lineage trees are presented.

Rosetta och Philae

Under Forskarfredagen 2016 diskuterar vi ESAs rymdsond Rosetta, dess lilla landare Philae, hur de tog sig till kometen 67P och vad de upptäckte där.During Researchers Night 2016 we are discussing ESA's mission Rosetta, its lander Philae, how they traveled to the comet 67P and what they discovered there.

Stjärnorna över Mayafolket

Mayafolket har levt i över 3000 år på Yucatánhalvön, i Mellanamerika. I det område som idag tillhör Mexico, Guatemala och Belize, lever Mayakulturen kvar. Precis som människor har gjort i alla tider, så har även Mayafolket tittat upp mot natthimlen och ställt sig frågan: vad gör vi här?I alla Mayafolkets byggnader vördades tid som någonting heligt. Redan för hundratals år sedan föreställde sig MayThe Mayans have lived in central America for over 3000 years. In a region that today belongs to Mexico, Guatemala and Belize the Mayaculture lives on. Throughout history the Mayans have observed the skies above, made up stories and legends and looked to the skies for answers.In a feast of colours and sounds, Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe makes a tour of 6 Mayan temples: San Ger

Vanilloid receptors on capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves mediate relaxation to methanandamide in the rat isolated mesenteric arterial bed and small mesenteric arteries

1. In the present study, the vasodilator actions of methanandamide and capsaicin in the rat isolated mesenteric arterial bed and small mesenteric arterial segments were investigated. 2. Methanandamide elicited concentration-dependent relaxations of preconstricted mesenteric arterial beds (pEC 50 = 6.0 ± 0.1, E(max) = 87 ± 3%) and arterial segments (pEC 50 = 6.4 ± 0.1, E(max) = 93 ± 3%). 3. In art

Säkerhetskultur på arbetsplatsen

Olyckor på grund av strömgenomgång är en ständig arbetsmiljörisk för elektriker. Ökad kunskap om hur elektriker uppfattar säkerhetskulturen på sin arbetsplats kan leda till en bättre förståelse för de drivkrafter och hinder som finns för effektiv säkerhetshantering och lärande för säkerhet. Detta kan bidra till utveckling av välfungerande proaktiv (förebyggande) risk- och säkerhetshantering inom b

Genusperspektiv på olycksfall och dödsolyckor i arbetslivet

Varje år inträffar ett stort antal arbetsrelaterade dödsolyckor i Sverige. Arbetsmiljöverket har därför fått i uppdrag av regeringen att analysera dödsolyckor ur ett genusperspektiv. Den här kunskapssammanställningen är en del av det analysarbetet.FÖRESTÄLLNINGAR OM KÖN HÄNGER IHOP MED OLYCKORSammanfattningsvis visar kunskapssammanställningen att föreställningar om kön kan relateras till risker oc

Populist radical right protectors of the folkhem : Welfare chauvinism in Sweden

The article scrutinises a version of welfare chauvinism taking shape in Sweden, by concentrating on the concept of folkhem (the [Swedish] people’s home), and examines how it was expressed in the 2010–2014 parliamentary activity of the Sweden Democrats. It offers an analysis of how the welfare chauvinism project is first contextualised in the party documents, and subsequently articulated in the par

Induced polarization applied to biogeophysics: recent advances and future prospects

This paper provides an update on the fast-evolving topic of the induced polarization (IP) method applied to biogeophysics. It emphasizes new understandings of the IP phenomena associated with biological activity, pointing out new developments and applications, and identifying existing knowledge gaps. The focus is on the use of IP as related to living organisms, including micro-organisms and plants

Collective Leadership Dynamics among Professional Peers : Co-constructing an unstable equilibrium

Professional service firms (PSFs) are characterized by contingent and contested power relations among an extended group of professional peers. Studies of such firms can therefore yield important insights for the literatures on collective leadership and leader–follower relations. Yet to date PSF scholars have neglected the topic of leadership, and leadership scholars have neglected the context of P

Advanced radiological work-up as an adjunct to decision in early reconstructive surgery in brachial plexus injuries

Background: As neurophysiologic tests may not reveal the extent of brachial plexus injury at the early stage, the role of early radiological work-up has become increasingly important. The aim of the study was to evaluate the concordance between the radiological and clinical findings with the intraoperative findings in adult patients with brachial plexus injuries.Methods: Seven consecutive male pat

Synthesis and application of PEGylated tracer particles for measuring protein solution viscosities using Dynamic Light Scattering-based microrheology

The measurement of flow properties, such as the zero shear viscosity, of protein solutions is of paramount importance for many applications such as pharmaceutical formulations, where the syringeability of physiologically effective doses is a key property. However, the determination of these properties with classical rheological methods is often challenging due to e.g. detrimental surface effects o