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Svensk pingstmission i Etiopien
Editorial : Fibrous Assemblies: From Synthesis and Nanostructure Characterization to Materials Development and Application
Advanced dose calculation algorithms in lung cancer radiotherapy : Implications for SBRT and locally advanced disease in deep inspiration breath hold
Purpose: Evaluating performance of modern dose calculation algorithms in SBRT and locally advanced lung cancer radiotherapy in free breathing (FB) and deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH). Methods: For 17 patients with early stage and 17 with locally advanced lung cancer, a plan in FB and in DIBH were generated with Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm (AAA). Plans for early stage were 3D-conformal SBR
A Class Blind Spot? Anti-racism in the United States
"Raljerandet med värdegrunder är ohållbart"
Effect of inlet chamber design and operation conditions on laminar drop deformation in a production-scale high-pressure homogenizer—A hydrodynamic investigation
Due to their wide utilization and low thermodynamic efficiency, there is a large interest in designing more efficient high-pressure homogenizer valves. Drop breakup in these devices is by turbulent interaction downstream of the gap exit. However, recent investigations in scaled systems suggest that the drops can be ‘primed’ for breakup by elongation upstream of the gap entrance. This study uses hy
Swedish midwives’ experiences of collegial midwifery assistance during the second stage of labour: A qualitative study
BackgroundThere has been an increased focus on clinical practice that may reduce severe perineal trauma due to awareness of the associated morbidity. Knowledge regarding the best practice to reduce these injuries is limited. Collegial midwifery assistance during the second stage of labour that involves an additional midwife being present has recently been implemented into many Swedish birth units
Multiscale Structural Elucidation of Peptide Nanotubes by X-Ray Scattering Methods
This mini-review presents the structural investigations of the self-assembled peptide nanotubes using X-ray scattering techniques. As compared to electron microscopy, scattering methods enable studies of nanotubes in solution under the appropriate physicochemical conditions and probe their formation mechanism. In addition, a combination of X-ray scattering methods allow the elucidation of structur
Association of autoimmune diseases with cardiomyopathy : A nationwide follow-up study from Sweden
Aims: Certain autoimmune diseases (ADs), such as Crohn's disease and celiac diseases, have been linked to acute cardiovascular disorders. We examined whether there is an association between 43 different ADs and risk of subsequent hospitalization and mortality of cardiomyopathy in a nationwide follow-up study in Sweden. Methods and results: All individuals in Sweden hospitalized with a main diagnos
Brottsförebyggande ungdomsarbete i Malmö och Helsingborg. En utvärdering av Fryshusets preventiva insatser och civilsamhällets roll för unga i riskzonen
Den här rapporten är en utvärdering och analys av Stiftelsens Fryshusets förebyggande ungdomsarbete i Malmö och Helsingborg och bygger till stor del på intervjuer med ungdomar i utsatta områden, samt fältstudier. Rapporten är skriven på uppdrag av Stiftelsen Fryshuset, är finansierad av H.M. Drottning Silvias Stiftelse – Care About the Children, och påbörjades i maj 2021 och avslutades i december
Analogical Reasoning and the Diplomacy of the Raoul Wallenberg Case 1945–7
Dark Matter benchmark models for early LHC Run-2 Searches : Report of the ATLAS/CMS Dark Matter Forum
This document is the final report of the ATLAS-CMS Dark Matter Forum, a forum organized by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations with the participation of experts on theories of Dark Matter, to select a minimal basis set of dark matter simplified models that should support the design of the early LHC Run-2 searches. A prioritized, compact set of benchmark models is proposed, accompanied by studies of t
Lägg ansvaret för utsläppen på dem som tjänar på dem
Communicating access-based business models : Company framings of home furnishings rental
Although access-based business models such as product rental hold promise for contributing to sustainable production and consumption, their diffusion is hindered by a lack of consumer acceptance. In order for rental models to resonate with consumers, they must be designed and communicated in a way that aligns with consumers’ needs. While many studies have addressed business model design, few have
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, anisole, CAS Registry Number 100-66-3
Intelligence and disinformation in World War II and the early Cold War 1943–48: Stachowiak alias Drauschke alias Donoa, his intelligence activities in Sweden and Denmark, and the Raoul Wallenberg case
In September 1943, a Polish citizen Mieczyslaw Stachowiak, assigned with the German Wehrmacht’s Organisation Todt to Norway, left his detachment and escaped to Sweden. In the following two years he maintained contacts with no less than five diplomatic missions in Sweden – Britain, Germany, Japan, Spain and the United States – and provided them with false intelligence in return for money. In May 19
Tillit och omdöme : Perspektiv på tillitsbaserad styrning
Tillit till människors omdöme är grundläggande i demokratin och avgörande för att organisationer och samhällen ska bli framgångsrika. Särskilt viktig är tilliten till de medborgare och professioner som möts i kärnuppdraget. Genom att utgå från behoven i medborgarmötet, i stället för att detaljstyra på långt avstånd, kan den offentliga sektorn förbättra kvalitet, effektivitet och arbetsmiljö. Detta
Tillit : introduktion till tillitsforskningen
Bonusbarnbarn och deras mor- och farföräldrar
Sedan 70-talet har antalet separationer i Sverige ökat med många ombildade familjer till följd. Människor i alla åldrar möter nya partners vilket ofta innebär att också den nya partnerns familjerelationer blir del av ens liv och skapar komplexa familjerelationer i flera led. Nästan hälften av alla frånskilda svenskar är idag i åldrarna 60+ och många av dem lever i, eller har någon gång levt i, omb